Can I Take A Kitten Home At 6 Weeks If There Eating Sold Food

When can kittens begin eating wet food?

Around 4–5 weeks, they’ll get interested and may try to eat it. Their actual food however is still their mother’s milk.Around 6 weeks, they CAN survive without milk, but it’s still the healthier option. After 2 months, milk gets increasingly less important and they shift to solid food, both wet and dry. At 3 months, milk is basically comfort food: they love cuddling up to their mom for a snack, but that’s all it is. Usually mom wil have started weaning them at this point, ie refusing to lie down so they can suckle, perhaps even making irritated noises to shoo them off.If you have a kitten of less than 8 weeks, buy cat formula from the vet.

How Do I Get My Kittens To Eat Solid Food?

The best time to separate a kitten from its mother is between
seven and eight weeks of age. It is at this point that weaning
has been completed (the switch from nursing mother's milk to
eating solid food) and a kitten can best adjust to living in a
strange home with a new family. If taken away too early, kittens
may have to be bottle-fed by their new families and frequently
behave badly due to premature departure from the nest.

Kittens need milk feeding for the first four to five weeks of
life, so formula needs to be provided for a newborn kitten in
cases where the mother cat is unable to nurse it. If a kitten is
orphaned when it's two weeks old, for example, it needs to be
bottle-fed for at least another two weeks until it can be
introduced to solid food at four weeks.

I have a 5 week old kitten and shes not eating, shes eaten for her previous owner but wont eat for me!?

She may find the change in homes a little confusing, stay calm with her and be patient. She may be too young yet to leave her Mom and brothers or sisters. Would the person you got the kitten from let her come back for 2 or 3 more weeks? If not: try to keep her eating the same food she was getting at her home. Changing a kittens food can upset their stomachs and give them diarrhea. If they refuse to eat the food, try a little canned kitten food, choose the stinkiest one, cats and kittens like smelly food, she will be more likely to eat it. Don't give her cows milk, it is hard for kittens to digest, make sure she has plenty of clean water in a dish she can easily drink from.

Good luck, I bet she is the cutest thing ever!

7 week old kitten won't eat solid fooood?

Be patient, she's only 7 weeks. Most kittens are not fully weaned until 8 weeks, but some take longer. The mother cat will eventually wean her as her milk dries up and she'll start eating solid foods.
I would suggest letting her stay with Mom until she's ready.

6 week old kitten won't drink water, but eats food just fine. help!?

It has been years since I've had a kitten. Just got a 6 week old kitten yesterday and she hasn't drank a drop of water, but eats canned food just fine. Will she get enough fluid from the food, or should I supplement with kitten milk from pet store? Does anyone know for sure. Our first vet visit isn't for 4 days and I'm worried she may get dehydrated. Any real answers are appreciated. Thank you.