Can You Burp Fart And Slobber At The Same Time

Is it possible to burp and fart at the same time?

It's like asking if you can diarrhea and vomit at the same time. It is possible. But it's rare. Test it out after eating lots of burritos and beans :)

Is there a word for farting and burping at the same time?

It's "furping." See Furping. Google for "Freddie the Furping Squirrel" too.

What happens when you burp and fart at the same time?

It's uncomfortable and embarrassing; however, harmless. Lay off the tacos.

Is it true if you sneeze, fart, burp, cough and yawn at the same time?

Maybe. I burped, farted, sneezed, and peed all at the same time and now I can telepathically communicate with corn. I just need to work harder to get the other pieces!

Is possible for someone to fart and burp exactly at the same time?

Not only is it possible but this great act has a name. The action is known as a furp.A furp is a not so uncommon occurence and is perfectly safe. However, rumor has it a furp combined with a sneeze, known as a burpsnart, can cause instant death. This cannot be independently verified but it is advisable to avoid the burpsnart if possible. In other words, never force a furp.Learn more from the source: Furp ~ FartShare

Will you die if you sneeze burp cough and fart at the same time?

Your question is complex, involving simultaneous sneezing, farting, burping, coughing and dying. It is possible to sneeze and fart (the sneeze usually being involuntary), burp and fart, as Falstaff frequently did, and cough and fart at the same time (the cough cleverly used to cover the sound of the fart). But, as previously stated, it is impossible to cough and burp at the same time, but you might cough, sneeze, and burp sequentially and then instantly follow up with a fart, occurring so quickly that to the human ear they sound simultaneous. Fortunately, none of the above combinations should prove fatal. Any of these combinations in polite company might result in your being taken off several guest lists in the future.

I read if you hold in a fart it will come up as very smelly burp, true?

No, that’s false. Farts never go all the way back through your intestines, your stomach, your esophagus, and make it to your mouth. Think about it, in your entire life, has anyone ever burped and you were standing close by and thought you smelled a disgusting fart? So hold in your farts as much as you want. You aren’t going to burp it out.

Would you rather burp every time you lean in for a kiss or drool every time you talk?

drool because then, I AM SELLING MY FOOD ! lol lol lolI am an ultra-conservative! One in 6 children in AMERICA GO TO BED HUNGRY! WE HAVE SPENT 20 TRILLION ON HOMELESS BUT THE BUREAUCRATS GOT IT! THAT IS 40 MILLION PER HOMELESS PERSON! IT IS A RACKETT!But now we must impose a plunder tax on the .01% that s getting so rich that they will destroy not only the poor! But the middle classes! If they get the 10% tax they will virtually be paid to be the richest people on the planet! A C.E.O.makes 680 TIMES WHAT THE AVERAGE WORKER MAKES!They can be on many boards ! so they can make thousands of times what average workers make !Why not just hire 680 people to do the C.E.O. job? Wouldn’t 680 heads be better than one overpaid head?The TAX INCOME: is paid 70% by the workers, and the other 30% is paid by the small businesses! While the rich corporation and “NON ” profits pay nothing as they get corporate welfare! The rich have never paid even for murder! No execution of a rich person in our history! The TAX should never be imposed on the poor or MIDDLE CLASSES! It should not even be imposed on small business! The plunders TAX SHOULD START AT 2 million dollars at 40% then graduate up to the richest at 90% .the Rothschild is said to have 1500 TRILLION DOLLARS in secret vaults in the form of gold! THIS IS INCOME TAX EVASION on a grand scale!7 billion people on planet earth need to get together and demand that governments(ALL OF THEM)stop letting the rich PLUNDER!And the entire world needs to cave in on the ultra wealthy!OTHERWISE, THE RICH WILL HAVE A TWO CLASS SOCIETY THE SUPER RICH (WHO ANSWER TO NO ONE!)AND THE SUPER POOR! PUTIN AND THE OTHER DICTATORS ARE ALL CAPITALIST THEY ARE JUST FASCIST CAPITALIST… the stock market needs to be properly taxed! As well as derivatives (A huge 14.4 QUADRILLION DOLLAR MARKET) So if we impose a poor tax on derivatives of 1% then We can have $14 TRILLION DOLLARS to house, employ train the homeless, orphans, unemployed widows underemployed and those who can’t work!This is not a revolution it is polite society imposing its values on plunder, A VERY CAPITALIST CONCEPT …plunder must be punished!

What would happen if you sneezed, burped and farted at the same time?

Nothing will happen, you will feel a bit relieved.  Sneeze is involuntary. Idea is to expel an irritant stuck in nasal mucosa. When sneezing occurs back of the tongue goes up and palate comes down in an attempt to facilitate passage of air through nostrils but this closure is not complete so some air will always pass through the oral cavity.  Burping is also involuntary though some people can belch voluntarily  ( which is referred to as  supra gastric belch). In burping ingested air gets involuntarily released from stomach and passed through the  food pipe. The air is either expelled or inhaled.  Farting is to some extent voluntary as in you can modulate the sound and speed by controlling the contraction and relaxation of anal sphincter. However, in sleep  and in conditions wherein it is difficult to control sphincter like burst of laughter or sneezing  fart can pass without our control.   Imagine a scenario where you are drinking coke with others and having an urge to fart but since you are with your friends you are trying your best to hold it in. All of a sudden accumulated gas in your stomach  starts to move up towards food pipe and at the same time a fly enters in your nose triggering a sneeze, you will most probably sneeze and burp  at the same time and in all likelihood the gas which you were holding down within will see the light of the day (boom!).  One can sneeze, burp and fart at the same time but sneeze reflex will usually be most powerful than others.