Character Surname Idea

What are some good ideas for a name of a D&D character?

Historically surnames where the profession the person worked in such as Baker or Smith. Or the village where they grew up such as Bayford or Greendale. Lastly some where named for a skill or above average ability such as Fred the Brave or Nick the Knife.Another is to choose a name that fits the personality, background and attuide of the character such as Mordo the Trouble or Conway the Two Blades.If I have problems naming a character I always turn to a random name generator here is the link to one of my go to site - Seventh Sanctum: Name GeneratorsOverall do your DM a favor and don't make your characters name a tongue twister like Shamooolala (Sham - O - lala) or Jtimickadom (Tie - Mick - Adom)

Can I use CREAMPIE as a character's surname?

Why not? Kids' stories are full of kooky character names. It would be out of place in a novel with dark themes (unless you wanted to go for a stark juxtaposition of humourous name and heinous acts), but I don't suppose there'll be too much murder and mayhem in a children's book.

I wouldn't choose Creambucket - it sounds gross, like some sort of euphemism from the adult industry.

Surnames for a dark character?

Her first name is Amelia, but I don't know what her second should be. She has ginger hair, which she dyes dark red, and pale skin. She wears lots of eye liner, and is considered a loner, and a mystery. No one knows her all that well. She is an ex assassin, who is now a spy and working for MI6. She is also an orphan, her parents brutally murdered in front of her very own eyes - that's why she became a spy, because she was an assassin, but her best friend killed her parents when she threatened to leave. She claims not to care for anyone, yet when she falls in love, she starts to care for him......SURNAME IDEAS NEEDED!! And alternative first names as well???

Last Name Ideas For Character?

I am writing a story and I'm trying to think of a good last name to go with my main character. His first and middle names are Rhodes and Nelson(Respectively). I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me some ideas that go really well with those names.

Can you give me ideas for the main character's name in my fantasy series?

Thousands of places to find names: college year-books, names from theater program books, movie credits, phone books, baby name books (works for first names rather than last, unless you give your character a surname that is also a first name). Play with the name a little. Consider the name Douglas. You might like this name just as it is, but to give it a little pizzazz, you might transform it to Dougalis if your setting is an alternative time-line. Call him Dougs for a nickname. If you want a plain name (e. g. Robin Grant), go with it. You can always change the name later, but do it before you get too attached, for you’ll reach a point where you’ll find it hard to make the changes after working w/ a character for a while. Sometimes names come late, maybe halfway through the story. Then you’ll find one that suits, and your character will “tell” you “This fits. I like it.” What that really comes from is your storehouse of knowledge about that character, because you’ve thought about that character a lot, and know that character, boiled all the disparate facts about the character into a living personality. That’s when the character “comes to life.”Think about your character, and figure what their most defining characteristics might be. Is she cynical? Trusting? Bold or frightened? Is he (or she) rich, poor or mid-level? Is he a space cowboy? Is Robin a female lawyer who takes pro bono cases for a favored cause? Is she an adult? Or a child? Build his family, friends, and approach to life. Does she live in a small town, a different planet, or a large city in China? Was he born in the 19th, the 21st, or the 25th century? These details (and the story itself) will be what gives the character name real power.

Good surnames for story characters?

Taylor Ward
Taylor Rodriguez
Taylor Gomez
Taylor Andrews
Taylor Jackson
Taylor Simmons
Taylor Gregory
Taylor Maxine
Taylor Warren
Taylor Hamper

Summer Alexis
Summer Stephano
Summer O' Leary
Summer Jemica
Summer Elizabeth
Summer Wellington
Summer Colt
Summer Tyrone