Can You Tell Me Something About My Character I Don

I'm writing a novel and I want to draw my characters. I don't know how to. What do I do?

As someone that’s been drawing since i was like 5 i hear this a lot. Gonna tell you what i tell everyone else, just draw. Yes, yes they will not look the way you want them to, that’s fine. It really only takes about a year to get even decent. If you really work at it you can actually get really good in a year.But for now don’t worry about that, just put your pencil on the page and draw. Far as the art distracting from your words. Light Novels are literally novels with pictures, so don’t let that stop you. That said I’ll leave you some youtube links to drawing channels. Each one of them has been at it for ages and should really help.Draw with Jazza - Does cartoon styles and superheroes mostly.Mark Crilley - His focus is manga but has a wide variety of videos to learn from.Sycra - Very anime influenced style but will teach you digital painting and drawing.Proko - If you want to learn traditional methods or realism this is your guy.Jason Brubaker - Comic focused style but he takes the time to really explain what he’s doing and why.Really hope that helps good luck & take care.EDIT: some clarity

What are the best answers for: "in 150 characters or fewer, tell us what makes you unique?"

Most people will answer this question by talking about their experience or education, and add descriptions like 'hard-working, loyal, team-leader, etc.' THIS IS WRONG.You should always answer with what you will do to improve the company. What ideas do you have that will make life better for your interviewer? Lead with that. In this situation, what you will do to make this company better, and to make life better for the person interviewing you, is a benefit to them. Your benefit to the company is what will get you hired. Therefore, always answer this question with benefits first, followed by features only if relevant.For Example: "In my last position, I managed my own team within the marketing department, so I know what it's like to collaborate with others and lead a marketing campaign.  I have ideas for crafting a new marketing message that will more effectively tell the story of why this company is great and compel people to buy your products." It's that easy. More @http://career-consulting-limited...

Can you write a story and never give the main character's name? What if it's revealed later rather in the beginning?

He was standing beside me by the gate of the crowded train. His face reminded me of the anguish I go through daily. My little daughter crushed beneath his wheels. She was playing in her locality when an over speeding car caused her to meet her doom. I couldn't save her. The car never stopped. I could only catch the glimpse of the driver. He escaped without any trouble. Nobody could identify him. No one knew his name. The police couldn't find the car. Justice to my daughter deprived.Now I see him again just a few inches away. The lust of revenge is tempting. A simple push and no one would notice and my revenge would be sought .And I did exactly that. The newspaper next day confirmed this accidental death and at last I got to know his name.Now I see him again. In a dark, desolated lane. His steps unsteady. Smell of alcohol dripping from his body. But how can he be walking? I killed him last week. I can't take chances. An iron rod to his head to eliminate him. At last I have had my revenge. The next morning the newspaper confirmed this death but this time with a different name.Now I see him again standing on the foot end of the barren roof. Breeze of wind brushing his hair, blowing sand and dust particles collected from the under constructed roof. His clothes resemble that of a construction worker now. How could he have been behind the wheel of a Honda City that day? Why do these all faces look the same? Or is it me who is trying to find all that I can kill as same? The answer is unknown, but the result was the same. The name was a different again.I don't know how many more I have to kill to avenge? How much more blood need to be shed to be sure? How many more same faces to pay the price? I would eradicate whenever I would find one. I would go to the extent that the numbers of these faces are left none.I will play with all I have to win this revengeful game.I agree,The task would have been simpler If only I would have known HIS NAME.

Writers - How do you create your characters? +BQ?

I write short stories, so I create a LOT of characters. Usually I start with a profession and a situation and let it develop from there. Or I start with a profession and a couple of character traits and let that drive my plot: "He was an angry and bitter little angel." Why was he angry and bitter? Figure that out, and there's my story.

The questions on here that really baffle me are the ones that could be answered via a quick Google search. The ones that want us to write their entire homework essay or story for them run a close second. And the ones who want to know how to get published when they haven't scribbled a single word in their magnum opus are third. And then there's that one weirdo who keeps having the timid naked geek, and the other person who has people getting turned into things and wondering what the other character should make them do. The first one I report, the second one I ignore.

What disease should I give my character?

I'm writing a...unique love story. I'm not going to give anything about it away since plagiarism sucks, but I will tell you that I don't want my main character to be plain.

I want to give her several different quirks that make her more human, not like she's some type of machine. I've given her a few remarkable scars, but I need something more than that. I need to give her a disease.

Nothing too serious like cancer, but something a little more subtle. Something that won't HUGELY impact her life, just make it a little difficult. Like Tourette syndrome (tics and twitches), but I'm not going to give her that because another character already has Tourette syndrome. Some of the things I've come up with are:


See? Things like that. Now I'm not a medical whiz or anything, but a lot of you people are, so if you have any recommendations about what disease I should use, please, PLEASE tell me. OH and another thing, this is something that she would have had since birth as well, I'm going to make drop little hints about the disease until she flat out says it, but yeah.

Thank you c: