Can You Tell Me How To Graph These Equations As Simply As You Can

How to graph the eqation y=x?

The graph of the equation y=x is fairly easy and simple to graph.

- First you need to draw a X & Y coordinate plane..
- How?
Draw two perpendicular lines that intersect each other.
Label the vertical one "y"
Label the horizontal one "x"
The point where the two lines intersect is called the origin and also has the coordinates (0,0)
Now number the x-axis and y-axis with equal intervals (recommend intervals on 1, such as: --4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
The side right of the origin is the positive x-axis and the left is the negative x-axis.
The top is the positive y-axis and the bottom is the negative y-axis.

- Second: Plot the graph now that you have you coordinate plane drawn
- How?
Since it is a y = x graph, all x and y values will be same.
So, easiest is to take any three points and graph them on the plane.
For instance, (-1,-1) , (0,0) , (1,1)
And then draw a straight line that goes through them.
All points along that line are solutions to y=x.

-Third: How should it look?
- It should look like you bisected or went through the middle of a 90 degree angle and it also should be a straight line.

That is how you graph y=x. Hope that helps :)

How can u tell if one graph is steeper than the other when both equ. of lines are in slope intercept form?

The higher the value of m, the steeper the line. For example, if m = 3, it is a very steep line. If it = 1/3, not so steep. If m=0, so the equation is simply y = b, there is no slope, it is a flatline.

We are talking here of the absolute value of m. Meaning, disregard the negative. A -5 slope is much steeper than a +2 slope, it just goes down instead of up.

How to use slope and y-intercept to graph equations?

I'll tell you how to do the 1st one. Hopefully, you should be able to work out the rest by yourself...

Try thinking of it as: If I've gone this far right, how much higher or lower am I...? That's the relationship that's actually being expressed.

Since it's already in y=mx+b format, the y-intercept is -3. That is, the line crosses (intersects) the vertical (up and down) y-axis at the 3rd point under the origin (0,0). This is a point ON the line, and thereby, gives you a frame of reference as to where the line continues. Its coordinates are (0,-3).

Now, simply substitute a value in for x and solve for y. The positive value you've substituted for x shows how far to the right of the origin (0,0) you've gone and the resulting answer (solving for y) shows how far above or below the previous point is.

Example: y=1/2x-3.

First off, NOTE the slope (m) is positive. Therefore, as the x value increases, so will the y value. In other words, proceeding from left to right, the line will point upward.

Substitute 2 for the x value. You've thereby gone 2 points right of the y-intercept (0,-3) horizontally. y=1/2(2)-3. y=1-3. so, y=-2. So, that point is marked on the graph at (2,-2).

Connect the points and draw the line that includes these points: (0,-3) and (2, -2).

NOTE: Pick ANY point on that line and plug the values into the original equation. They should match up or your line is not properly drawn.

By the way...? ALL y=# are horizontal lines that are parallel with the x-axis and ALL x=# are vertical lines parallel to the y-axis.

Hope this helps.

How do you cahnge a equation form Standar form To Slope Intecerp Form!!?!!?

slope-intercept form uses the formula y=mx+b.

all you have to do is get the y by itself.

subtract x from both sides
then divide both sides by 3
this can be written, to better suit the mx+3 formula:


as for the second equation, you use the same principles.

I personally would do the simple thing and just add y here then subtract 8, like so:

then, flip it around to make it more easily recognized as a slope-intercept equation (which you can legally do in math based on the thing that says if x=y then y=x).


viola! lol it is reasonably simple. if you needed to graph these, all you would do is place the b number (in the latter problem this number would be -8) on the y axis, then go up 2 and to the right one (2=2/1) and place another point there, and you can continue as much as you like in that pattern, then draw the line through those points. good luck and I hope I've helped.

How do I graph 3y=2x?

Convert to slope intercept form: y =mx+b3y =2x divide both sides b y 3 to isolate y.y =(2/3)x.So they intercept is 0, and the slope is 2/3.Begin your graph on the Y axis at the value of b, which is zero. So you are starting at the origin, (0,0). From here use the slope. So go up 2 in the Y direction, then go right 3 in the x direction. Then repeat, up 2 right 3, up 2 right 3, and so on.

Find an equation of the linear function *f* using the given information.?

remember, the equation for a line is y = mx + b

think of f(x) as y. this means that when you plug in a value of x into your funtion, you'll get f(x), which is just y.

1. so for number one, the function would be

f(x) = -1x + 1/2

all i had to do was substitute the y with f(x), the m with -1, and the b with 1/2.

2. so for number two, they give you a y value by saying that f(0) is 1. to put it simply, they have 0 for their x value. this leaves us with a y-intercept (since x value is 0) of 1, which is the 'b'.

the function is f(x) = 3x + 1

3. number three should be easier now. when x is zero, y is 1. 1 is again the 'b' value (y-intercept). slope is the 'm' value.

the function is f(x) = -1x + 1

4. this is harder, since they don't give you a y-intercept. this is easiest to solve on a graph.

draw a standard graph with x and y intercepts. then, plot the point (4,-1), since it is a point on the function. then, from that point you can go down three spaces, and to the right 2 (since the slope is -3/2). then, draw the line connecting these points until you hit the y axis. you'll probably need a ruler, and i would suggest graph paper. the y coordinate in the point where the line touches the y axis is your 'b' value and your 'm' is given.

5. same as question 4

6. use the formula for slope in this problem, since they give you two points.

(y2 - y1) / (x2-x1)

(2 - 2) / 2 - -1 = 0 / 3

this is a special case. since the slope is zero, then all y values of this graph are 2. they are 2 because of the f(-1) and f(2) both equal 2. this looks like a horizontal line, passing through the point (0,2).

the function is f(x) = 2

no matter what you plug in for x, the function will always equal 2.

7. same as question 6, except it is not a horizontal line. use slope formula.

(-2 - 1) / (1 - -1)

-3/2 is the slope. graph the function to fine the y-intercept.

8. same as question 7.