Can You Ever Really Get Over A Mental Illness By Yourself

If you cut yourself does that mean you have a mental illness?

it means that you have something that bothers you and you are not willing to admit it even to yourself. Only you can stop this and if you have the answer you should stop one day you will have all this scares that your children will want to know why and then when they do it what will you tell them, what would you tell them if one of them was doing that, would you tell them it was okay for them to do that, something is wrong and you should stop and if not then you must get hellp

Can you give yourself mental illness?

This is a weird question but can you force yourself a mental disorder? Cause I would enjoy multiple personalities or a voice in my head... Is there some kind of stimulation?

I have a mental illness, how do i treat it?

i just found out that i have clinical depression and it's getting worse from day to day. i really need help but i have no clue how to treat it. i'm 16 and i don't share my problems with my parents so they have no idea what's going on with me. i really want to overcome this mental illness but i don't know how to. please help!!

Have you ever been misdiagnosed with a mental illness????

I was diagnosed with "anxiety attacks" and treated for same. Drugs didn't help and a friend suggested I see a gynocologist. This friend has no medical training but she was right on the ball. The GYN was very angry with my GP, when she found the answer with a simple blood test. - Menopause. I no longer get the sweats or the palpitations and I am no longer confused and unable to sleep.

I have also been diagnosed with Major Depression but since the diagnosis, friends have shown me I live with a Narcissist and no wonder I am depressed. Now I have the answer and know it isn't me going crazy, I am on my way to being well. I found a support group and they are a wonderful help. Moral: Thank goodness for my friends, I would be "Crazy" without them.
I truly feel for you and wish you all the best. I understand your fear but if you comply, it is after a place that can help you. I have personal knowledge of friends who are mentally ill.
The ones who comply and take their meds without fail are functioning in normal society with jobs and homes but the ones who don't listen and go off the meds are continually depressed and always in and out of the hospital. Do it for yourself, it can only help. If you resist it makes it hard and they get stroppy with you. Listen to the people who are trying to help you.
I have also worked in admin at a mental institution and heard what the staff say about patients behind their backs. Staff are just there to help you, some of them truly care and really try to do what they think will be best. Some even get upset that they can see the end of the tunnel for a patient and then that same patient goes off their tablets and is back at square one. That is frustrating for the doctors and nurses who thought they had the patient able to cope on the outside.
I hope you do get help, there is always something better coming, when we are sick we just don't see it and don't believe the outcome can be great. Good Luck and my heart is with you. Take care.

Do you really get locked up for talking to yourself?

No..And I should know, I've been talking to myself a loooong time ;-))