Can I Take Apart A Guitar Pedal By Myself I Want To Know The Working Principle Of The Pedal

Can i take apart a guitar pedal by myself,i want to know the working principle of the pedal?

Unless you have a degree in electrical engineering, simply taking it apart and looking at it won't teach you a damn thing. You'll just see a bunch of surface mount components that you have no idea what they do or what they even are. I seriously doubt you could even tell a capacitor from a resistor, much less understand the role they play in the circuitry.

When I was taught to drive a car with a manual transmission it was beaten into me that you either fully engage or disengage the clutch, you never went halfway. In that regard, using the clutch only to hold the car in position on an incline is a recipe to wear it out quicker and get that awful smell of it burning. Reading the other answers, I had heard about using the handbrake only recently and have tried it and found it is effective but it does take a little practice.My preferred method is only to use my feet and quickly get on the gas and then use the clutch to smoothly engage the drivetrain. As far as rolling back, there would be a little of this and typically would only be at most about a foot or so. The real nervous part would be when the hill was particularly steep and the car behind was literally right on my bumper so that foot of rollback was now making me kiss his bumper. In a situation such as this, say at a red light on a hill, I would add another maneuver. I would slowly release the clutch pedal while my right foot was on the foot brake holding the car still. I would continue to ease off the clutch pedal until I reached the point where I could feel or hear the engine just starting to labor. Having found this point I would then gently re-apply pressure on the clutch pedal to keep it just below this position (only about a 1/2 to 1 inch from this point) By keeping it here I am not allowing the clutch to wear but I am also just on the edge of engaging the drivetrain. I would do this maneuver as the light turned yellow so that I would not have to hold that position too long and risk fatigue of my leg making me drift away from that point in either direction. Then when the light turned green I would ease off the clutch pedal and give it some gas and it would not drift back at all and it would be just as if I was starting off on a flat surface.

You cannot convert it into electric guitar. Though you can install pickups and volume buttons and can plug it into an amp and buy a processor to play with various effects like distortion.But my friend electric is electric. It will still not sound as accurate and pleasant as electric guitar.Also, if you want a guitar which is both acoustic and electric, you can buy hollow body electric guitars. Check out these guitars-hollow body electric guitars.#quorarist

Can a gas diffuse in a gas?how about a gas in a liquid?give example?

diffusion is the movement of paricle from a region of higher conc. to a region of lower conc. therefore a gas can diffuse in a gas if either one is conc. in one point and the same goes for gas in liquid

example: u can smell the fart of someone else even though he's sitting at the other end. that's because his fart diffused into the air you breathe in.