Can I Loose Wieght By Walking Everyday

If i walk everyday will i lose weight?

It has to be a fast walk. not just a casual walk..
but you'd most likely lose weight faster if you run..
and as you said, it hurts your knees, but that is because they're not used to running.
remember, you have to build up your fitness. so do short stints everyday, then go longer and longer and soon your knees won't hurt.
or you can start running and if your knees start hurting, slow down into a brisk walk, then carry on running again.
Also, make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet to go along with this exercise!
Good luck!

Will walking everyday help me lose weight?

Hi there,

I think you might be getting a little mixed up with what you want exactly. You say that you want to lose "weight" but that means you might want to get rid of some muscle too. You then say that you'd like to "shape" (I'd call it tone) your body a little which implies you want to build some muscle. I'm not trying to pick at your question - I just want to clarify the point for you.

To answer it in the best way, I am going to look at it as if you want to get rid of fat AND build muscle at the same time. If you're looking to "trim" and "tone" your body, and espectially because you suggest you are not that overweight, I would suggest you start performing more intensive aerobic exercises such as jogging. I wouldn't think you need to change the whole way you eat or go on a diet because if you're wanting to build muscles - it's better to do it all with exercise.

Exercises like jogging won't exactly "build" your muscles on your stomach but they will help reduce the extra fat around there. Depending on how fit you are, you should go on daily or bi-daily jogs of around a mile. To build muscles, you should concentrate on anaerobic exercises such as sit-ups to help build muscles.

These muscle-building exercises will give your muscles the toning and training they need to grow and become more prominent. To start to see a real difference with sit-ups, you should be looking to do no more than 100 every day (more than that will often hurt your muscles).

If you stick to doing those two forms of exercise - jogging and sit-ups, you should see real improvements in a week or two. Remember, you should do them as often as you can (I.E every single day).

Can I lose weight by walking my dog every day?

It depends on your diet. Loosing weight (for humans, dogs, cats, whatever) is a matter of burning more calories than you consume. Walking a dog every day WILL increase the number of calories you consume (vs. not walking at all). But if you're still eating more calories than you are burning on your walk then you won't loose any weight at all.

Walking is excellent exercise and many people loose quite a bit of weight just by walking. Watching your diet and reducing the amount of high calorie foods that you eat will make an exercise routine even more effective.

As for how long a dog can walk for, that depends on many factors. With large breed puppies such as dobermans you do have to watch the amount of exercise as working a puppy too hard before their growth plates close can actually damage their growing skeleton. And an 8 week old puppy is not going to be able to go nearly as far as an 8 month old puppy (just like you can't expect a two year old child to walk or hike as long as you would expect a 12 year old to hike). Until your puppy is at least 6 months old I probably wouldn't walk more than a mile at the most (how long that takes depends on how fast you walk and how often you stop to let the dog sniff). After 6 months you can start doing longer walks. By the time the dog is an adult they can literally walk all day long.

Will jogging/walking every day help me lose weight?

YES! OF COURSE! Well done for trying out the exercises and walking as this is highly beneficial to your health let alone for losing weight. Your calorie intake seems to be good, keep it at the 1500 calorie intake sounds healthy enough, just as long as they are not mostly bad in fatty food/choc/junk...if you go walking everyday it is very good and maybe jogging three times a week or twice as long as your walking is good, and while you're walking, try and walk a bit faster (power walking..Brisk walking) as this will pump up your heart even more thus leading to more blood circulation to you organs and muscles which in return can help burn off fat/Calories) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.,...this is very important and try and not eat after 8, and even if you cant help it (like me) make it small or snack on fruits that you love.AND MAKE SURE you start off the day with BREAKFAST! this will kick start your metabolism, make you crave less during the day.
Good luck... AND DON'T GIVE UP!

Can I lose my weight if I walk 60 minutes every day?

You will have to control what you eat, as well. The human body has its deep-rooted, strong, primitive and effective ways of stopping you from losing weight; this could mean that if you exercise for 60 minutes and burn 400 calories, your appetite will increase, to regain those calories, and if you don’t, your NEAT will lower for the rest of the day, et cetera.If you keep your diet EXACTLY the same, you will most likely lose weight. But if you don’t control/measure/calculate, you will later overeat whatever calories you’ve just burned,

If I start walking every day 3 miles will I lose weight? And how much? If I walk 3 miles every day for about 1 week.

Many people say walking in the weight loss, walking is not working for him. But it is known in the study that this walk habit of burning an additional 500 calories of your body every hour for 1 hour. Still why do not you lose weight? In fact, the fault is not the walk here, the fault is some of the habits during your walk. Walking away we make many mistakes in the case of losing weight without knowing ourselves. The result can be increased instead of losing weight! We must keep a watch on walking as well as walking on the other side. Do not stop all fat foodsWhile walking or running, many people want to lose weight without eating fat. But there is no substitute for fat to work continuously in our bodies and to produce energy faster. In this case, eating fish made from different fish or plant seeds will be avoided by avoiding the fat or sugar found in the organism's body. Otherwise, you will not get the strength when you need it. Do not skip mealsNever stop eating a regular meal for weight loss. By closing the meal you will not be able to run or lose weight. On the contrary, you can become weak In this case experts are advised that you eat a little bit 6 times a day. Not eating at all. But if you eat more than two times in accordance with this advice, extra fat may accumulate in your body. Be aware of the gifts you give yourselfDo you want to give yourself a gift? Maybe a pizza or ham burger in the week. Or energy drinks to roam around. But once a week you will not lose weight by eating this food or chocolate yourself. You will not be able to lose weight by taking more than one day to lose the amount of calories you run every day or walk. So at this time you can give yourself a book. Or can you come here to watch movies? But watch out for the movie even in food. Learn to recognize your own hungerYou may be angry, or your mind is upset. Do not ever think you're hungry. Do not eat food for no reason. Not even to rid yourself of anger or bad thoughts. Drink enough waterKeep a bottle of water while you walk or walk. From there you will drink plenty of water. Because running or walk, your body will lack water and feel a bit tired. At times you may feel your hunger. But then nothing should be eaten. At this time, drink more water and fill your stomach.Related Article:"Foods that increase female lubrication"

If i walk 1 mile everyday will i lose weight?

Burn more calories than you take in. That's the only way to lose weight. So to answer, will you lose weight if you walk (only) a mile a day? Sure, if you're limiting calories.

Kudos for starting to exercise. Try to keep it up.

If I walk every day for 2 hours will I lose weight?

Hi I am a 15 year old overweight girl. I am 5'0 and I weigh 123 lbs. I am trying to lose 30 pounds by December :) I want to be 90 lbs. The only problem is that I literally can't work out, I have a treadmill and as hard as I try, I can't run more than 5 minutes without feeling like i'm going to die, I think because I am so out of shape. I try and try to do exercises but I can't do them right because I just can't take it :( I'm currently eating really healthy though, I only eat things like chicken breast, brocolli, spinach, celery, lentils, carrots, almond milk, and more vegetables, and fruit. I also only drink water and coconut water. So my question is, if I walk for 2 hours every day and eat healthy like I am, will I lose 30 pounds by December? I'm also going to try to run a little bit every day. But I don't think i'll get very far. If you can give me some tips or advice about how I can run more i'd really appreciate it too. Thank you :)

Does walking around campus everyday help you lose weight?

Yes. Wlaking is great cardio that targets the body in its entirety