Can I Get Anything From Sharing Food/drinks With My Dogs

DS: do you share food and drink with your dog?

No, and people always compliment his manners when he's around, and it's dinner time. He knows that he's not going to get any while I'm eating, so he doesn't bother being obnoxious.

Could rabies transmit through the sharing of food and drink between an infected and uninfected person?

It is possible (as many cases of rabies in China come from ingesting/handling infected animal products), however I’m not sure the viral load present on the drinking glass of someone with rabies would be sufficient to cause an infection in a non-infected person.

Can cats/dogs get tapeworms by sharing a water/food bowl?

yes, the chances of your dog having worms is very likely. you need to exercise extreme caution when you bring a stray into your home around your other pets, they can carry all kinds of viruses and diseases that can easily be passed onto your dog. you should take your dog in for a check up as well, also make sure he has all his vaccinations and that his own vet is aware he has come in contact with a stray.

EDIT: to the other answerers... you guys to realize cats can carry fleas as well as dogs, right? she isn't just asking if he could get it from the food and water, shes asking if he could have it at all from coming in contact. it could very easily happen.

Have you ever shared food with your dog or cat?

Funny story.So the other day, I got home from working with my grandfather (my grandparents have a fairly big property so there’s always lots of jobs to be done.) I got changed and went to get some snacks, and then went do get a drink or something so left my plate of food in my room. I come back, and my muffin is gone! My beloved banana and choc chip muffin, gone without a trace! Not even the wrapper!I look at my dog, Poppy, who has a guilty look, still wagging her tail and tries to lick my hand. I yell at her for eating my food…she just wags her tail more.So, I wouldn’t say I willingly share my food with my dog, she just seems to think she’ll take it. She’s been known jump up and eat an entire pizza or six hamburgers. She’s half labrador, so I suppose that’s where she gets it from (she’s a labradoodle.)My cat is a little more polite. Although she does jump on the bench and try to eat the butter or my glass of milk which is quite funny.My animals drive my dad crazy, but they’re part of the family, and we all love them really!

Sharing utensils with the dog?

holy crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can he do such thing.he is drawing closer to his grave.dogs don't wash their mouths.and they always carry lice.that habit is extremely bad and dangerous.tell him i said he should stop it.```````````!!!!!!!!**********

My new dog drinks out of my other dogs Water Bowl. Is this OK?

delila is establishing her dominance over daffney. it starts with "owning" her food. as long as the dogs show NO aggression, then its fine. try moving the bowls a distance apart too, or you may need to feed daffney in another area if she doesnt get enough food to eat. if delilah were my dog, i would redirect her to her own bowl just so she cant be more dominant over daffney-but thats what ive always done.

keep in mind, ALL dogs in a household will establish a "pecking order" or there will be one alpha dog, then the others fall behind them. this IS normal!! it also helps the dogs learn their "place" in the chain, and it actually keeps them from being confused and scared and worried about where they belong.

just watch for aggression-there may be none at all. but if there is, be prepared to feed them on opposite ends of the room, and be in there monitoring to make sure they both eat.

Should cats and dogs drink from the same water bowl?

It is safe for a dog and cat to share a water bowl, if they are both the sharing type. My dog and cat have shared a water bowl for 11 years, and they're both just fine. However, do be sure to clean the bowl often. This is mainly because cats are prone/susceptible to issues with bacteria on their chin, which they can get from water bowls (and their food bowl, etc..). And if your dog goes outside sometimes, he or she is more likely to bring in extra bacteria and other such foreign organisms. My cat has always had this problem - she will get pimples and sores on her chin if you don't clean the water bowl well or often enough. Now, this doesn't mean they can't share water bowls - even without a dog sharing its bowl a cat can have such problems, and they don't just get such problems from sharing a water bowl with a dog. So, it is not bad for them to share a water bowl, as long as they both allow the other to use it and as long as it is kept clean for both of their sakes.

Best wishes!

Can pets get rabies from wild animals sharing a food dish?

Yes, it is possible for your dog to get rabies by drinking contaminated water. Rabies can be transmitted by the saliva of infected animals and can be contracted through ingestion. I have no idea how likely it is that these particular raccoons have rabies but I recommend keeping your dog inside until you can get it vaccinated.