Can You Fill In This Table Of Values

In the table below, fill in as many y values as you can if you know that f is an even function, and g is an odd function?

-2: -10, 7
0: n, 0 . . . . . we assume g(x) is defined at x=0.
1: -7, 6
An even function is symmetrical about the y-axis. f(x) = f(-x).

An odd function is symmetrical about the origin. g(x) = -g(-x); g(0) = 0.

Fill in the missing values in the given table?

Just substitute 5 for x in f(x):

f(5) = 5 • 5 - 6 = 25 - 6 = 19

Fill in the missing values of the table given that you know that dy/dt=.5y.?

Fill in the missing values of the table given that you know that dy/dt=.5y. Assume the rate of growth given by dy/dt is approximately constant over each unit of the interval and that the initial of y is 8.
t=0, y=8
t=1, y=____
t=2, y=____
t=3, y=____
t=4, y=____
dy/dt = 0.5y
2dy/y = dt
∫ 2dy/y = ∫ dt
2ln|y| = t + C

Initial value of y is 8 ==> t = 0 and y = 8.

2ln|8| = 0 + C
C = 2ln(8)

2ln|y| = t + 2ln(8)
ln|y| = t/2 + ln(8)
|y| = e^[t/2 + ln(8)]
y = 8e^(t/2)

t = 1, y = 8e^(1/2) =13.18977
t = 2, y = 8e =21.7463
t = 3, y = 8e^(3/2) =35.854
t = 4, y = 8e^2 =59.1124
However, the exercise answers are 12,18,27,40.5.I don't know where i am wrong..

ANOVA table help. Fill in the table.?

OK - I assume that when you are talking about '4 populations' then this is 4 treatments.

So to start. If there are 4 treatments then we know that degrees of freedom for the treatment variable = 3 (number of levels -1).
If you have the mean square error for the treatment (given) then you can work out the sum of squares = MeanSq*DF

If you have the SS for the treatment and the Total SS then you know that SSerror = Total SS - SS for treatment

Similarly, the DF for the residual is 60 (64 subjects - df for the treatment - 1).

Mean square for the residual is SSerror/df error

So we now have the first three columns populated.

The final column (F-statistic) is only calculated for the treatment column and is MeanSq for treatment/MeanSq for error.

You can then use look-up tables to see whether this value is greater than the F(3, 60) statistic for various probability values.
Note that the 3 = df for treatment and 60=df for residual - don't get them the wrong way round!

In my tables F(3, 60) = 2.76 for p=0.05 - so if your F-value from the table is more than 2.76 then we can reject the null hypothesis at the 0.05 significance level that all the treatments are equal. If it is less than 2.76 then we have to accept the null hypothesis at the 5% level.

Hope that helps

Fill in the missing values in the table of data collected in the household survey for the year 2009?

Ok, we can get the population from the LF participation rate if we know the number in the LF. We can get the LF number from the UE rate if we know at least one of employment and unemployment.

Labor Force is Employed + Unemployed. If Unemployed is 9% of the Labor Force, then Employed is 91% of the labor force. So Labor Force = Employment/0.91 = 140/.91 = 153.85 million. 153.85 - 140 = 13.85 million and thats Unemployed.
Labor force is 65% of working age population, so 153.85/0.65 = 236.69 million.

Working age = 236.69
Unemployed = 13.85
Labor Force = 236.69

Can you help me fill in this function table?

Can you help me fill in this function table?
Complete the function table below with the missing values for Y.

1 3
2 7
3 11
4 15

What goes in 5 and 6 ? (I know it is 19 and 23)
I need help on why
Based on the function table, write a function rule that shows the relationship between x and y.
How do you find that part???
Thanks in advance

How do I complete a table of values and sketch the graph of the function y=|x+1|+2?

