Can Someone Explain The Concept Of How Hard Work Equals Success.

People still think hard work equals success in America?

When people say with a straight face that success is all about education, hard work, and determination I can't believe how incredibly ignorant that is... That's only true during favorable economic times when working to get an education is actually rewarded with jobs in that respective field. Nowadays we have college graduates working at McDonalds. They paid many times more for college than their parents and grandparents but got nothing for it.

Pondering, can anyone refute this maxim "Hard work equals success"?

I am open to all opinions.


. (Definition of "success' for this question: I suggest that inheriting a lot of money does not indicate success.)

Why do people seem to think that Hard work equals Success?

The short answer is that in most successful people's experience, the root of their success is hard work. Sure, there are a few people who stumbled into their fortunes: mathematically, that makes sense and the odds are about the same as a lottery. Some people are born into wealthy families. A few happened to be in the right place at the right time. Looking for a success strategy from these people isn't likely to work for you unless you are in a similar circumstance.But if you talk to people who achieved their dreams and are successful, they'll all tell you that they out worked everyone else. Read their biographies, their level of commitment is incredible. It absolutely is hard work. But it is work with a purpose.The caveat to the "hard work" advice is that hard work alone is not a guarantee of success. I know many people who work hard all day long and go nowhere. You have to have direction and goals. Your "hard work" has to move you forward and create value. Running on a treadmill is hard work, but you aren't going anywhere. It's the same at work: You don't get promoted to CEO by just answering emails and attending meetings. You have to make things happen. If you're putting in extra time at the office or at work, make it count. Think in terms of "what did I accomplish today", and not "what did I do today". Do meaningful work. Think of it this way: Hard work is the key ingredient for success, but it's not the only thing in the soup. Hard work has to be combined with other things to be successful.Hope this was helpful.

Does money/wealth equal success?

well seeing as "success" is subjective, that would vary from person to person

Hard Work + Prayer = Success?

Depends how you define success, and what your motivation for prayer is. Work + prayer is the same as the old latin Ora (pray) et labora (work)

Both praying and working are found in the Bible. Prayer is first for a reason. Go to God first, pray in thanksgiving (you have a lot to be thankful for!) pray in supplication, (ask God to help you with all things, including strenghtening your faith.) Pray in Jesus name (he died for you, and is the source of your salvation.)

Then work out of the motivation of thankfulness for all that He has done for you. Consider success to be:
1 you are faithful in all things small AND large
2 you have the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding keeping your heart in Christ Jesus
3 you have your heart and mind set on heaven where Christ is seated at God's right hand.
4 you can do all things in Christ who strengthens you.

Give your troubles totally over to Christ, and then receive strength from Him and all your brothers and sisters, those who are faithful to Him

How is hard work related to success?

A few issues with your question.Everyone has a different definition of success. Some value starting a family as success or buying a sports car as success. It varies from person to person.There’s more than one variable to success, not just hard work. So no, hard work alone won’t bring you success. IQ, consistency, efficiency, and networking are other makeups of success besides hard work. Do you need all of them? Nope, maybe just a few. Can you have all of the above and still not be successful? Sure thing.I do believe however that hard work is a must in order to accomplish your life goals. Nothing great ever comes from being lazy.Any other questions, just ask!

What is the meaning of "Work hard, play hard"?

To me, this is an old diehard comment for those who view life as a game or sport.  Generally, the meaning is that you should put your 100% effort into everything that you do.  While this is true in a sense, it should not place you into a pressure-cooker for you to be "all that you can be" without boiling over.The basic premise is that you should do the opposite of the namby-pamby; that ineffective, wimpy, whining candy asses don't have much to offer.  (right, usually not!)Of course, there is a middle ground, and not all things need to be done with cut-throat intentions. Something like "place your best foot forward" and "do the best you can with what you have" are better approaches.For all intents and purposes, most ads in the media are not real-life situations.I was an athlete in school, but seldom was it for me to kill the opponent.  Winning is something, but not everything.  My teammates may disagree, but I was into it for the sport and competition and not so much for "do-or-die" situations.  I suppose some of this has to do with maturity.You should do something great for yourself, as the best is possible, but for me-- I am a diehard for solutions.  The more solutions that I have to offer, then the better I feel about my achievements.That's my perspective.thanks for asking.