Can Drugs Cause Bipolar Disorder

What is the cause of Bipolar Disorder?

Today bipolar disorder is thought to be a biological disorder in the brain caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters. Someone may be prone to having bipolar disorder and it may never surface, but it someone else it will surface, possibly due to environmental factors. The cause is not fully known. I wish it were so my diagnosis of bipolar II could disappear.

Can drugs cause bipolar disorder?

i'm 15 about to turn 16 and i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when i was 14. but when i was 13 i hung out with alot of older people who weren't the best influence and ended up trying drugs. i did pretty much anything i could buy. coke, acid, mushrooms, e, prescribtion pills, ketamine, man anything and massive amounts. now i stay away from that stuff but i feel pyhsco. i have weird thoughts and have tried to commit suicide twice. i been prescribed a bunch a medications but none of them seem to be working. i just want to know if the drugs caused this and am i going to be like this for the rest of my life??

i'm real desperate for answers :/

What causes bipolar disorder?

Well stress and depression mostly causes it to much emotions in one place, mixture of feelings unstable hormones mind bloging situations mental issues(sometiems) things tht are conflicting mentaly ya kno inisde ur mmind

Can a single use of drugs (namely cocaine) cause bipolar disorder?

Here's an article about a guy who was 40 years old and took a high dose of a steroid called prednisone. His "doctors’ theory is that the prednisone turned a latent undiagnosed hypomanic temperament into full-blown bipolar disorder."[1] The steroid was given for an unrelated medical condition. It's well known that stress (and the concomitant steroidal response to it) can induce mania. Mania can usher in the cycle that occurs in bipolar disorder.To be clear, bipolar disorder is usually more severe if it surfaces naturally earlier. So someone who has their first episode at 13 probably has a more severe case than someone who has their first episode in their 20s, etc.It is really rare for people in their 30s or 40s to become bipolar, but it can happen.So if you have a predisposition towards becoming manic and some drug triggers your first mania, that can begin your cycling. You say in your question details that cocaine triggered your first mania.Depending on your age, it's possible you may have never become bipolar if you hadn't done the cocaine — but now you'll never know...Footnotes[1] A Brief Note from an Economist with Bipolar Disorder

Can the stimulant drug Ritalin cause bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder?

Stimulant medications for ADHD do not cause a more serious disorder, such as Bipolar or Schizoaffective.However, if a person has Bipolar or Schizoaffective disorders and then takes a stimulant for ADHD, then the stimulant can trigger a manic episode.

Can bipolar disorder cause drug addiction, and can drug addiction cause bipolar disorder?

Before being diagnosed and finding the right meds to control their mood swings, yes many bipolar people turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with some of their problems. In these cases, both the addiction and the underlying mental illness need to be treated.Many drugs - especially meth - can produce symptoms like mania. Coming down off a high can cause deep depression. But these are problems from drug use, not a mental illness. Stopping use of these drugs will stop the problem.If you are predisposed to bipolar disorder, drug use might be the final trigger, but usually bipolar disorder has an underlying genetic cause. Then trauma, ptsd, abuse as a child, certain viruses in childhood, high stress these are frequently things that happen before the 1st occurrence. Some bipolar patients don’t seem to have any triggering emotional causes, the chemical imbalance in the brain just starts on its own.

Can cannabis abuse bring on bipolar disorder?

Have you been officially diagnosed bipolar? If not and you think you might be, it would be a good idea to have a mental health professional evaluate you.

I know a number of people who self-medicate mood disorders with weed because it makes them feel more stable. I don't think it's the pot that made you bipolar, I think it's the bipolar that got you smoking pot. When you stopped smoking, your mood disorder became more obvious, though, because stopping weed after using it for a long time will make you insomniac and irritable. Then again, I'm not one of those "Reefer Madness, Marijuana Is The Devil's Weed" type of people, either.

If/when you take psychiatric meds for your bipolar illness, be very careful about your drinking and drug use, and preferably avoid both. Alcohol and drugs can reduce or even eliminate the effectiveness of the meds.