Can Someone Explain/ Show Me How More Oxygen Increases Physical Performance

Do mouth guards really increase athletic performance?

I play basketball and recently bought the Underarmor Armorbite mouthguard and have not used it yet. It says that it increases endurance and strength but I personally think its full of ****. Can anybody tell me if its true that it (or any mouth gaurd ) helps with endurance and also if anybody has used this mouth guard before can you please give me a review. Thank you

Why does adrenaline make us perform better?

Adrenaline is produced by your Endocrine System, usually in response to what your mind/body perceives to be a threat to survival. Adrenaline is most often associated with your body's "fight or flight" response. "Fight or flight" response can be triggered by severe nerves or even by anticipation of the possibility of failure or defeat. This "fight or flight" response heightens your senses, increases heartrate and respiration, thus increasing the amount of oxygen present in your blood stream which in turn feeds muscle tissue and allows you to exert your muscles more intensely than you would otherwise be able to. That's it in a nutshell.

What could explain a sudden increase in running stamina?

Had a lot of coffee or tea, specifically within a few hours of that run?

Caffeine (small amounts, half a cup of coffe perhaps) is often suggested for runners with asthma and other breathing disorders that aren't bad enough to entirely prohibit them from doing sports. Some of the side effects of caffeine help increase oxygenated bloodflow.

I ran XC with a girl who had mild asthma, and her doctor prescribed this. She drank a cup of coffee 1 hour before our races (3 miles), and never had to use her inhaler during or after a cross country race as a result.

Not saying this is a cure-all for your condition, your inhaler and your doctor's instructions are the most important. But give the doc a call to confirm that this is safe to try and see if it helps.

Some days are better than others for runners. For those of us who race, we just hope we're having a good day on race day. There will be days that you do much better than others.

Remember to choose a best answer (extend your deadline and wait a few days), and tell us if you've had more good days or if you did indeed revert back to struggling.

Question involving VO2 max and calculation oxygen intake?

The physical fitness of athletes is measured by "Vo2max" which is the maximum volume of oxygen consumed by an individual during incremental exercise (for example, on a treadmill). An average male has a VO2max of 45 mLO2/kg body mass/min, but a world-class male athlete can have a reading of 88.0 mlO2/kg body mass/min.

Calculate the volume of oxygen in mL consumed in 1 hr by an average man who weighs 180lbs and has a VO2max reading of 47.6 mL O2/kg body mass/min.

It'd be awesome if the "how" of doing it were included, since this is a variation of my actual question.

How does respiratory volume relate to athletic performance?

increased lung capacity equals increased oxygenation of blood equals greater strength and endurity

VO2 Max Question (Calculate the volume of oxygen, in mL, consumed in 1 hr by an average man who weighs 186..)?

There is something not clear in the question. Is VO2max the amount consumed per hour?

If so, then the calculations are straightorrward: I'll set them up and let you do the math.

a) Calculate the volume of oxygen, in mL, consumed in 1 hr by an average man who weighs 186lbs and has a VO2max reading of 47.6mL O2/kg body mass/min.

186 lbs = (186 lbs)*(___ kg/lb) = ____ kg

(47.6mL O2/kg)*(____ kg) = ___ mL O2

b) If this man lost 15lbs , exercised, and increased his VO2max to 64.7mL O2/kg body mass/min, how many mL of oxygen would he consume in 1 hr?

186 lbs - 15 lbs = 171 lbs
171 lbs = (171 lbs)*(___ kg/lb) = ____ kg

(64.7 mL O2/kg)*(____ kg) = ___ mL O2

Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise?

Increased muscular work need increased amounts of oxygen which need to be delivered by the blood. This means that an increased volume of blood is needed. The heart can do this in two ways, pump a larger volume of blood per stroke or pump more often. Since the heart cannot drastically increase size, it needs to increase the heart rate.Voila, the need for oxygen then basically controls the heart rate.

Why does one’s breathing rate and heartbeat increase during vigorous exercise?

During exercise the muscles need more blood and oxygen. To meet that demand the lungs draw more oxygen from the air and the heart pumps faster to send that oxygen to the muscles.I hope it helps.

Are there any foods, drinks or supplements to increase blood oxygen levels for exercise?

Here’s a simple way you can get more oxygen into your blood and into your brain from home which I shared on this article about oxygen therapy.Omega-3s Boost Oxygen Intake and DeliveryHere’s a simple, natural way to get more oxygen into your blood and into your brain. And you can do it right from home.You may already know the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are good for the heart and the brain.Fatty acids play a role in the structure of all cell membranes in your body. Omega-3 fatty acids hold their shape better. This makes red blood cells more ‘flexible,’ so they move more easily between the capillaries and cells, delivering oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.But fish oil does more than ease oxygen delivery, it also improves oxygen intake in the lungs and promotes angiogenesis.A study from the University of California observed fish oils relaxed arteries in the lungs and led to an overall increased oxygen intake into the lungs.5Another study from the University of Indiana noted fish oil supported continuous blood flow to and from the lungs in asthmatic patients, who often experience constricted breathing and shortness of breath after exercise.6Diets enriched with fish oil increased the number of endothelial progenitor cells which play a role in new capillary growth.7Fish-oil supplements can be found just about everywhere these days, but it’s important to choose a brand with the highest purity and efficacy.Honestly, I don’t recommend plain fish oil anymore. It’s poorly absorbed compared to newer discoveries, like krill and calamarine (squid). These lesser-known options are better equipped to keep your cells, tissues, and organs fully oxygenated.You can find krill and calamarine supplements like Omega Rejuvenol at your local vitamin or health food stores.