Can You Give Some Advice On Working Out

Can anyone give me workout advice?

OK. I'll be honest as usual.Fuck what the bitch said.Now, you're fat. So you need 2 things. Cardio and weights. They are your new friends and they'll be your friends for life.You need to start weight training everyday. 6 days a week. Sunday sleep. And do cardio 3 times a week. High intensity interval training. 30 mins only. Try and do it at different times. Example. Morning weights, evening HIIT. Else do it after weight training. That's it for cardio.Now for weights. 2 opposing body parts each day. So Monday you do chest and biceps. Tuesday back and triceps. Wednesday shoulders and legs. For each body part. For example, for chest do 3-4 exercises. Try and keep your weight training under 1 hour. Max 1 hour. For Abs do 30 mins. 1 day upper and lower. 1 day sides (obliques). Third day rest. Example. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday is off.Do this for a month. 21 days is for the habit to kick in. Once it does there is no stopping you. Cheers.PS : You can Google what exercises you should do for each body part. I've not seen your physique so I would not know. Also. Diet is important. Don't eat crap.Simple formula to follow : Carbs for energy before workout.Proteins after to build muscle. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. And have water.Best of luck.

Can anyone give me some diet/workout advice?

My friend runs a fitness company Get FitYes it's in Swedish, but if you want to, I can guide you to understand the site and what it says. I can talk to him and have him provide you everything you need int English. If not, I will translate everything for you myself.Basically, he gives you 12 weeks of personalized coaching and diet and tells you EXACTLY what you need to do and when.Just look at his results-page (resultat).If you're truly committed to this and not just looking for some easy way out, taking this 12 week schedule will change your health to the better. I can guarantee it.I've tried it, a lot of others have too and we are all freaking satisfied with it.Why?Because Alex provides a sound way to look at health. It's not just some trendy bla bla, it's actually eating great food and working.It's up to you.Let me know if I can help you further:)

A little advice on working out... Which muscle groups should I workout together?

This is what I do.

Shoulders, back, and bicep

Tricep and Chest


Hate working at Subway and I want to quit! I need some advice.?

I work at Subway and I want a new job but heres the thing, I've been working there just a little over a month and I keep thinking I just shouldn't give up so quickly but I hate the people I work with which I guess there will be people like that everywhere but they're just so rude! I feel like an idiot too because it took me awhile to get the hang of things and I'm still catching on and thats not usual for me. My manager is nice and helpful but I have to admit hes not the best when it comes to simple things. I really don't want to work in fast food but I'm just so torn as to whether I should stick it out. I really want to work at a cell phone store or a store like Best Buy or Radio Shack. Thanks for any advice.

Hate Working Out...?

I think NOT depending on friends is going to end up being the best thing for you! If you don't have friends you're waiting on, then you will be more likely to get out and exercise because you won't be hinging your schedule around other people. I had to learn this too. My boyfriend was and still is always busy and we never go together. At first this bothered me, but then I realized I was only hurting myself by waiting for the schedules to match up or the motivation!

I would first and foremost find a workout you like! Dance to music or get a dog to walk or a bike. Find what your favorite thing to do is and that will make it a lot more fun. I hated working out and I ended up getting this crazy dog who drug me around the block. I saw such a difference in jogging that I never thought jogging could do. I got so excited and that propelled me to want to work out more. That made it more fun for me. Changing your thought process would help you fun factor tons. Start telling yourself you love to work out even if you don't. Always replace "I hate to work out" with "I love to work out". This does wonders to your moral even if you don't know it right away!

And like others have said. There is nothing better than listening to your own personal soundtrack when working out.

Good luck! I hope this helps!

I am just getting into working out. What tips can you give me?

-Patience-It takes a long time to see noticeable hypertrophy. Nothing worth having comes easy.-Consistency-stay consistent by creating a program and hold yourself accountable. Do not go too hard or you will find yourself wanting to quit more often, take it easy at first and ramp up from there.-Optimize other aspects of your life other than exercise such as nutrition, sleep, stress…these will drastically improve your overall fitness.-Do your research-learn about the human anatomy, which exercises effect certain muscles, best set/rep counts for your goal, nutrition..etc-Lastly, motivation- take some time to think of what your end goal is. Ask yourself why you’re starting to workout, why you want to get in shape, dig deep. Keep this thought as motivation when times get tough.Stay positive and have fun with it!

What advice would you give someone who wanted to be more fit?

Just start working out.If you want to be fit and you are unhappy with your body, just start working out. Its that easy.Commit yourself. Buy one year membership in a gym so you have to go to the gym. Paying few hunders of dollars is going to give you some extra push to commit yourself.As soon you start seeing some real results you are becoming addicted. You wont be able to stop.