Can Someone Help Me On My Character

Can someone help me with my romeo and juliet character symbol analysis?

Rosaline - The woman with whom Romeo is infatuated at the beginning of the play. Rosaline never appears onstage, but it is said by other characters that she is very beautiful and has sworn to live a life of chastity.

Symbol: Lost remote control because she is allusive to Romeo

Lady Capulet - Juliet’s mother, Capulet’s wife. A woman who herself married young (by her own estimation she gave birth to Juliet at close to the age of fourteen), she is eager to see her daughter marry Paris. She is an ineffectual mother, relying on the Nurse for moral and pragmatic support.

Symbol: a cowbird (Doesn't take care of her offspring, sheputs her eggs in another bird's nest leaving the bird to take care of her eggs)

Friar Lawrence - A Franciscan friar, friend to both Romeo and Juliet. Kind, civic-minded, a proponent of moderation, and always ready with a plan, Friar Lawrence secretly marries the impassioned lovers in hopes that the union might eventually bring peace to Verona. As well as being a Catholic holy man, Friar Lawrence is also an expert in the use of seemingly mystical potions and herbs.

Symbol: 1politician, has an answer for everything is a 2psychologist (always has good advice)



Can someone help me name a Kitsune Character?

I'm working on a Novel this November and I'm trying to get all of the plot and character namings completed before hand. However I'm kind of stuck on one of the characters, this character happens to be your usual Japanese folklore Kitsune (Kyuubi, Nine-Tails).

However I don't really want to use a Japanese name and I was a special meaning behind the character's name. I was trying to use fox, fire, shape-shifter, or something along those lines for the name but I wasn't happy.

This character is quite, thoughtful, pensive, generally the type of character that knows everything that's going on but doesn't say anything unless asked to expand on it. Also she seems like a traitorous character yet she chooses to do what she pleases most of the time and doesn't stick to any laws.

Please give me name suggestions for this character. Thank you~

Can someone help me create a character for my English GCSE? I need some help to create some characters to remember for my English exams. I generally need it so I could easily make a good start to creative writing.

Check out Gotham Writers Character Questionnaire. The Questionnaire has you answering questions directed towards your character. Not only does it help you with physical characteristics, but it also helps you shape their personality. Its incredibly handy in helping you develop a baseline for your character which in turn can be altered and adjusted as you continue to write them.Another is the Marcel Proust Questionnaire, another good questionnaire to help you shape a characters personality based upon their achievements, fears, goals and failures. Both Questionnaires have been extremely helpful for me as a fiction writer.

Can someone help me design a suit of armor for my character? I want a suit of armor that is meant to be mobile and flexible while still being sturdy.

You have to give the Gothic set of armour credit. I would write a long essay about how the armour functions and why mobility isn’t an issue, but you know what?There is a video demonstrating it!As for taking it on and off, even today soldiers check and help each other with their gear, it’s normal to have help doing something, soldiering is not a one man job, and you’ll always have someone to help you, or you’re probably a dead man walking anyway.

Can you help me find a name for my main character?

If you are creating your own universe then it is assumed you will be creating specific types of people with their own languages and societal backgrounds.In that situation I would suggest that you begin your story by telling the reader the general nature of your universe and why you are writing the book in English, for the reader. At the back of the book you can add a glossary that explains the meanings of all your character and place names.e.g.: You call a character “Pupunuggi” and you explains that coming from the province of “Shetland” his name means Shit Head…..etc.This is just an idea of how you can do it. If you are not creating your own universe but writing something Earth-Oriented then it is a really good idea to research names and meaning, for people around the planet. You never need to explain the meaning of names, unless you choose.In textbook I just completed on the Creative Process and what makes Literature I cover the creation of Characters and giving them the appropriate name, in one full chapter. It really would be worth the review to understand what’s in a name.

HELP!!! Can someone tell me three minor characters from Candide out of Ch 17-30?

