Cat Had Miscarriage Might Be Dead Kitten Left Inside Of Her


My cat just had kittens on Wednesday night. She had four beautiful babies. She was really big, so having only four little babies surprised me. Then on Friday night, my son came in and said, "Mom, she had another one. It's dried and everything." Low and behold, we had a fifth kitten 48 hours later! Healthy and screaming, this thing was starving and had been born sometime in the two hours I hadn't been in there to check on her. Mom and babies are doing fine and the vet is expecting her Monday morning. There are no signs of fever in the mom, she is nursing, eating, drinking and voiding okay. We are having her checked as a precaution since the little girl is 48 hours younger than her brothers.

For the record, this is Cloud's second litter. She loves being a mom and obviously loves the boys in the neighborhood. She became prego again while still nursing the last litter and I had to cancel the vet appt to have her fixed. I refuse to do animal abortions. It's cruel. Just get her fixed when you can afford it, if that is what you want. Don't be bullied into it. Some people don't believe in it and I respect that, too. It's not like the animals have a choice. They are doing what God intended them to do. Good luck to you, honey.

Still born kitten inside mother cat ?

I think she will be ok until ur dad gets home. If your cat was going to be in darger of having a baby still inside her stomach the 1st sign of danger with that is she would still be bleeding the only way to know if she is still bleeding is to put clean towel or whatever under the kittens where she feeds them and then check every few hours and if the sheets or towels or whatever they are laying on her clean then she should be ok. no blood .. means ok. Most cat sin labor or in pain or sick usually dont eat right away anyway. Thats another reason why i think she is alright. If she is still in labor u will know because u will see her stomach contract " look like she is pushing and stomach gets hard then soft and hard and then soft again) sometimes they are not finishing giving birth for a few days. PLSSSSS take this advice that im abt to give u do not touch the babies too often and leave her alone if u fuss with her or her babies too much she will neglect the babies and not want to play " mommy" anymore. Let us know what happens! :)

Can cats have one dead kitten and still be pregnet?

I'm not a professional but I've never heard of animals going into labor twice for the same pregnancy. I would imagine kitten embryos, whether the mother is having two or six, all develop in a single placenta. Once that placenta is ruptured (giving birth to the first kitten) it can't heal itself up and leave the rest of the kittens in there.

If she birthed one dead kitten and her stomach is still fat and lumpy like she has more in there, give your vet a call. Dead kittens inside the mother can cause life threatening infections. If she had the kitten, passed the afterbirth (placenta) and is acting normal she is probably fine.

Dead kitten what to do how to handle it?

:( So sorry. I would tell the kids that young kittens are fragile and sometimes they don't make it. (I adopted a kitten from my cousin, she was a litter of 2, but her sibling didn't make it, my cousin thinks it got too curious and rough with the dog and the dog consequently was too rough with it). You are not the only one this stuff happens to though I know it is very hard when it happens. Do you think it would help your husband if you buried it? If so, I would. Again, I'm so sorry you're going through this.

When do cats tend to eat their kittens? Do they eat even after the kittens are 3-4 days old?

Mother cats don’t “tend” to eat their kittens. It is not a tendency or a typical event. When it happens, it is an unusual occurrence and it usually happens because something stressed the mother and she may not have felt that she could raise all of the litter so she picked the ones that she thought were more likely to survive and concentrated on them. Either she didn’t have enough milk or she was too tired from repeated birthings or she may have suspected that some of the kittens were sick and would not have survived anyway, or she simply was too stressed to handle the whole litter. When she kills (or allows to die) the kittens and then eats them, she is doing it to get rid of a health hazard, a decomposing body in the litter. She is not eating it for nutrition, unless she is in a situation where she is starving. She is not doing it to be cruel. She reduces the size of the litter down to what she considers to be manageable, for the good of the group. It usually happens when the kittens are tiny newborns and it looks more or less like when the mother eats the afterbirth (placenta). The less stressful the environment when the mother cat gives birth, the greater the chance of survival the kittens have, so please give her her space. Mother cats are not vicious; they are victims of their instincts and their hormones during pregnancy and delivery. And they are not human beings and should not be judged as human.

Do mother cats grieve if one of their kittens dies?

Absolutely.........whenever the kittens disappear.......die, given away, etc.......the mom will go looking everywhere for them....crying, & searching.....

This will happen again, when the kittens are older & leave.....

If the mom isn't taking care of ( FEEDING ) those 2 that are left, you NEED to get some KMR ( kitten milk replacement ) milk, a feeding "kit" w/long, slender nipples, and YOU need to start feeding them..ASAP. Otherwise, these will die, too.

