Can I Ask You Any Questions About Magic Or Wichcraft

Some questions about Wicca?

Since I'm often accused of being Wiccan or 'trying' to be Wiccan, I thought I'd ask some questions I've been having about the religion. Some questions, though not all, are on the witchcraft aspect, so if you don't practise, just skip those and there's a question for those that don't practise witchcraft too.

1. The threefold law. Do you really view this as a law or a universal truth?
2. The rede. I've read the long version and the short version. Do you consider this pretty poetry, rules of your belief, guidelines or something else?
3. Is Wicca hard polytheistic or soft, or is it up to the practitioner? I've seen so many contradicting statements on this.

For those that practise witchcraft:
4. From what I understand, most Wiccan spells or rituals are highly personalized and created by the user. Why is this? And how do you feel about spells or rituals not created by you, older things, like spells laid out in books like De occulta philosophia libri tres, Galdrabók, and common low spellwork such as the Rroma do, or folk magic from older times?

5. Do you view your spells and rituals as prayer or actual manipulation of energy?

6. How long must someone study or train to be a full fledged Wiccan or practise spellcraft? For my tradition it is something between three and five years--or is there no limit?

For those that don't practise witchcraft:
7. If you don't practise witchcraft, do you find that people assume you do? Is there a reason you don't practise, or do you just not feel like it?

Do you believe in witchcraft/black magic?

Sorry people here jump to conclusions here. I realize you never said black magic and witchcraft were the same; you simply asked if anyone believed in it. Yes I do. I believe in most everything I have seen work with my own eyes. It is not important what we believe, but what you believe. Never base what you believe on something just because others believe in it. Have a really nice day.

Have you had a direct experience of witchcraft, black magic or voodoo?

Yes. My ex made a blood pact with a demon to bind me to her. She promised to turn over her next born child to this demon in exchange (she said she only agreed to the child’s soul bc she didn’t think it she would have another as she’s homosexual). The binding worked but in a messed up way. I returned but not because I truly wanted to. When I left she went somewhat crazy; using heavy drugs, self-harming, letting her mental health decline, and many more terrible things. I went back to a miserable relationship for another 5 years because of guilt. I was convinced she’d kill herself if I left again.Months later things were close to normal and she admits this “binding spell” to me. Ironically, she ended our relationship citing ‘religious issues’ and dove headfirst into the occult. She works closely with and follows instructions of Azazel. Currently she is with a new female who is deeply involved in witchcraft too. She’s lost her job, new car, house, is living in a van across the country and has officially abandoned her 10 year old daughter. She ghosted on me at the end of the summer but for some reason I can’t move on and think of her almost hourly. Logically I know it’s a very toxic, unhealthy obsession with someone who doesn’t care about me in the slightest but it’s unstoppable. I blame her binding spell and the demon who she made the pact. I can only imagine that demon was Azazel as he’s been a steady part of her existence for years now.Sorry for the long, rambling response! I wanted to get as many of the negative consequences that occurred because someone dabbled in darker side of the craft. She regrets what she did in a moment of desperation but not as much as I regret her doing it.

How to do witchcraft?

As pretty much everyone has said before me, magic and witchcraft are not the answers for revenge.Heck,I don't think many revenge spells exist out there, because should you cast said spell, it will Just cone right back nd bite you on the bum.

Witchcraft isn't about doing spells for every little thing that comes along, its pretty much a healing art and a way to both help others and yourself when they or you need it.Also, there is sort fo this basic norm that you always do the natural thing before the magical one, or at least that is what I believe.

As well, should you have cast any sort fo spell during this angered state, I don't believe it would work Just for the fact you aren't concentrating on the spell, you would be dwelling on your revenge and anger.

however if you are serious about looking into witchcraft as a practice, know it is serious and not a game.

Some books authors that would help you are: Scott Cunningham, Raymond buckland, Christopher Penzack, as well stay away from Silver ravenwolf.

A website to check out:

Atheists how can you explain Black magic/ Witchcraft?