Baron of Thunder-ten-tronckh A vain, pompous man, living in the castle at Westphalia. He, along with his son, is considered a possible representation of Frederick the Great.

Paquette A chambermaid in the baron’s household; she has an affair with Pangloss and infects him with a disfiguring disease.

The Anabaptist A caring man who saves the lives of Candide, Pangloss, and a sailor on a ship.

The Grand Inquisitor A high-ranking official in the church who takes interest in Cunégonde. He shares her with Don Issachar.

Don Issachar A wealthy, Jewish court banker who tries to win the affection of Cunégonde. He shares her with the Grand Inquisitor.

Don Fernando The governor of Buenos Aires, who steals Cunégonde from Candide.
Mynheer Vanderdendur A ruthless ship captain who cheats Candide out of 20,000 piasters.

Martin A long-suffering elderly scholar who travels with Candide throughout Europe. He also settles at the farm with Candide and Cunégonde.

Friar Giroflée Now Paquette’s companion, Giroflée was forced by his parents to become a monk. He and Paquette settle at Candide’s farm.

Senator Pococurante A man reported to have never known grief. Candide visits him as a means of testing philosophical optimism, but Pococurante turns out to be miserable.

The six kings Six foreigners whom Candide meets at dinner. They six were kings who were dethroned in one way or another.

The Turk The man who reveals to Candide the secret of his happiness: work.

Can someone help me with a character analysis of Abner Snopes in Barn Burning?

You are correct that Abner's character is static. He didn't change. However, Sarty's character is dynamic.

I'm sorry, but I can't be very specific partly because I am not clear what your assignment really is. Analyze the father or the son? Or the relationship between the two? However, here are few things to think about.

For example, when Abner drew a big semi-circle with his shoes in de Spain's rug, what impact did he have to his son? If not immediately, what did this event cause Abner to do (hint, cleaning) and ended up how? (hint, corns) Then what? Why did Abner do this in the first place? Was this intentional or accidental? Remember, he sloooowly turned in this semi-circle scene.... and caused a big smear.

Going back to the first scene.... the family is moving (again) correct? Why? What did this constant moving caused his son to believe? He is quite clear on what he thinks of his father (well... two parts... what he wants to do and what he thinks - all though the story. At the end one wins.)

At the last scene where Abner prepares to burn the barn, Abner is doing the same old thing, but what did it cause his son to do? Why? Then what happened?

Finally, an interesting conclusion.... keep track of all the places the Faulkner uses the word "STIFF." Then, read the few phrases. Who's feeling "stiff" now? Why?

Good luck.

Could anyone help with my flawed character essay?

Just about everything Romeo says is indicative of his flaws. His words reveal his thoughts, and his thoughts lead him into rash responses to the circumstances of his infatuation and ultimately to an untimely death. Pick any of the lines he speaks, and show how his youthful ignorance and excessive emotionality are leading him to his doom.

Can you help me figure out a name for my fictional character?

Do not give your characters arbitrary names just because you think they sound good, or unique. or some such.Research meanings of names — every name means something, first name and surnames all source to an origin, usually describing coming from a place, or a particular job, or some kind of title.When designing your character(s) you will give them all sorts of characteristics. For sake of argument take my first name Walter. The equivalent name would be Victor, Walter means ‘conquering hero’. My last name means ‘son of Peter’.Now research Azura and Aris and find surnames names meaning ‘thorn’ even if it is not obvious at first glance. Karl Jung spoke of the collective unconscious and this suggest that all symbols, and meaning of specific things, is already in the consciousness of all people. This means that you may use the Chinese word for Rose, or Swahili? Our reader’s brains will accept the name and somehow they will come to understand it’s significance. If you fear the reader won’t, then in the story you can make some non-obvious reference through conversation, or coat of arms, etc.As far as I am concerned going after a name just for its unusual qualities may actually be a hindrance to your story. The name you choose for your characters need to be meaningful.