Can You Eat Too Many Fruits And Vegetables

Can you eat too many fruits and vegetables?

No. If you are eating a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day, then it would be near impossible to eat too much. Fruits and vegetables are low calorie, so eating a lot fills your gut without increasing your waist size. They are loaded with fiber, whose roughage would keep you very regular. A whole foods plant based lifestyle with lots of variety will ensure you get plenty of vitamins, phytochemicals, minerals, healthy fats, protein, etc. All of this good - without any carcinogenic or processed poisons, dangerous fats, proteins, or cholesterol.A real problem for some individuals pursuing such a healthy diet isn’t eating too much, but not eating enough. This is frequently why we hear of people ‘failing’ at plant based diets - they are simply not consuming enough calories to provide the energy the body requires.Unfortunately, we are all fed marketing and myths our entire lives - brainwashed to the extent that even ‘common sense’ misleads us. It tells us that, “of course you can over-do anything” or “if a little protein is healthy, then more will make me a hulk” or “too much of even a good thing is bad!” We fall back on baseless sayings and myths from the 50’s that powerful industry encourages. We don’t always have all the scientifically credible facts, and without them, we’re easily led astray. Be skeptical of everything that pertains to your health - it’s the most important thing you have… without health, we cannot pursue our passions with the energy they deserve. We can’t over-do caring about our health.

Is it bad to eat a LOT of fruit/ vegetables?

I know it's bad to eat to much of anything,
And I don't sit and like gorge on the stuff
But really all I ever want to eat are fruits and vegetables..
I hate meat, but I'll eat really small amounts of it every now and then
And I do eat pretty well-rounded

In a normal day, this is how many fruits and vegetables I normally eat:
1 Medium Banana
1 Orange
1 Apple
1 Cup Pineapple
30-50 Carrot Sticks
2-3 Cups Steamed Vegetables
Is this to much?
I don't eat any sweets except fruit..

I'm 15
5'5 1/2
115 lbs
(I exercise almost everyday) :)

Can fruits & vegetables make you fat?

ALL fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates. If you eat too much of anything, you can gain weight. The problem with carbohydrates is that if you do not eat enough fats, your fat tissue secretes a hormone called leptin that regulates how your body utilizes insulin and glucagon. Low fat diets are destructive and just plain DUMB. Carbohydrates give you quick, instant energy that is very fleeting. That's why you get hungry soon after eating when you eat lots of carbs. Fat, on the other hand is where the body gets it's SUSTAINED energy supplies and keeps you from getting hungry, often. Balance is the key and understanding how the body digests food is the key to weight loss and weight management.

Get this book, "Eat Fat, Lose Weight" by Ann Louise Gittleman. This is a very good book with excellent references and you will gain some good education on this subject, unlike the ridiculous advice given by the so called "food experts" that are nothing more than "hired guns" of the food and agricultural industries that are promoting their garbage and lots of misinformation with a focus on PROFIT, not health.

good luck to you

How many vegetables and fruits should I eat a day and how many of them?

The standard here in Australia, at least according to the government campaign for healthy living, is two serves of fruit and five of veggies per day: Go for 2 & 5The site has other useful info, include serving sizes and other fun facts.

Can you eat too many vegetables?

Can you eat too many vegetables? Not if you mean different kinds of vegetables. Can you eat too much of anything, including vegetables? Yes. Can you overdoes on vegetables? Yes. An overdose means reaching a toxic level of some chemical.One reason it’s important to have a variety of foods is so you don’t overdo a single one or group. For example, cruciferous vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.) can, in excess, contribute to Hypothyroidism. [1] While there’s no precise value for a “normal amount” of those to eat, the advice to eat a variety of foods seems to still be the best. So enjoy kale as part of a healthy diet, but don’t slam a big kale smoothy every day.So if you eat a wide variety in reasonable amounts the odds are that you will never overdose. But it is possible.Footnotes[1] News Update: Can Kale Cause Hypothyroidism?

What happens if I eat too much vegetables?