Why would an atheist even want to bother explaining something that they do not believe in?
Since I am not an atheist, I don't mind giving an explanation, however, I doubt it's one you will like.
First off, while witchcraft is indeed the art of using magic, there is really no such thing as "black magic". You see, magic (often spelled magick) is nothing more than energy. Witchcraft is basically using that energy to cause a change in one's environment in accordance with their will or intent. Magic itself, though, has no color. No matter what anyone wants to tell you, there is no such thing as black magic, white magic, green magic, grey magic, etc. Often people will link magic with a color to represent their intent, but any magic practitioner is fully capable of causing harm as well as good. It's all in the intent. The energy you put out is the energy you will attract. Ever notice how when you are having a bad day and you get really angry and acting pissy that everything seems to start going wrong all at once? Well, that is what would be called sympathetic magic. Even if you do not realize that you are doing it, you are sending out negative energy, and so that is what comes boomeranging back to you. Now, does that mean that if you think nothing but good positive thoughts that you will have nothing but good come your way? Well, not exactly. It sure would be nice if it worked that way. (But then again, it would be nice if magic worked the way it does on TV and we could just twitch our noses and get what we The bottom line is simple- if we put out positive "vibes" then we will tend to attract positive energy back to us. And then when something bad does happen, at least we will be in a better frame of mind to handle it.
And as for the fortune telling.....don't need a Witch for that. All fortune telling is is taking the possibilities that might come your way and presenting them to you. I've read tarot for over 30 years. I don't claim to be psychic. But the cards can suggest possibilities of what might happen given the situations going on in your life at the time of the reading. The best readers are those who can read body language, facial expressions, and who also know how to ask the right questions. I'll bet your Witch did the same. :-)

Is performing witchcraft/magic as a Catholic considered as a sin? Can Catholics be witches?

Catholics should not be practicing witchcraft any more than they should believe in reincarnation—there’s a contradiction in it. In the same sense that it makes no sense for a person to believe they’ve been saved by Jesus and believe you can come back multiple times, believing/practicing witchcraft makes nature (God’s creation) or Satan (the “enemy”) the object of the adherent.Jesus, and Jesus alone, should be your focus. If you are genuinely Christian, and you had real knowledge about your faith, you wouldn’t even ask a question like this. If you are willing, you should go talk to a priest and ask them the question you raised here.And, for the record, witchcraft and magic are complete BS. You can be a witch but they don’t have magic powers; they can wave their hands and cast spells or whatever but it’s all a bunch of superstitious nonsense; and besides why would you worship trees or some element of Nature as opposed to the one who created that Nature in the first place?

How can I get someone to teach me witchcraft?

Is there an occult bookstore in your area? Inquire within, or check if they have a bulletin board. Seek out online friends who do witchcraft, and ask intelligent questions. Join groups on Facebook, then lurk quietly and read, and eventually, ask intelligent questions.Buy some basic witchcraft primers (beginner books). Learn by reading and trying what they describe.If you live with your parents, and they will freak out, then you have to wait. Very few witches will take on an underage student. And you would have nowhere to practice safely.Read websites, compare, use critical thinking to ascertain which are accurate. Corroboration is a start.Even asking intelligent questions on Quora would work —but nobody ever does. No one ever asks how to set up an altar or how to cast a circle. They all seem to want a tidy little packet of all the witchcraft info ever, just by asking “Can someone teach me?” If you are not willing to work or study, you are wasting their time. It's a long process, a lot lot lot of details. Lots of notes to take and charts to make, before you ever do a spell of any real value.Most people don't even Google before asking for the one-punch knowledge dump. Have you? Are you prepared to really work for it? What's your goal? Is it about power or personal growth? Is it a whim or a burning need? These things matter.Maybe consider these points, and ask better questions, and get better answers.

Has anyone ever used witchcraft.?

Depends on your definition of 'witchcraft'.

If you mean hocus-pocus like in fiction & rumor, like making things go poof or shooting fireballs, no. I don't really believe those things.

If you mean the 'backwards Christian' devil-worshippy things where you meet Satan under the full moon every month to get your assignments of how you're going to thwart Christians, then no. I don't believe in Satan.

If you mean the spiritual art rooted in nature and psychology, then yes, I have been a Witch for a long time (25+ yrs)

Wicca & Witch are not synonymous, btw; most Witches are not Wiccans (religiously). Witches can be of any (or of no) religion.

I happen to be a Wiccan Witch, but just pointing out not everyone is.