Can Someone Give Me Some Advice As To How To Improve My Look

I want to improve my English. Can you give me some advice?

Sure you can improve your English, at any age and stage. You say you are quite confident about your pronunciation and vocabulary. That means you have won almost half the battle! As for your ‘problem’ with making sentences, that can be solved, too.Take care of how you write. Check before you submit. For example, note whether the names begin with a capital letter, or the ‘I’ is not ‘i’. These things matter a lot in texted communication.Since you are confident about your vocabulary, you would be confident about your grammar, too. You just need to make sure that the sentences that you come up with are grammatically correct.When you are speaking, try speaking slowly, and use short sentences, so that the grammar does not get confusing. When you speak slowly, you get enough time to construct the sentence correctly within your mind, and then speak it. Writing is easier because you can see what you have written (or typed) and correct it, before sending the matter anywhere.Take care of your spellings.Read a lot. Read various kinds of things, so that you get acquainted with various styles and ways of expressing yourself in English. This is a great way of improving your grasp on the language.Of course, you can always join a class that can teach you how to use English better; or seek the help of a private or online tutor, to get customized help. All you have to do is post your requirement with a website that is associated with education, and the portal can get in touch with you immediately, to help you find any institute, class or tutor that you may require, almost anywhere in the world. The entire process can hardly take you much time, energy or even money.Hope this helps, and wish you more success!

How can I improve my look?(Pics)?

Everyone says looks don't matter, but you know thats really not true. People do think about your looks. A good peronality is nice, but a good apperance to match is nice too.

I am really nice, and I don't feel I am very pretty. I am 13 years old, and I never really had a real boyfriend.

I am 4 ft 11" tall
( I know I am really short, but most of the girls in my school are)
I am skinny 82 pounds

I am sick of people saying where ever I go that my sister is the pretty one.

I don't wear makeup either. What make up looks good on a pale girl with green eyes, and dark brown hair?
How can I improve my look? sorry the lighting is bad in some of the pics¤t=IMG000237.jpg¤t=good2.jpg¤t=aaaa.jpg

Am I bad looking what can I do to improve any advice would be appreciate thank you?

Nah your not bad looking ur actually kinda of cute, id work on conditioning your hair a bit more and maybe getting more sleep you look really tired.

Could you give me some advice on my career path?

You could become a sales engineer, applications engineer, or a consultant.  As an applications I have been all across the US, to Canada and India.  Some of my coworkers have been to China, Uruguay, Mexico, and Malaysia for work.  My dad lived in Russia as a computer programmer.  My mom teaches college and went to England to present at a conference.  The world is getting smaller and opportunities to travel for those willing are growing.I recommend studying computer science and engineering, you can minor in a foreign language to improve chances to travel.  It may be helpful to get a Master's degree or Doctorate - it was helpful in Welding Engineering, but I am not sure about CSE.  When applying for jobs, look for companies with an international presence.  Look for jobs in their product support department - that will give you the chance to travel to customer locations and provide on-site technical support.  Also, do research.  Doing research allows the opportunity to travel to present at conferences.

How do I improve my regular facial expression so that I don't look angry all the time?

