Can I Get Into Business School Without Pre-calc

Taking Calculus without precalc?

Is it possible for me to pass calculus in my first semester in college with a A or B without taking Precalc/trig in high school?
I only took alg I, Geo, and alg II.

Maybe I could purchase a copy of "Calculus for Dummies" and do well? or should I spend the extra time by dropping the course and taking Precal (math 135 or 140) first?

All suggestions are welcomed.


Can you take AP Stats without taking Pre-Calc?

I'm going into my senior year, and so far I have taken
Geometry freshman year, Alg. 2 sophmore year, Financial Algebra junior year...

I'm wondering if for senior year it would be ok for me to take AP stats as my math class without having pre-calc/ would it be bad to go into college without any knowledge of calc?! I don't want to double up on math classes because that would be way too much for me...

*I make a B on average in math classes

How can I get into McCombs School of Business if I don't have any AP calculus courses?

Pick another major at UT-Austin, work 3–5 years and then apply for an MBA graduate program. Business undergraduate when you have no work experience and no other education is a waste of your time and money. And why didn’t you take AP calculus? Was it too hard?

CAn I take Ap calculus without taking PreCalculus?

Take a precalc course this summer. You need trigonometry and more experience with advanced algebra concepts. But it's great that you're ambitious and willing to work hard!

I also have to correct a comment made by another answer. Colleges are MUCH more interested in an AP calculus class than your SAT math score. In fact, most competetive colleges want to see AP Calc even if you're not a "math person." I work with lots of students in college prep high schools and that is a fact of college admissions these days. If you get an 800 on your math SAT but you haven't taken calculus, they will actually wonder why you haven't selected a more rigorous curriculum. Many kids with perfect 800 math scores are denied admission to top colleges - they are looking for more than that.

How hard is calculus without pre calc knowledge?

I'm currently a freshman taking Calculus III over the summer; a class which, if you believe the student handbook, is a junior level class. I have never taken pre-calculus. Your question tells me that you, like many, are completely taken with a fear of math higher than basic algebra. A fear which makes about as much sense as parents not vaccinating their children because they were told it would make them autistic.I once put my calculus book on a table and a generic popped-collar frat guy said to his cohorts, "That looks fucking terrible." For reference, this is what my textbook looks like:It is blue. It has text on it. If I couldn't read I probably would've thought it was about beginner music because the integral symbol looks like the beginning of a treble clef. But because there's the word "calculus" the book becomes the goddamn Necronomicon and burns off retinas. I blame television and pop culture for equating calculus with "heinous and particularly difficult mathematics".The disgusting truth of calculus is that it is terribly, horribly simple. There is no magic to it; there is no Asian prerequisite. It's just a question of you and how motivated you are.Returning to the original question. Calculus is not particularly difficult. What you would learn in pre-calculus will almost definitely be gone over in your calculus class. On the off-chance that your professor does not pander to the lowest common denominator, there's always Google.

Do i need pre calculus before calculus?

Yeah, it's best to take pre-calc before calc. My husband teaches calc at the university here and he gets really frustrated when unprepared students try to take his class. If you're wanting to be a doctor, you'll probably need calculus anyway, so you can always take it in college. I took calculus as a senior in HS and then I re-took it when I started college. I understood it a lot better in college because they went more in-depth and explained where all the formulas come from. And college calculus goes at pretty much the same rate as HS calculus. You'd learn the same general principles in 1 year of HS calculus as you would in 2 semesters of college calc.

Will not taking calculus in high school hurt my chances of getting into a moderately competitive college (Madison, Purdue, Ann Arbor) with a major in engineering (I will take Pre-Calc senior year)?

It won’t necessarily hurt you in terms of getting in, but taking it could certainly be helpful. Schools like this generally have an autoaccept range where anybody who has a GPA and ACT above a certain value is accepted without much thought. For the schools you've listed, generally above a 3.8 high school GPA and a 29 ACT are accepted right away. Beyond this, other applicants are reviewed and looked at deeper before they're accepted. This is where things like having taken calculus, or any other college classes can make a difference. Also, volunteering, involvement, diversity, letters of recommendation, and your essay can make a huge difference in whether or not you get accepted.In short, it won't hurt you, but depending on your GPA, ACT, and other involvement it may be worth your time to take it.Good luck! I hope you get accepted, but don't count off smaller, cheaper schools for your first couple of years. Get your general education courses done at half the price, then transfer to the more respected schools to finish your degree.

Is Pre-Calculus really necessary to enter Calculus?

i agree: it seems that when a class is taken by someone who already really knows/understands it (and related topics), the class time will feel easy and maybe even unnecessary.

the people you'd asked about the need for pre-calculus, may have each had any number of influences (even personal) for answering as they did. i'd guess that some courses -- and prerequisites for them -- could be a given school's set "protocol". it seemed that way in my own college days.

for instance...

i've always loved the English language, diction, punctuation, and so on. i felt ready for the most-advanced level of English (Journalism, including authorship) and looked forward to it. fortunately a placement-test eliminated my need to take the series of prerequisite English classes for Journalism. i was so glad: to not repeat lessons already learned in an earlier, office/business school; and to jump directly into the course!

hopefully this helps answer your question. perhaps in the future, you may benefit from any placement tests to determine whether you can advance as quickly as you feel ready to do so! good luck to you in your schooling!

Should I take AP Calculus in my senior year of high school if I want to pursue accounting?

I’ve never heard of high schools offering Pre Calculus 11 and 12 before, breaking up the course into a two-year sequence. Don’t you have to complete both parts before taking AP Calculus? Anyway, taking AP Statistics would be more useful, but if AP Calculus might lead you earning credit for Business Calculus which you will need for the accounting major, then take it. Also check if you can place out of statistics. I would opt for AP Statistics over AP Calculus, especially since will be taking Pre Calculus 12 (I assume the second half of Pre Calculus with the same textbook)