Career Help Which Course Should I Do

What course should i take for a career in IT?


Im looking to make a career change from the financial services industry into the IT industry. Im 27 and my knowledge of computers is basic. I have done some beginners courses with Java and can setup a home network and troubleshoot PC problems but apart from that im pretty much at beginners level.

Ive been looking at the full time courses in Belfast met college -->

and also some of the part time courses->

Im a bit confused as to what course to go for. My ultimate goals would be to become an accredited Microsoft or network technician.

The part-time would obviously facilitate a normal working lifestyle to pay the bills and standard costs of living as opposed to a full time course which would require me to get a part-time job and scrap by to pay the bills. Obviously I would have to balance the sacrifice of a full time course with the outcome of a good qualification that can get me started in the industry right away!

the par-time courses ive considered are:

Java for beginners (leading onto further programming courses and useful to have)
comptia network+ ( I could do this in conjunction with the java course to give myself a good base for a higher level qualification next year)
implementing a Microsoft SQL server 2008 database ( I have no previous experience with this so I think this would jumping in a little too deep especially as one of the courses prerequisites is a strong programming knowledge)

The full time course would either be:

A level in ICT (leading onto a degree (looking at potentially 5years of fulltime education...perhaps not practical with a family to support and bills to be paid)

an OCR Procom level 3 Diploma_>

(again this is 2 years fulltime but would lead to a degree and would give me a good platform for immediate opportunities should I decide not to progress with higher education.

If anyone can offer any opinions or advice from their own personal perspective id be very grateful.


Career help please? What course should i take up for my degree?

Hi. I know it's easier to pursue something that you think will provide financial stability, especially in this economy. But I think you should pursue what you enjoy doing without thinking about what will provide the most money. Usually, when people do this, they end up making a living doing something they don't like and they end up unhappy and unfulfilled. If you do something you enjoy, you excel at it, and eventually, the money will come.

The best option is to do a double for the money and one for your enjoyment. You can't go wrong majoring in Business as you can apply it to any job.

Good luck!

It all depends on what you think “growing a career” means. In the grand scheme of a career, five years is not that long. If you want to keep learning, fine, nothing wrong with taking a class but growing your career takes time and hard work. Its up to you to do that. Look around. Identify things at your company that may be in need of change and improvement then present your idea to your boss and fix it. THAT is how you grow your career. Coach someone who wants to grow their career. You have an MBA and experience - why not volunteer at your alma mater to help students who are also trying to figure out their career paths. You would be surprised what you learn by sharing what you know with someone else. My point is having a degree doesn't add up to professional growth. Its an ongoing, never-ending process of learning. Its an attitude and a passion for understanding more about people, life, work, yourself, etc. And yes, education can be a very important part of that but its a cumulative affect over time.

I need some help finding out what courses to take for what career?

I want to work with the troops like with therapy wise but i also want to work with/learn about marriage and kids so im not sure what courses to take to learn these things and what degree i need for them! I would like to be able to do all three of them if i can but i don't know if they're completely different or not!
Also, can anyone refer a online college for these courses and degrees? That would be the best way for me to go to college when i go!
So pretty much what im asking is, based on the three options of what i want to do, what do i want to be? A psychologist, psychiatrist, or a therapist? and what course should i take for these careers and last but not least, if you know of any good online colleges that don't cost a fortune!

Thanks so much for your help!

What a-levels and university course should i do for a career in conservation/environment?

I am not sure where/what country you go to school, so I do not know what a-levels or uni's are, but I can tell you that any env classes would be beneficial. I'm not sure what area you are interested in, but env law or management classes might suit you, as well... depending on your interests.
I recommend taking care of your gen ed's early on, so you can focus on your major classes in your last 2 years of your Bachelor's.
Depending on your area of interest, you could take: Field Ecology, Forest Ecology, Wildlife Ecology, Animal Behavior, Botany, Plant Ecology, Fire Ecology, Soil Science (very beneficial), etc.
And, if AT ALL possible, try to do an independent study with a professor! This experience helps you SO MUCH in the future - so if there is a semester where you are short on classes/credits, ask your advisor or your favorite professors if there is a study you could assist or take part in for credit. It is such invaluable experience.
Good luck-

Career Help Please?? Guide Me!?


Computer science students tend to struggle for reasons that have very little to do with computers.

More often than not, such struggles are rooted in weaknesses related to math. So load up on math classes. Focus on algebra and if you have an opportunity to take another math, go with geometry. Trigonometry will be useful too, but you will gain a lot of this knowledge in high school math classes even if you don’t take specific class in it.

Read more on this guide :

With a masters, you are qualified to be a lab tech at some clinical lab in e.g., a hospital or public water plant. Or teach high school- level biology.Or take more classes, (adequately) perform novel research, and get your doctorate.

What should i do for my writing career?

Okay, sorry if this is a bit long and/or childish.
Im 14 currently and in my future i hope to have a career in writing fiction. I understand that that may be unrealistic and that it should most likely be accompanied by another job just in case i dont get enough money or something of that sort. I just want some advice on what to do to help me.
I currently practice writing stories, many types of stories to expand my horizon. I also let my friends read my stories and ask for some constructive critisism. I also post them online just to see what other people think i guess i am somewhat good for my age.
I have been writing stories since i was nine and i continuously write down ideas for stories and such. I also read a lot to see the writing styles of authors to see how i can improve.
I was hoping i could get some advice on how to be successful in this area. Like when i go to college what should i most likely look into studying to help me in this area. Or what i should be doing now to help me in the future. Could you give me some advice and/or warnings?

Web development is a very interesting subject. You have no courses and have to learn it entirely through trial and error method. But I would suggest you a road map to excel in it.Beginner stage: HTML 5 , CSS3, basic Javascript validations, running static HTML pages in browsers using HTML and CSS.Intermediate stage: jQuery framework, responsive web designing, browser compatibility, overview of any CMS like wordpress, drupal, etc.,Advanced: It can go on and on like using plugins, frameworks like Node JS, Angular JS, using MV* architecture, LESS, SASS, search engine optimization techniques, bootstrapping, writing efficient algorithm scripts so as to reduce load on servers, security aspects and on and on.You can refer coursera, youtube, khan academy videos to learn more.Note: Creating a stunning website portfolio is in itself a big certification for a web developer.