Can Someone Put Me On The Right Path For C Arrays

Java Arrays Question Help!?

Yep, I used to have the same problem. You have to have the path correct when you define the file being read into, or have the file in the right place so it works without having the path (like the way you have it). So I'll give you both ways to fix it:

1. Setting path
I'll give you a sample of it first (test is actually my name, I replaced it):

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\test\\Desktop\\ historyGrades.txt"));

Right click the historygrades.txt file and say properties, copy and paste the location (it sort of matches my sample). Add an extra "\" so there's two of them to each folder C:\\ not C:\. And you should be good to go.

2. Putting file in correct place.

Probably the best choice in your situation. Simply put the file in the project folder. For instance, as I use Eclipse, I go into wherever I wanted my java and class files to go, and there is a folder for each project. Just go inside the folder for that particular project, and copy and paste historygrades.txt and put it in there.

Let me know if you can't get it. Good luck.

(P.S. I tried your code, works great)

Is it fine if I take an hour to solve one problem from the "Arrays" chapter of Balagurusamy's book on C programming?

It is totally okay! That's how most of us start.But then, do not let the time taken to solve a question be the factor that you judge yourself against. The algorithm and the approach used do matter. It is better to come up with a solution that is more optimized in terms of resources and complexity used, even if it takes a slightly longer to come up with; than a poorly worked up solution, quickly.Practice will definitely make you better. Both with the time taken, and the approach used to solve the question.To answer the last part of your question, consider these :C/C++ programming tutorials for beginnersC - For DummiesBeginning C Programming For DummiesC Programming TutorialAnd as rightly pointed out in the answer by Geo Sebastian, "Rome was not built in a day". Keep practicing. :)

Draw 6 connected line segments that pass through 16 dots...?

Put the dots on the (x,y) plane as follows,
with 4 extra points A, B, C, D

A (0,5)
(0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) B = (4,4)
(0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3)
(0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2)
(0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) C = (4,1)
D = (0,0)

The lines then are: . . . . . length
A - D . . . . . down . . . . . . 5
D - B . . . . . 45° up right . 4 √2
B - (1,4) . . left . . . . . . . . 3
(1,4) - (1,1) down . . . . . . 3
(1,1) - C . . . right . . . . .. . 3
C - A . . . . . 45° up left . . 4 √2

If I put 18 car batteries, 12 volt each, in sequence, can I use a household application that uses 220v?

I am sorry for not providing more information. I was more thinking like, without being depended on utility services, having a whole bunch of solar panels on my 'man-cave' building, attach them to a battery bank and attach those to a bitcoin miner and some heating of the place. In this (yet to build) building I will not have any heating system installed. At least I have not figured out what kind of. I need 220v because I am in Europe.

How do I save a binary tree to an array of in-order traversal?

If you want to just store in-order sequence of the binary tree, then populating an array sequentially during in-order traversal is the best[size] array = new int[size];
int index = 0;
void storeInOrder(node root) {
if (node == null)
array[index++] = root.value;
You can work around to return the final array.Assuming that you would like to preserve the tree structure, the most efficient answer is to store both the in-order and pre-order traversals of the tree in separate arrays.Let me explain with an example:In order sequence : DBEAFCGPre-order sequence: ABDECFGIf you have both of these, you can get back the tree structure as such:In pre-order sequence, first node is root of tree, i.e. A. All nodes left of A in the in-order sequence is in the left subtree of A(i.e. DBE) and the rest are in the right subtree(i.e. FCG).For each of the subtrees thus formed, we recursively form the same solution. For the left subtree, B is the root as it comes first in the pre-order sequence. D, which is left of B in the in-order sequence will be the left child of B and E will be the right child.And so on.

What does SR, SL, CT, FR, and FL mean in surround sound?

I'm trying to set up my surround sound and I'm pretty sure all of those abbreviations on the speakers are suppose to indicate where I am supposed to place each speaker. I'm just unsure what all of those mean. I'm a little new to this.