I've amassed a good amount of experience on this, and until now 5 women (read girls) have told me that without my spectacles I look like more or less like a terrorist. And the awesomeness in this is that, 3 of them used the exact word 'terrorist' and the other too said I look like some 'psychopath hungry to kill'. My left foot is slightly shorter than the right which gives me a limp too.Well, I've been wearing my spectacles ever since. I've had trouble with the way I walk too, and it has been a great chance for many of the guys to practice their mockery and the girls to believe that I was either weird or short-tempered.Coming to the solution part of it, on how to change, I'd say, be the way you are. Okay, it looks like way too cliche eh? Fine, hear, here:1. Start off by practicing a smile, which can be troubling at first to get the right smile and make it your natural smile. Remember, it will take days until your face automatically presents this smile to people during introductions or meetings. Again, practice practice practice.2. You spoke about a limp in your walk. There are several girls in the world who would find that 'sexy'. (Well, not speaking of the weird ones, just saying) That is, if it's not too bad. If it's really posing a big problem, you need to get it smoothed up by either wearing complementary footwear (you can visit a physician if you want) or you can work on the limp without all this all by yourself if it's a minor problem. A very slight limp is indeed 'nice'. (I am finding it tough to explain now.)3. Okay, the most important part. No matter what, don't wear a fake face. Be what you are and do not try severely to change yourself, and that too at a very accelerated pace. It takes time. Even if it doesn't, there's nothing wrong in having an angry face I suppose. I have had trouble in acknowledging the fact that it's fine having flaws. People get used to it, and hell, there are people who don't even care. My (ex)girlfriend is one such person who has never found it to be a problem. There are people in the world who'll always appreciate you for what you are.4. Whatever you are, there will be people who will find you attractive if your character is good enough. And I second the opinion put forward here. Meditation. It will bring down your diffidence, give you a glow to your face and also make you calm, thereby tackling the anger part. Cheers.

How do I achive a complete makeover of my looks, persona and body language to make me feel more confident?

As far as looks are concerned, I suggest the following-Gym- Join a decent gym, exercise regularly build a good body. What you lack in chocolaty-boyish charm make up for it in manly-ness.Diet- I am not saying you starve but prepare a nice diet plan according to your exercise. Visit a dietician.Hairstyle- Visit a nice hair-saloon, ask him to give you a cut that suits you.Clothes- Go to a nice store, ask advice. Look for attire and colour that looksgood on you and not just look good in general. These 2 things are different so keep it in mind!shoes- If going with a formal attire go for nice shiny, pointy black shoes with laces otherwise go for some woodland stuff, depending on your physique, build and appearance. Again I would advice you to take some advice from someone on this. The sales people might helpFor the body language part, I can say that it is not something you can fake, when you feel powerful, you look powerful, same way when you feel confident, you will project confidence through your body language. Regarding that, I can give you a few tips that might help-List out your beliefs and stereotypes that enhance your personal confidence or constrain your confidence.Challenge yourself on those stereotypes. Debate with yourself, if you will.Challenge others on their beliefs and stereotypes, have a healthy discussion with them on this, this will prepare a base for your confidence. stereotypes can be gender biases, age related bias, in professional context you can have stereotypes about experience.Engage more in open body postures while interacting. Open body postures are the postures when you relax on a chair, with your arms open, chest out, you breathe slowly and the heartbeat is steady. There is no sense of urgency when you are in a relaxed state of mind, vis-a-vis open body posture.Try to recall memories, incidents where you felt powerful and confident. Try to relive those memories in the virtual mind.Try these and let me know.Goodluck!!

Can you please take a look at my YouTube video and give me advice on how to improve my singing (I know I am terrible at it)?

From what I hear, I can give you the following feedback:1) Honestly, you will really need a lot of ear training to improve your sense of pitch. You were singing an octave below, which was too low for you. At the same time, a lot of notes were wrong, and you were noticeably off-key on several parts, like your notes were totally far apart from the intended pitch. You absolutely need to work on this if you want to become a listenable singer, because all singers are judged by their sense of pitch before everything else.2) You were also totally out of time with the song. You must listen to the song and the chords carefully to know when to pause, when to continue, and so on and so forth instead of rushing and ending up off rhythm. This is very important because no matter how in pitch you are, if you are out of rhythm, the notes that you are singing will sound out of tune since they do not synchronize with your background music, which sounds jarring in the process.3) At the same time, you did not manage to articulate the words properly. No matter how in tune you are, mumbling will make your voice uninteresting since the listener would not be able to understand what you are trying to tell them. Be confident and exaggerate what you need to sing more. 4) Last but not the least, keep practicing. Singing is not an easy journey, and it took many people years before they can eventually achieve their goals in the craft. Keep recording and listening to yourself to improve. I suggest you hire a vocal coach who can keep your progress under scrutiny so that you can become better.I hope that helps!