Can You Americans Explain It To Me .

Can you explain american psycho, the movie?

Ah no but that ruined batman for me becuase all I can see is batman chasing after a woman with an ax. Freaked me out!!

Can somepne explain American Psycho to me?

Well unfortunately the movie just like the novel does not completely explain whether or not he is actually murdering people or if he is delusional

In the novel the character of the Private Detective Kimbell is suppose to represent his conscience for the crimes he "believes" he is committing.

The downward spiral for Patrick Bateman is when his secretary Jean shows some real interest and concern in his well-being causing him to feel guilt and remorse...he then starts to notice some inconsistencies in his own "memories" IE: He goes to Paul Allens apartment where he has been committing the crimes and hiding the remains and it is clean, vacant and actually being shown by realtors.

His attorney calls his bluff when Bateman calls and confesses to these crimes telling him he had just had lunch with Paul Allen(one of the people he confessed to killing) when in fact he did not. Once again leaving it open to whether or not it was real or in his mind.

The opening lines of the book have Bateman staring at graffiti on a Chemical Bank building, reading Abandon all hope ye who enter here, an allusion to the gates of hell portrayed in Dante's Divine Comedy; the book ends with a similar scene, as Bateman sits in a bar, staring at a sign that reads "This is not an exit".

Trust me Bret Easton Ellis (the author) novels and work are ALL similar, He has stated he prefers to leave out certain details to encourage a more broad range of imagination...

Rules of Attraction :Two films also based on his books both just as confusing.

Can you please explain this question to me =D about american government, supreme court.?

Suppose that Congress passes controversial legislation that some people believe is unconstitutional. When, if ever, will the Supreme Court address the issue?

a. The Supreme Court will decide the issue when and if it accepts a case that involves a challenge to the constitutionality of the legislation.
b. The Supreme Court reviews legislation passed by Congress before it takes effect.
c. The Supreme Court will only review the legislation if Congress requests a review.
d. The Supreme Court will never review the legislation.

please explain :D

thank you :D

Can someone explain American Psycho to me?

Usually when a movie is adapted from a book, there are many scenes that do not translate well. A lot of people who read the book found the movie took many liberties that it shouldn’t have including the ending. There were not a lot of scenes set in clubs because the director found them too difficult to shoot. And the scenes in the book were much more graphic and gory than in the movie.The biggest controversy still exists: Was Patrick Bateman confident enough to pull off the killing sprees that were shown in this movie or was this all just a glimpse inside the mind of a psychotic killer? Maybe he wasn’t even insane but just fed up with his boring yuppie lifestyle and in order to amuse himself he created an alter ego who had no limits to his actions.People who have seen this movie and read the book fall into two camps. Those who think the actions of Patrick Bateman were all just a reflection of his daydreams and those who think it happened and the yuppies that could have reported it or even recognized that something was amiss were too concerned with themselves to ever be involved in something that would benefit someone else.So the final question is there for you to answer: Was Patrick Bateman an American psycho or a daytime dreamer who transferred his anger issues into a graphically depicted blood bath. Read the book or see the movie or both, and then you make up your own mind.