Can Somebody Explain This To Me

Can somebody explain to me in Java...?

"Shadowing" is where you have two variables or methods with the same name and one "casts a shadow" on the other one to determine which one is used.

"Overriding" is when two methods have the same name and the same method signature and the method in the more specific class, "overrides" the method that would have been inherited from a super class if the method were not overriden.

"Overloading" is when two methods have the same names but have different method signatures.

"Dynamic Binding" is when which method is called is determined at run-time instead of at compile-time.

"Vector Dispatch" ... I don't know what that is.

Can somebody explain this to me?

Hopefully you're not seeing this error on your phpMyAdmin screen! I'm assuming you have a PHP application that's generating this error. If you weren't getting the error before, but you are now, that probably means you upgraded your PHP version and the way you were connecting to your database is using the old extension.PDO is an abstraction that allows you to write the same code regardless of the type of database you are connecting to. You should use it, especially since your code will eventually stop working one day when you upgrade again.

Can somebody please explain this to me?

factoring is basiclly figuring out what in common in an equation.

4t + 9t can be factored because both 4t and 9t have a 't' in them.

6k + 9m can be factored because both 6 and 9 are divisable by 3. (6/3=2 and 9/3=3)

4k + 9m have no common factors. The two numbers are not divisable by a common divisor and k and m are two different variables. do you understand? let me know if it is not clear enough.

Can somebody explain to me what 1RM?

1 rep max, the max amount of weight you can lift once in a specific exercise. The link below is site where you can find a calculator to help you calculate your 1rm. Some workout plans use a % of your one rep max to determine the amount of weight you will lift.

Can somebody explain this Java code to me?

First of all, it’s a simple code of reversing an array using JAVA.1. Scanner sc=new Scanner(System[dot]in);Scanner : A scanner is a class defined in java.util, which allows the user to read the data of various types like int,char,String.System[dot]in: An input Stream which is generally connected to keyboard input of console programsThe object of the scanner class is created , it will invoke the constructor of scanner class with argument System[dot]in.2. int[] alph = new alph[10];an array alph of size 10 is declared which takes integers as an input.3. for (int i=0; i

Can somebody explain to me this C# code line by line in plain English?

Seems like asp code in a shit condition here is your answer There are four function and one globar SQLConnection variableFunctions1.Page_LoadThis function checks for the user id in the session if the id consist it updates the label text with the user id.2.Button_click (event)This function is a button click event and its basic role to (yea the useless code) get the color from resgistration table  as per the supplied user id. but let me tell you this code is shit, dont ever ask these stupid questions.3.SafeEquals (this function has no role in this class)

Can somebody explain me this python code?

I hope that you're familiar with this line of codea= [i for i in range(7)]
This code returns a list of integers [0,1,2,3,4,5,6](Python is line to line interpreter) now, you can replace the first 'i' with anything, you can use if else conditions, you can write another for loop, binary operations, etc.‘’.join() accepts a list of str. ‘for a in s' makes a to start iterate over s, as I said, you can replace this first 'i' of that code with if else, so, you replaced witha + 'o' + a if a in consonants else a
That single line, if it were to be written in a more meaningful way, then it would bex = []
for a in s:
if a in consonants:
x.append(a + 'o'+ a)
The things which should be done if a 'if' condition follows must be written before the if statement and the things which should be done when if doesn't follow should be written after the else word.A=[i if i%2==0 else 2*i for i in range (7)]
A=[0,2,2,6,4,10,6] (I hope you got it how the list A generated)I hope you understood how your code works

Can somebody explain to me the usage of "For when" in this sentence, “For when economists tackled the question, they started from the observation that when people put something up for sale they try to get as much for it as they can, …”?

It seems a little odd out of context. Usually, you can replace “for when” with “when the time comes that” giving “when the time comes that economists tackle the question…” But the tense of “tackle” is wrong in this sentence.In general, “for when” is referring to a time in the future that an action in the present or past is being reserved for. So:“Why are you hoarding the Twinkies?”“For when the apocalypse comes and the world runs out.”