If the mom was too young ( physically, emotionally ), OR if she mated with her brother, then the kittens had 2 strikes against them to begin with. But, if it was just being outside that caused the death of the first MAY be able to save these last two.........if you hurry & start getting some nourishment into them!!

After each feeding ( every couple of hours at first, and lengthening the time between feedings as they get a little older ) sure to rub their tummies...and back around their anus ( to stimulate defacation ). If the mom will do it, let her clean them up. This may cause her to "bond" with them more. If she CAN feed them, let her.......but, be sure to BE THERE to supplement their feedings if necessary.

Hope all goes well, and these last two survive. Please get mom spayed BEFORE she goes into heat again.......and you ( & she ) won't have to go through something like this again. AND, she'll be a healthier cat!!!

Good luck........

My cat is in labor! But the first kitten was dead and hasnt had anymore! Help!?

Right before leaving work my pregnant cat was acting weird and meowing. I put her in a box I had for her and there was a weird bubble coming out. Finally, a kitty came out but it was dead :( That was about an hour ago, but ever since she has been acting very normal and walking around showing now other signs. Are the kittens ok? Is there a chance the other ones died inside her belly?? Any advice would help!

Our cat had kittens outdoors but we can't find the kittens? Are they probably stillborn or a miscarriage?

It is hard to know what happened. Maybe she has something wrong with her that she is unable to carry a litter to term. But it's just possible she had live kittens and hid them. This is why it's a good idea to keep a pregnant cat inside & when it's close to her time keep her in one room, so you dont have to wonder.
You could keep an eye on her for a day and try to follow her at a distance to see if you see her repeatedly going to the same place where she might have a litter hidden. If you do find them, could you bring the mother and kittens inside and keep them safely in one room?

If there's no sign of kittens dead or alive, it may have been she again had premature stillborn kittens and either she or another animal has eaten the bodies. (Unpleasant, I know, but that's nature for even the female to do that herself to replenish her strength and to prevent attracting predators by the smell.

Or she might have had one premature and still be carrying others. We had a farm cat who had that happen. she gave birth to a premature stillborn kitten then a week or two later she had 2 live healthy kittens. If she is friendly you can try to feel if there are any moving. & a vet could find out if she is still pregnant.

As you said, you could just ask them to do a spay whether or not she is still carrying. If you know you might (or definitely) want to have that done, you should discuss it at the time you make the appointment to make sure that the vet would be willing to do a spay/abortion this late since some vets have a limit on how late in pregnancy. they will do it. Vets at shelters or working for low-cost spay/neuter clinics are more likely to do late term abortions.

You should definitely get her in soon because if it turns out she has dead kittens still inside her starting to decompose, that could end up killing her.

My cat had a litter of kittens about 72 hrs ago. She has not pooped or peed even though she has been eating and drinking. Is this normal?

My honest sense would be no. I’ve been around a few cats after they’ve given birth, and they do usually use the litter box in a somewhat normal manner… I can think of a few things that could be going on here:#1: Your cat could be peeing or pooping somewhere that isn’t the litter box. giving birth (especially for the first time) is extremely stressful for cats, and with her hormones at a high level, your cat may have decided that the litter box is just not something she wants to deal with right now. I’d take a quick look around the nest to make sure she hasn’t peed on your floors or behind a chair — cats can be very sneaky creatures. This leads into option #2…#2: You could have your litter box in a location where she can’t reach it. Nursing queens will want to be near the new kittens at all times, so if your litter box is difficult for her to reach, she may not be able to use it. Make sure the litter box is near to momma cat’s nest — though it needs to be at least a couple feet away from the food bowls to prevent messes. (Also, as a side note, try to use non-clumping cat litter for at least the first few weeks. Kittens will try to eat the liter, and ingesting clumping cat litter can cause serious digestive issues.)#3: Your cat could have a urinary tract infection, complication from the pregnancy, or other medical issue which is preventing her from using the litter box properly. I would watch her behavior closely — is she nursing the kittens and actively engaging with them? Does she seem active? Does she seem to be in any sort of pain? Does she have a particularly heavy vaginal discharge, or one which is bright red or foul smelling (a dark brown or black discharge is normal for the first week or two)? These are things I would definitely be watching for.Honestly, my personal opinion would be that you should talk to your veterinarian about your concerns. Cats really should be seen by a vet within a day or two of having the kittens anyways, to ensure there have been no complications with the birth and that everyone’s healthy. There are many things that can go wrong over the first few weeks after a birth, and I would be in consultation with your vet to keep everything as safe and comfortable as possible for momma and the kittens. These articles might also help: Postpartum Care For Cats - How To Care For The New Queen and Caring For Your Postpartum Queen Cat both have some really helpful information about things to watch for.Good luck, and congratulations!