Can I Choose To Have A Hospital Bill My Medicaid Instead Of My Private Insurance This Is In Ny

Why is it considered illegal to not have health insurance?

How do I avoid paying for Health insurance in America and still be legal?In the U.S. it is NOT “illegal” to opt out of obtaining Health Insurance.Your choices as an alternative of securing “essential health benefits” are:Pay the Tax PenaltySeek an ExemptionThe Tax Penalty for 2016 is 2.5% of your total household Adjusted Gross Income, or $695 per adult and $347.50 per child to a maximum of $2,085.The tax/penalty can be considered an opportunity cost of purchasing your health insurance. In other words, you are foregoing the $2,085 (savings) off the cost of health insurance if you chose to secure coverage.Though not a huge incentive, in your example, $1,500/month or $18,000 per year would actually be net cost to you of $15,915.No doubt, that is a lot of money. Yet your exposure to a catastrophic loss because of unforeseen medical expenses to you or one of your family members is exponentially higher.

How can i be put on another medical insurance?

Option 1:

Many jobs provide medical insurance. You get one of those jobs.

Option 2:

If you live in one of the few states, such as New York, where insurance companies cannot deny anyone coverage because of a preexisting condition, then (when you turn 19) or your mother (now) apply to an insurance company in that state, and pay however much money that company charges for insurance where you live.

If you live in one of the many states where insurance companies can deny coverage because of a preexisting condition, then you (when you turn 19) or your mother (now) apply to a company in that state, get denied, and then apply to that state's high-risk pool or other program that offers insurance to those who have been denied coverage because of preexisting conditions, and pay however much money that program charges.

Health insurance for college student in NYC?

I am currently attending college full time and working part -time my mother is insured under medicaid and family health plus and so was i untill i turned 21. They informed my mother that since i was 21 i had to apply on my own and when i did they infromed me that my income was above their guidelines(190-240 before taxes weekly) so what am i to do the insurance plan at my job it way too expensive i cannot afford it and i dont even qualify i cant work more bc of school by i need health insurance asap. any tips advice information??? thank for your time.

If you call 911 for ambulance services, but don't get transported to a hospital, are you still charged for the ambulance arrival/patient care?

It depends upon your/the state’s law(s). And sometimes you are only charged for the millage. Or if they've treated you, so for like the equipment, etc.. So say this is the scenario (might not have happened for you, but I’ve come up with this one:)You’re having trouble breathing and/or you or someone you’re with calls 911 for AmbulanceAmbulance and EMS arriveThey initiate oxygen support and fluids and do vital signsYou start feeling better and breathing fine soon after #3 is doneThey ask to transport you to hospital, but you are refusingThe EMS personnel will try to get you to change your mind and explain the risks of you not being transported and treated at hospital(If you’re mentally competent, not under influence of drugs/ alcohol, of legal age, and is fully alert and oriented.) If you meet all of those (again, dependent upon state laws, you may refuse. But an Officer may be called to your location to witness the refusal and you signing off on the documents the EMT’s will give you.)They will probably ask one last time, and if “No” is still the present answer, then they will leave and you may not blame them if you start having issues again. Because you signed the refusal, an officer and EMT’s and a possible 3rd party will have witnessed it and dispatched it probably. Because huge liability for everyone is present, and your condition could worsen and have greater issues if this happens again.I know of course almost everyone is going to worry about costs and such, and that’s normal and means you’re concerned about financial. Maybe something else. But they are very costly.Anyways, it’s better to go when they offer to be on the safe side. Otherwise, have someone else drive you. The EMT’s or whoever else from 911 is on scene could help you call someone to come and drive you to hospital. But again, it’s better just to get checked out. Even if it means going to Urgent Care instead of ER and Ambulance.

Medicine and Healthcare: What is the difference between Medicaid and Obamacare?

Medicaid:Medicaid is a social welfare program designed to provide healthcare coverage for the poor in the United States. Certain people with disabilities can also qualify. Funded both by the federal government and individual state governments, the healthcare program was created to help provide health insurance to people lacking the money or resources to afford coverage. Each state has its own eligibility requirements and policies. The key thing here is: it’s a health insurance program that’s provided and run by the government.Obamacare:Health plans under Obamacare are not provided or run by the government; the government merely helps you find affordable, health coverage through its health insurance exchange (Health Insurance Marketplace ’s “Marketplace”). In some cases, though, you may qualify for an Obamacare subsidy (a sum money from the government to offset some costs) to help you pay part of your monthly health insurance premiums.“Obamacare” doesn’t actually refer to a specific health insurance plan or program. When people say “I have Obamacare,” what they actually mean is “I’m covered by a health plan made available through Obamacare.” The Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) made it so that private health insurers could provide consumers with more affordable healthcare options.Important to note: plans offered by private insurers through the Marketplace (“on-exchange”) differ from healthcare plans that those same private insurers offer outside the Marketplace (“off-exchange”). You can read more about those differences and why they’re different here.

My doctor doesn't take Medicaid. If I show my current bills to a new health insurance provider, will they be able to reimburse?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! The issue is based on date of service. If you switch InsCos (and I don't see how you could do that since you claim to be broke and on Medicaid so how can you now afford commercial insurance but I digress) the new plan will cover bills from the date you agreed to be covered by them forward. They WILL pay additional services on the broken jaw that are needed but nothing that was done while not insuredWhat you are asking for sort of negates the whole idea of insurance. Who would pay monthly premiums for insurance if they knew that AFTER they got sick they could get Insurance to pay their bills?Dr D

Does secondary Medicaid cover the deductible cost of a primary insurance plan?

Medicaid usually covers your deductible, but will pay ONLY up to the Medicaid allowable for coinsurance costs.Here’s a simple scenario. You have Medicare Primary and go to a doctor appointment. That office bills $100 for the visit and uses a CPT billing code. That code is plugged into the Medicare Fee Table and the Medicare allowable for that visit is $80, so the doctor gets a check for $80. Now there’s $20 coinsurance balance.The office bills Medicaid for this $20, showing Medicaid the EOB statement that they already got $80 from Medicare.Medicaid has an allowable Fee Table as well for each belling code, and if that amount equals what the doctor was already paid (the $80), then there isn’t any additional payment from Medicaid.Hope I haven’t totally confused everyone.

What is the best Medicaid plan in New York City?

I am a Medicaid counselor; I work for the city so I can really push which health plan the best. However, five stars quality health plan currently are: Health First, Fidelis and Affinity.