You don’t have to ‘complete a table of values’. You would probably want to do so only if you are new to the absolute value function. A table of two points is enough: if you know the point of non-differentiability and one other point, you’ll be able to draw the graph.[math]y=|x+1|+2[/math] is not differentiable at [math]-1[/math]. Hence, choose [math]-1[/math] and any other point. I have chosen [math]0[/math] as the other point here.[math]x=-1\implies y=|-1+1|+2=2[/math][math]x=0\implies y=|-2+1|+2=3[/math]Join these two points with a ray originating from the point of non-differentiability. Then draw another ray also originating from the point of non-differentiability such that this ray is a reflection of the original ray about a vertical line drawn through the point of non-differentiability.Okay, that sounds very complicated. What you have to do is this. Draw a ray starting from the corner [math](-1,2)[/math] and passing through the point [math](0,3)[/math]. Then draw a mirror reflection of this ray, starting from that same point (the corner). That’s all there is to it.It is better to proceed by modifying the graph of [math]y=|x|[/math], though. That would be faster. (Obviously, this requires you to be familiar with basic transformations of coordinates. Specifically, ‘shifting the origin’.)[math]|x|=\begin{cases}-x&x<0\\x&x\geq0\end{cases}[/math]This is what you should get. Next, shift it horizontally to [math]-1[/math] to get the graph of [math]y=|x+1|[/math].[math]|x+1|=\begin{cases}-x-1&x<-1\\x+1&x\geq-1\end{cases}[/math]Then push it up by [math]2[/math] units!

How do I fill in the values for a 9x9 multiplication table like so in Java?

I know this is your homework and you should do it yourself, but personally, I've learned a lot in the past from other people's homework questions on sites such as this (mostly stackexchange).The following code should be inside the main method of the class you're using to run this exercise. If you don't know what this is, run the hello world tutorial.The question explicitly asks to store computed values in a variable. That variable, in this case, has the form of a matrix, i.e, an array filled with arrays. Arrays can be declared like so:int[] myArray1 = new int[]{1, 5, 9};int[] myArray2 = new int[3];The first syntax will create the array myArray1 and assign it the value {1, 5, 9}. You can access the integers in the array using myArray[2] (this will return 9, because array indices in java start at 0).The second syntax creates the array myArray2, which is three integers long, but the integers don't have any value yet (they are initialized as the default value, which is 0 for int types). You can assign these later.You can use this to create arrays of any basic type, or indeed of any object.In this case, we need an array whose values are again arrays. This can be seen as a matrix. You can declare such a variable like so:int[][] multiplicationTable = new int[9][9];multiplicationTable is now a 9-length array consisting of 9-length arrays consisting of integers. The first row is accessed as multiplicationTable[1], and the fifth value in that row is accessed as multiplicationTable[1][5]. (right now, this will create an error, because we have not assigned a value to this yet)After this you can do a simple for loop to fill is upfor (int i=0; i<9; i++) {for (int j=0; i<9; j++) {multiplicationTable[i][j] = i*j;}}This will loop over all values for 1<=i<9. Inside that loop, we're also accessing every value 0=

Why is the default value field setting in MS Excel Pivot Tables "Count"? Also, can we change it universally to "Sum"?

In Excel 2010 (not sure about earlier versions) as long as the value column you are adding has no blank cells and contains only number values it will be given the default "SUM" aggregation.  To quickly fill all of the "blank" cells with a "0", select the entire range of cells that have the blank cells you want to fill. Press Control+G to access the Find Special menu, and select "Blanks". Press OK. You will now see all blank cells in the rang you highlighted are selected. Type a "0" and press Control-Enter and all of the selected values will be populated. Now create the Pivot Table (or refresh the table), add the column and you now have a SUM column by default

How can we compare a one tables column name with another table of rows?

I have two tables. One is dynamic that allows NULL values. The other helps fill the null values by providing a user with a questions. I take the column names from the dynamic table and see if I can get them to match with fields in the other questions table. Currently, we have this working PHP, but I have been trying put it all into our PostgreSQL database.This gets all of the column names from the dynamic table and return a comma separated list of array_to_string(array_agg(quote_literal(column_name::text)),',') from
information_schema.columns where table_name='dynamic_table';
It works great, and returns something like: 'notificationemail','birthdate','lastnotificationcheck','createmethod'If I paste this list directly into my next query, it works and returns rows:select * FROM questions_table WHERE questioncolumn IN
Now once I paste them together, I get something that runs but returns no rows:select * FROM questions_table WHERE questioncolumn IN
(select array_to_string(array_agg(quote_literal(column_name::text)),',') from
information_schema.columns where table_name='dynamic_table');
I am trying to determine how the static text field is different from the embedded SELECT inside the IN statement. It seems to make sense that it would work, but obviously, something is different from the dynamic list and the static *
FROM questions_table
WHERE questioncolumn IN
select column_name
from information_schema.columns where table_name='dynamic_table'
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