Vegetables and fruits are typically low in calories and filled with essential nutrients, making them an essential part of any healthy diet. Getting more of these nutritious foods may help lower your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, vision problems and cancer. They don't supply all of the essential nutrients, however, so it isn't a good idea to eat only fruits and vegetables for any significant amount of time. Check with your doctor before attempting such a diet to make sure it would be safe for you. Although a two-week all fruit and vegetable diet might not result in long-term consequences, the longer you follow this type of diet, the more likely you'll be to experience nutrient deficiencies.Don't follow a fruit-and-vegetable-only diet for a long time. While a two-week diet of this type isn't likely to cause serious deficiency symptoms, fruits and vegetables don't contain significant amounts of protein, essential omega-3 and omega-6 fats, vitamin D, B-vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus or selenium. You need to get enough of the essential fats to maintain proper brain, eye and skin health and keep your hormones at the proper levels.Not getting enough protein, even for a short time, can have serious consequences. A protein deficiency may cause muscle loss, make it harder for wounds to heal and make you more likely to get sick. It may also trigger mental confusion, digestive issues and skin and hair problems. Other nutrient deficiencies from an all-vegetable diet can affect you skin, hair, bones, hormone levels and blood.

Suppose you got fat by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, are you still healthy?

If you are overweight because of fat accumulation, you are not healthy. Eventually it will cause you to have issues. Many people see eating fruits and vegetables as all good, but the wrong fruits and vegetables contain sugars and starches that will cause you to store fat. If you are eating nothing but fruit and vegetables and are gaining weight (fat) you are eating way too much of something. Also, if that is all that you are eating you are missing adequate protein and fats which will affect your overall health. If you are eating other things in addition to lots of fruits and veggies, then the other things you are eating should be brought into question. Eating fruits and vegetables does not offset eating food that you should not be eating.I would like to know what you consider fruit and vegetables. I suspect you are eating too much of something that you should not be eating as much of.

Can eating too many fruits and vegetables cause your body to become immune to its positive effects?

No.  Your body needs the nutrients and fiber.  Your body takes the nutrients and fiber. You body can break down and not use those nutrients as effectively as it did before, this happens as you get older, or if you become seriously ill.  You can develop allergies, making it impossible for you to eat the foods that affect you.  But you don't become 'immune' or 'used to' the nutrients.  As long as you are living, you need nutrients to stay alive.

Is it possible to eat TOO MANY vegetables?

You are doing the right thing, akira, not to worry. You cannot overeat on veggies. You didn't mention side dishes, but I assume you do add a little protein to your diet, such as nuts or legumes or avocados which are a great source of protein. Tofu is good, too, though a bit harder to digest. Cottage cheese is another great protein source.

But remember - while one cannot really overeat on veggies, it is advisable to limit the intake of oils and proteins to a reasonable amount. Good to take some freshly squeezed orange or carrot juice every now and then - between meals or instead of a meal.

Are you doing some kind of physical exercises every day? You will remain always well. I eat and live that way, too, and for the past thirty years I have not known what a cold is.

Perhaps you might want to do your eating a little earlier in the day. As you know, the body sort of shuts down during sleep, and if one eats too late in the evening, part of the food remains undigested in the stomach and causes discomfort.

There is an old adage, "Eat your breakfast alone, share part of your lunch with a friend, and give your whole dinner to your enemy." There is something to this. :-)

If everybody ate like you do, akira, we would not have to worry about medicare costs sky-rocketing. My hat off to you.

Best wishes always,


What happens if you eat too much vegetables?

Usually not a problem...people eat too few most of the time.
But you have to realize that you're missing out on healthy fat from nuts and seeds, lysine in legumes, methionine in whole grains, and anti oxidants in fruits. So long as your vegetable intake doesn't preclude these other essential foods in the vegan diet, then you really shouldn't feel.any adverse effects of eating plenty of veggies.

As for what other people say:
Diarrhea: you won't get it. You'll loop more, but no more than 3 to 4 times a day, and you'll not have to strain ant it goes by real quick. Diarrhea is when you have to go every hour. That does not occur at all. If you're having a lot of gas...well, your gut just has to get used to it. It takes a while, though. Best to gradually increase your veggies if you want to avoid this.

Pesticides: ok, this may be an issue. But your body is used to removing toxins...if not from bacteria, then from other environmental.harm. if you're really worried, buy organic food from your local csa, grow your own food, or wash your food baking soda or vinegar. Replacing veggies with other unhealthy foods will not remove the potential harm of pesticides. Grains are also exposed to pesticides. Meat has fat soluble toxins stored in the fat. Honestly, those from.whom I've heard who worry about pesticides never gave me a healthy alternative of what to eat.

So as long're not ignoring other essential food groups...munch on!