Can You Faint From Standing Up Too Fast

Has anybody ACTUALLY fainted from standing up too fast?

lol yea i fainted from that yesterday.i just remember getting up to go eat and i heard myself but i feel anypain from falling on my hardwood floor. then my mom ran in the kitchen and helped me up. then i cried cause i never want to faint again and then i lauged cause i fainted. then i got a headache and wen i fell my arm hit the counter

I think I have a seizure/fit from standing up too fast?

It first started in my mid teens, I think. But would only happen occasionally. I'm now 20 and it hasn't happened for quite a while.

I just got up after sitting down for about 30 minutes, got really dizzy, lost my balance, fell on the floor and my body started jerking uncontrollably, forcing me to bang my face into the solid floor. It only lasted for a few seconds.

Is this unusual? I always just put it down to standing up too fast.

I remember one time it happened in my mid teens - I stood up, got dizzy, my eyesight went really fuzzy to the point that I could barely see, I lost my balance, fell into something and my entire body started to violently shake, whacking myself into the wall. My brother just stood there laughing thinking I was playing a joke!

It hasn't happened in a while, but it did just happen minutes ago. And I hurt my nose from it being smacked into the floor.

Anyone know what this could be?

Can you faint while still standing up?

I have never heard of that. For me, fainting was always about passing out, with the muscles relaxing (losing yourself to the ground or to a couch). But you could surely feel something like fainting (see everything black, loose sense of time and space for some seconds) while still keeping on your feet (i.e. not relaxing muscles). I would call it a pseudo-faint.

Why do I feel like fainting or blacking out when I stand up too fast?

Normal depends on your age if you under 50 yr than no its not normal usually. Its also abnormal to last more than a few seconds. If you have this happen to you often then go see your doctor.I think you suffered from something called orthostatic hypotension where you are not getting enough oxygen into your brain.Do you have any of these conditions bellow?Dehydration. Fever, vomiting, not drinking enough fluids, severe diarrhea and strenuous exercise with excessive sweating can all lead to dehydration. When you become dehydrated, your body loses blood volume. Mild dehydration can cause symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, such as weakness, dizziness and fatigue.Heart problems. Some heart conditions that can lead to low blood pressure include extremely low heart rate (bradycardia), heart valve problems, heart attack and heart failure. These conditions may cause orthostatic hypotension because they prevent your body from being able to respond rapidly enough to pump more blood when needed, such as when standing up.Endocrine problems. Thyroid conditions, adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and, in some cases, diabetes can trigger low blood pressure. Diabetes can also damage the nerves that help send signals regulating blood pressure.Nervous system disorders. Some nervous system disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, Lewy body dementia, pure autonomic failure and amyloidosis, can disrupt your body's normal blood pressure regulation system.After eating meals. Some people experience low blood pressure after eating meals (postprandial hypotension). This condition is more common in older adults.

Why do you get dizzy if you stand up too fast?

The answer as some people have already mentioned is blood rushing out of your brain. The amount of oxygen and glucose dramatically decreases and you pass out because your brain cells don't have enough of it --- hmm I wonder if that is true?? I mean when you get up to a standing position you instantaneously feel dizzy and in severe cases you pass out immediately. I cannot image that our brain cells cannot withstand a few seconds of low oxygen and glucose. The other thought is whether the actually drop in blood pressure causes some reflex in our body to shut your brain down and make you pass out. Evolutionary this would make sense. Since by passing out ie laying on the ground blood flow to the brain returns because when you are laying down gravity is not working against blood flow to you brain. So the concensus is blood rushing out of the brain but I'm not entirely clear based on the above answers anyone knows the exact mechanism of how this occurs.

I’ve both fainted and had a seizure from standing up too quickly, is that normal?

I do the same thing. SAME EXACT THING. I was surprised when I read this as it describes me perfectly. I went to a doctor for this and this is what they told me:POTS: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. The nurse helping me explained it to me in a simple way. Normally when a person stands up, to compensate for the different orientation, their blood vessels constrict slightly to increase their blood pressure and continue to supply blood to their brain. But in the sense of POTS, your blood vessels do not constrict, but your heart increases its BPM, which is not enough. The lack of blood to the brain causes you to pass out. Similarly to you, I also had a seizure. I was told that this had nothing to do with POTS, but something called Post Traumatic Seizures. In simple terms, when you pass out, your body is confused. In an attempt to see if everything is okay, your body sends signals to your muscles causing them to contract rapidly. Causing what looks like a seizure.What can cause this:Low Blood pressure: Anything below 90/60 can cause symptoms like this.Improper Diet: Low sugar intake, dehydration, or low salt intake can lower your blood pressure causing this as well.I would go see a doctor. This isn’t something as serious as others are making it sound. I have lived with it for almost 2 years now without any medication, and have been fine. I had multiple tests done, EKGs… etc. And everything seemed normal. I just eat more salt and drink more water to compensate. There is a very small chance that something else could be wrong, but I would doubt it. If your blood pressure is consistently low, doctors may prescribe medication to help raise it to safe levels.But don’t worry. This is a relatively, normal thing. If this is your first time passing out, welcome to the party. It isn’t too bad.

Can you die from standing up for too long?

I just got a new job as a Brookshire's courtesy clerk and I have to stay standing up for 6-8 hours straight. Can this cause bad things like knee problems or blood clots?

Can you pass out from standing too long?

I Don't know about anyone else, but I can yay for me lol. I can't remember the medical term for it. My blood pressure just drops and causes me to feel faint and then ultimately just drop to the floor like a bag of spuds lol. So whenever I feel it start I have to move my feet in a circular motion. (That's what the dr told me to do) and keep doing it untill I don't feel rubbish.

When I stand up too fast i get lightheaded?

A fair number of teenagers experience the feeling of getting lightheaded when they stand up after sitting for a while.This is called postural hypotension, which is low blood pressure when rising, leading to feeling faint. This normal condition is a result of the pooling of blood in the legs (lower extremities). When this happens, the blood doesn't always flow back to the brain fast enough when you stand, and so your brain feels a lack of oxygen (carried by the blood) and your vision, which is controlled by the brain, goes fuzzy. As soon as your muscles tighten and push the blood back up into your heart, and it pumps the blood back into your brain, your vision clears up and you can see again.

Please note that as your blood pressure normalizes, your heart will also pump harder, so you may feel your heartbeat going faster. This is not only okay, it is just what ought to happen.