Can You Use Boku With A Tracfone

Grammar: when should I use 'do' and 'does'?

The verb “do” means that the “do” and “does” are in the present indicative. Here is the conjugation in this type of veb tense to help you when to use these forms of the verb “do”:I do, you do (familiar), he does, she does, it does, we do, you do, they do.So basically, to make it simple, you use “does” after a subject pronoun in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it). You use “do” after all other subject pronouns.Hope this helps.

Is using, "that that" in a sentence grammatically correct?

Yes, it's correct.Let's take a look at this sentences.“Andrew told me that that Blonde would choose a pack of groceries over a trip to Kentucky”It's clear and obvious that there is a sign of repetition of words but it should be use appropriately.Moreover, you must not start a sentences with two repetitive words of the same part of speech.In most cases, Stammerers tend to use two repetitive words at the beginning, that doesn't mean they are correct.Don't make mistakes on that

When do we use do, does, and did?

do, does, did and done are four forms of the verb “to do”To make questions Do/Does is used to make question in simple present tense. If the subject in the sentence is (he/she/it) we use ‘does’. For (I/you/we/they) we use ‘do’.E.g.: “ Do you want to go to the park ?”.“ Does she look funny today ?”Did is used in the past tense. For example: “ Did you ask her to dance?”Done is used in the case of past participle. For example: “I have done whatever sir had told me to do.”Do look at these pictures for further explanations.

Is the usage of the word "that" twice in a row in a sentence grammatically sound (e.g.,"I explained that that was a good idea.")? Or should I seek to change it to only use one "that" for any reason other than avoiding verbal clunkiness?

It is perfectly grammatical to have two "thats" or two "hads" in a row for that matter. With proper punctuation, you can have even more. Robert Day offers the following example in [1].He said, in speaking of the word "that," that that "that" that that student had referred to was not that "that" that that other student referred to. You will also find frequent usage of "that that" in 19th century British Parliamentary proceedings.[1] How to write and publish a scientific paper by Robert A. Day

"You have insufficient funds to send message!" What does that mean?

As you can see, I'm using BOKU to buy embee minutes for my cell phone.
When I type my number in, I'll get a message saying on my phone saying "You have insufficient funds to send!" message!" I don't know what that phrase mean.