Cannot Focus Should I See A Professional Or Just Deal With It

Severely depressed, can't focus?

Call 1-800-SUICIDE. Even if you aren't going to kill yourself, they will talk to you. Explain what is going through your head, and so on. Tell them you were just contemplating how to painlessly kill yourself.. tell them everything. They don't know who you are, it is anonymous. You need to talk,.. get this pressure off your chest.

You are being put under extra pressure because of this 'performance' anxiety on top of your underlying depression/anxiety that exists for some particular reason.

It is just a test .. or two tests. The world doesn't end if you fail them, or do poorly. If you can relax,.. and put things into proper perspective your focus will get better.

I would suggest seeing your schools mental health/counselor (you will have someone on campus.. you just need to ask a staff member, or someone who would know.) -- They might refer you to a doctor, or not. This might be something you can work out with a little guidance. You never know, but give them a call now just to talk this out with a human being.. and tomorrow talk to a professional,.. I mention the one supplied by the university (or CC) because that would be convenient.

Don't be scared to call your parents (or parent) as a last resort. I know how that is,.. but you just need to talk right now.

Take care,

Can't focus eyes on computer?

I found this question because I am going through the same thing right now. No idea why, I just got a contact exam and a new pair so I don't think that's the problem, In my case, I'm wondering if it's the computer screen.
You should probably adjust the screen if you think that's the case.
Maybe it's the brightness?
This is to help with adjusting your screen:

And Here is a site I found about Computer Eyes Strain:

If you think the problem is your eyes themselves, definately get it checked out. Could lead to worse problems, (headaches, sight damage, etc)
If you can't go to a doctor, there are instructions online on how to perform self-exams, though I'm sure it would just be safer to get it checked by a professional and if it is the computer screen causing the problem, spending more time on it might do more harm than good.

Common Eye Disorders:

I keep on procrastinating and can't keep focus when it comes to my homework. I've had this issue for a long time. What should I do?

A2ASee a professional. “Zoning out” could be a bad habit that you need to overcome. But, it could also be a way of saying you have ADD.One warning on that is that diagnosis is done by checklist; there is no specific medical test to determine it for sure. So, if a doctor decides you might have it, treatment is often experimental. If medicine helps, you have it. But, there are now many choices for meds and they all work differently for different people. My daughter with ADD prefers Focalin, because you do not have to take it all the time and can use it just when you need to focus.Procrastination makes me a little concerned about this next suggestion, but here goes. A child psychologist friend had some experimental success using high action video games with ADD patients. Ten or Fifteen minutes of high action playing gets the blood flowing in the correct parts of the brain. Then you have to be willing to switch to studying as long as you can stay on task. When his students started to falter, he had them do cycles of five more minutes of game play and more studying until they were struggling again, repeating the cycle of study, 5 minutes game, study, 5 minutes game until their work was done. He claimed some who did not like the side effects of their medication were able to quit prescriptions and still earn solid grades in school. It could be worth a try if you have the self control to keep switching from play to study.And, some depends on what happens at the end of your procrastination. If you still zone out and your work does not get done on time, well, or at all. That is a problem to solve and it would be worth working with a medical professional to see if there is any chance that ADD is affecting your staying on schedule. On the other hand! If you get your work done well but are simply rushed after procrastinating, it may be the way you function well. Some people just work better under pressure. It could even be a coping mechanism for ADD as the time pressure forces you to focus more.If both are simply matters of personality, concern for doing well, and/or self control. You will have to decide what matters to you and what will motivate you to do it. Since it has been happening for some time, a professional counselor (sorry, not a school counselor) might be of help in this area.Good luck!

I can't focus on anything. Help please!?!?!?

If someone asks me to do something, I forget in 5 minutes. I'll have something in my hand and lose it im 10 second and not be able to find it for days no matter what steps I take to find them. Im a good student but it's impossible for me to do my homework. I have tried everything! Turning off all electronics, listening to music, not listening to music, listening to music without words. But its like every sound or thought destractes me and I try so hard and get barely anything done!!! I sit for hours doing nothing but trying to focus. I'm falling behind in all my classes. Help me please what do I do?

Cant focus and my wrestling is horblie fr heavy drinking?

I got messed up all day every day for a whole week straight now I don't know what to do o feel like I have brain fog and I'm deppresrd and my anxiety is worst it's been 5 days since I last drank I have a HUGE wrestling tournament coming up on 10 days and my wrestling is horrible right now idk what to do had anyone had this happen to them befor??

I can't concentrate and feel sick whenever I try to focus on something?

For the last few days, I haven't been able to focus/think critically during school. Whenever I try to work on a math problem, or even read a chapter of a book, I start getting really agitated. My mind goes blank and I can't comprehend anything I've learned. I want to scream or knock something over. It's the same even with things I usually like. Today I was watching a YouTube video with subtitles--I couldn't read the subtitles quickly enough, and I started getting really enraged and confused. Whenever I think too hard, I start to feel nauseous and dizzy. Then it's like my brain shuts off completely and I'm on autopilot. Even writing this I feel really stressed and my thoughts feel muddled. What's happening to me? Help!