Can Someone Explain What These Symptoms Mean Stomach

What do these sharp stomach pains mean?

Ok that is really strange because I also have been on a birth control, yasmine, and my 2nd week of pills starting spotting that lasted for 3 weeks, cramping through this whole time. I started freaking thinking I was pregnant, took 2 tests a week apart, both negative, then last Friday I got this insane cramping starting in my uterus and ovaries, moved to my stomache, and my lungs- when I breathed in it hurt like crazy. It lasted an hour and I thought I was gonna die, or was having a miscarriage. Afterwards my stomache and muscles were all tender. But I didn't have like gas, or diarrea, or bleeding. So weird, so I have a pap smear and examination on Friday the 7th.

So to answer you, I would go to the Dr. because they can know if your pregnant right away just by an examination, even if the test is negative. It sucks waiting for a period, cuz its all you think about.

Cramping is a sign of pregnancy too, along with all the other ones your having, and it doesn't mean something is wrong.
I have had nausea too but I have noticed that birth control can sometimes give you signs of pregnancy (I have 2 kids so I definitely know the symptoms). And I really feel like I'm not pregnant. Why do you think your birth control didn't work?

Can someone give you the stomach flu before they show symptoms?

i went to lunch with my friend amanda.... we shared cheese dip *which she says she didnt double dip* and then that nite she ended up coming down with the stomach flu. I am afraid of catching it. I didn't know if u could contract from someone if they havent showed symptoms yet.

What Does Insomnia And Stomach Ulcers Mean?

Insomnia (from Latin "in" meaning "not", and "Somnus" meaning "sleep") is most often defined by an individual's report of sleeping difficulties.[1] While the term is sometimes used in sleep literature to describe a disorder demonstrated by polysomnographic evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often defined as a positive response to either of two questions: "Do you experience difficulty sleeping?" or "Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?"

Thus, insomnia is most often thought of as both a sign and a symptom[] that can accompany several sleep, medical, and psychiatric disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality. Insomnia is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. One definition of insomnia is difficulties initiating and/or maintaining sleep, or nonrestorative sleep, associated with impairments of daytime functioning or marked distress for more than 1 month."
Insomnia can be grouped into primary and secondary, or comorbid, insomnia. Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder not attributable to a medical, psychiatric, or environmental cause. A complete diagnosis will differentiate between:

* insomnia as secondary to another condition,
* primary insomnia co-morbid with one or more conditions, or
* free-standing primary insomnia.

Stomach Ulcers
A peptic ulcer, also known as PUD or peptic ulcer disease is the most common ulcer of an area of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic and thus extremely painful. It is defined as mucosal erosions equal to or greater than 0.5 cm. As many as 70–90% of such ulcers are associated with Helicobacter pylori, a spiral-shaped bacterium that lives in the acidic environment of the stomach; however, only 40% of those cases go to a doctor. Ulcers can also be caused or worsened by drugs such as aspirin, Plavix (clopidogrel), ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs.

Contrary to general belief, four times as many peptic ulcers arise in the duodenum (first part of the small intestine, just after the stomach) rather than in the stomach itself. About 4% of stomach ulcers are caused by a malignant tumor, so multiple biopsies are needed to exclude cancer. Duodenal ulcers are generally benign.

What are the causes of twisted stomach symptoms in humans?

A volvulus refers to abnormal twisting of a part of the large or small intestine. This twisting may lead to a bowel obstruction, which can cause severe complications.In infants, volvulus of the small intestine often occurs due to malrotation. Malrotation occurs when a problem with the way the intestines form causes them to settle in the wrong place in the abdomen. This can cause the intestines to twist or become blocked.In adults, causes of a sigmoid volvulus include:an enlarged colonabdominal adhesions that develop after surgery, injury, or infectiondiseases of the large intestine, such as Hirschsprung's diseasea colon that is not attached to the abdominal walla narrow connection at the base of the colonchronic constipationpregnancy

Why do you get butterflies in your stomach when you like someone?

Why do you get butterflies in your stomach when you like someone?Infatuation, colloquially known as “like-liking” someone, prompts the brain to release this chemical called phenylethylamine, which apparently is this addictive, mood-altering thing. This, in turn, triggers the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine.Dopamine gives you a feeling of pleasure and gratification in response to phenylethylamine’s addictiveness.Meanwhile, norepinephrine increases your blood pressure and is responsible for your sweating, hyperventilation, and the butterflies in your stomach.Also, the decrease in serotonin while this happens pretty much reduces your “relaxed and chill”-ness, intensifying the symptoms, making you significantly less chill, and more likely to be obsessive over whoever you “like-like”.Good luck with the hell of having a crush on someone :^D

What are symptoms that you're going to vomit?

When I get a churning feeling in my stomach and start salivating excessively,and my stomach and throat feel hot but I'm having chills,then I make sure,if I have time,to grab a pail to put by my bed. Last time I had that feeling,about a week ago,I wasn't fast enough. Threw up all over the floor,the bed and myself. Managed to grab the trash can because I wasn't done yet.

What is the medical term meaning stomach pain?

The medical term for stomach pain symptoms is called dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a terms to describe indigestion or pain in the upper abdomen. This symptom can be from a myriad of upper gastrointestinal disorders. Some of the most common one are gastritis, peptic ulcer, GERD, cholecystitis, and pancreatitis.

Symptoms of Bloat (Gastric Torsion) in dogs?

Signs of Bloat

The classic signs of bloat are restlessness and pacing, salivation, retching, unproductive attempts to vomit, and enlargement of the abdomen. The dog may whine or groan when you press on his belly. Thumping the abdomen produces a hollow sound.

Unfortunately, not all cases of bloat present with typical signs. In early bloat the dog may not appear distended, but the abdomen usually feels slightly tight. The dog appears lethargic, obviously uncomfortable, walks in a stiff-legged fashion, hangs his head, but may not look extremely anxious or distressed. Early on it is not possible to distinguish dilatation from volvulus.

Late signs (those of impending shock) include pale gums and tongue, delayed capillary refill time, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, rapid and labored breathing, weakness, and collapse.

If the dog is able to belch or vomit, quite likely the problem is not due to a volvulus, but this can only be determined by veterinary examination.

Stomach flu vs Food posioning?

My brother came over today saying he was so sick yesterday. He was puking and had diarrhea... which made me freak out because of the swine flu and all. As I tried to kick him out of the house, he kept saying it was food posioning, that his in-laws took him out to dinner, and he had chicken which could have been bad.

He said he was feeling great before he went to help his inlaws build a deck... then it was in the 70's yesterday so he was in the hot sun for most of the day.

Then he went to eat after taking a quick shower, and within an hour started feeling punky, then a bit after that started with diarrhea, then puking... so it had to be either food posioning, working in the heat, or both... because he was feeling great before and feeling good today.

(in fact he ate about 10 of the cookies my mom made, and a plate of casserole.) I didn't really care because I had the stomach flu once and it kind of came on suddenly. I felt ok most of the day, then started feeling light headed, then just got really sick... and I wasn't going through that again. it's been 9 years since I've puked and I want it to be 90 more years before I puke again!! so I basically kicked him out of the house and proceeded to use those Lysol wipes to sanitize places he had or may have touched. (I'm usually not that bad, but with this swine flu, with having OCD when it comes to puking, and the fact that I'm asthmatic and being sick is harder than normal on me... I freaked out.)

but that makes me wonder... how do you know if it's like a 24hr stomach bug vs. heatstroke vs. the stomach flu?