Can I Eat Food With Alcohol In When On Antibiotics

Antibiotics and alcohol a bad mix?

so i got 3 of my wisdom teeth removed yesturday morning and the procedure did not hurt at all. After the surgery, I did not feel much pain at all and managed to eat somewhat hard foods. I have some antibiotics which i am supposed to take 3 times daily,and i also have some T3 with codeine for any pain. I was going to have some drinks today, and I was wondering if it will be dangerous due to the pills i am taking. If i do end up drinking, what would be the better choice, beer or whiskey?

What I shouldn't eat when taking antibiotics?

Calcium found in dairy products interferes with absorption of iron supplements and antibiotics like Cipro and quinolone (Levaquin), so you get less of the active compound circulating in your bloodstream.
High fiber foods affect some antibiotics, such as penicillin. Since fiber slows the rate that the stomach empties, the rate of medication absorption is slowed as well, giving you a lower blood dose than expected. Good luck.

What type of foods should i eat while taking antibiotics?

wow, you got some crazy anwers to this question. the correct answer is that the following antibiotics should not be taken within at least 2 hours before or after (more with some specific antibiotics) ingesting foods that have high amounts of the metal cations calcium, aluminum, magnesium, iron, and or zinc. this would include dairy products high in calcium, multivitamins, magnesium, aluminum, and or calcium based antacids, and certain nutritional supplements... a chemical reaction (chelation) occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and the antibiotic can not be absorbed into the blood stream, which is necessary for it to work. the tetracyclines (tetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline), and the fluoroquinolones (Cipro/ciprofloxacin, Levaquin/levofloxacin, Avelox/moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, and norfloxacin) show the most interactions. some studies have shown the macrolides erythromycin and Zithromax/azithromycin to interact with the metal ions but it is most likely not significant and the other macrolide Biaxin/clarithromycin can be taken with or without any foods.

Can I eat meat when taking antibiotics?

Yes, unless the prescribing doctor said otherwise for the exact, specific antibiotic you are taking.Certain, specific antibiotics cannot be taken with certain, specific foods. Not all antibiotics, and not all foods. An example such food is grapefruit, which affects your body's drug metabolism enzymes. Alcohol is another common forbidden item. I know of no meat that can affect drug metabolism, but I am not a pharmacist. If one exists, for a specific antibiotic, you would already know since your doctor would have told you. Most if not all antibiotics can be taken with meat.Certain drugs might need to be taken on an empty stomach. That means no food, including meat.Take medicine exactly as the doctor prescribed: obey the rules, and do not add your own either.

Can I eat Cheetos on the same day I had Antibiodics?

I took the Antibiotics at 8Am and I didn't take my night pill yet. My Dad bought me a big pack of hot cheetos yesterday because I didn't take my medication because I went on a field trip (Cant be in the sun when having medication) so can I eat hot Cheetos now (its 6:03 my time (California). I really want to know!

I'm on antibiotic flagyl and need to avoid alcohol. Is it safe to take it today?

Today I ate a peppermint...drank a coffee and put 2 tsp of sugar free vanilla coffee creamer in it.A bagel and peanut butter and some chips and guacomole dip. I have looked through the food labels and can't see alcohol listed in anything I have eaten but i'm worried about the vanilla coffee mate from earlier. How will I know if a food has alcohol in it? Will it just say Alcohol or is there hidden words on the nutrition labels? I'm on this medication for a week but i'm terrified to take it to be perfectly honest.

Can I eat cheese curls while taking antibiotics?

what you cannot eat while on antibiotics is…Anything acidic is bad for you while on antibiotics, anything carbonated like beverages, citrus juices, chocolate and tomato products like ketchup…high fiber foods work good if you are losing weight but not if you are taking antibiotics it slows down the absorption to you blood….and of course alcohol beverages and drugs…..self explanatory.dairy products don't eat them until 3 hours after you take your antibiotic..anything else should be ok to eat..I hope this helps!

How long do I wait after eating before I can take my antibiotic pill for an infection?

It depends on the antibiotic.Some you can take anytime, some with 30 minutes of your first bite (ie so that there is food in the stomach with the pill), and some must be taken on an empty stomach (so 30 minutes before eating, or at least 2 hours after). There are also some antibiotics that shouldn’t be taken within an hour of lying down.Contact the doctor who prescribed it, or even better, the pharmacy where you bought it, and ask them for advice specifically for the one you are taking.Antibiotics are a precious and dwindling resource. Taking them properly is critical - it’s great that you’re wanting the best advice. Check with your doctor or pharmacist, and make sure you take the whole box/jar even if your symptoms go away before you finish all the tablets.

Food marinated in alcohol?

From time to time I'll pour some Jack Daniels on chicken or steaks to try and tender the meat. I was thinking of marinating some steaks in Jack Daniels in a bowl with various seasonings.

However I'm concerned that after I cook it, there will still be too much alcohol in the steak for my pregnant wife to consume. I'm anxious to try this, but not so anxious to harm my child. My wife is about four and a half months pregnant. Thanks.