Child Maintenance Question

How do I write a request for child maintenance?

Please choose from these images. visit: Preview of sample letters for child maintenanceHope you find it helpful.

What do I say in a child maintenance court to get the father of my child to pay the child support I need?

In the US, the obligor’s wages can be attached. The court usually sets up this process from the beginning of the case. It is the simplest, easiest way to get the support paid; it’s fair; and everyone is on the same page.If the obligor isn’t working, s/he will need to make payments to the child support agency. If unemployment compensation is in the picture, it will deduct the child support the same way employers deducted it from wages.If the obligor has no income, then s/he needs to contact the child support agency and explain the situation. Usually, the agency will work with the person to find some resolution that will have a positive outcome. Child support agencies work with both parents on their case.If the obligor gets paid under the table, runs and hides, changes his/her name, or otherwise is a deadbeat, the courts will eventually catch up, and if restitution isn’t made, then jail time can be expected.If the obligor manages to avoid paying, once s/he starts drawing social security, the child support will garnished from the social security. (I was a great grandmother when I finally started getting my child support.) Child support is owed forever. There is no statute of limitations on the obligation.One can’t even escape the obligation with death. The courts can seize bank accounts, property, possessions, etc. to meet the obligation.

How can they take my car for not paying child maintenance?

SimpleYou owe money.So they assume you don’t have any money.But you still owe money.And you have a car.Cars are worth money.So they take your car and sell the car to get money to pay off your debt.If there’s money left when the debt is payed, you’ll get that back.

My ex partner pays £20 a month in child maintenance for our three children, has a house and a shop with flat (on a mortgage) and is building an extension to the shop. What can be done to get a fairer maintenance agreement?

Every three years, through the Child Support Enforcement Agency: you have a legal right to request a financial review from the obligor of child support for your children. Attached below, is a link to a PDF document explaining how to request modifications, or a review of court ordered child support through the Child Support Enforcement Agency. Child Support Enforcement Agency: can also, go to the web site for The Office of Child Support Enforcement to learn more information about your rights and the rights of the obligor. A link is below: with children, or a relationship break up; is a very difficult financial struggle  to overcome. Fortunately, the government enforces the need of child support for children; to ensure proper financial care for them. - Wendy Deaton Emmons

Do high maintenance women change once they have children?

It is definately possible to stay fab but prepare for your priorities to change, it is just the crazyness of being a mother. All rhyme and reason takes a back seat to those little eyes and those little cries.

Should a sex offender of a child be allowed to be a maintenance man in a building full of kids?

You need to call the police and report this.

He can not legally work where children are living, and the fact that he has keys to the units makes this even more dangerous then usual.

You can try suing to get out of the lease. Because the landlord actually put your childs life at risk I would think the judge will be siding with you.

Can child maintenance be back dated if he didn't pay enough?

in 1999 i divorced my ex husband on adultery basis. he agreed to pay 800 a month child maintenance for my 3 children based on his 60,000 yr income.over the yrs this has increased slightly to 900 based on indexed linked. his income however has increased dramatically! he has a million pound house, a half million pound villa abroad, has had numerous expensive cars including ferrari porsche bentley continental etc etc. he owns a company which profited 9 million last year! me n my kids on the other hand live in a rented house facing bankruptcy, i now have mental health probs n have had 2 let 2 of my 4 children go live with their dad on financial n coping grounds. i perhaps would not be in this situation... 1. if he had not had an affair. 2. if he had paid fairly in conjunction with his own lavish lifestyle! he hasn't become a millonaire over night and i want to know is it fair? also can i sue him n get my boys back? i am severely depressed so please be kind

Can a father stop giving child maintenance in Singapore?

He can (meaning, he has the ability to), but if he gets reported to the Court, the Court can do some very uncomfortable things to make him pay, e.g.Garnishee Orders on Bank AccountsSeizure and sale of assets.Don’t piss off the ex-wife or the Court.Also, don’t piss off the Press and/or the Government.

How do I enforce a foreign child maintenance court order in California?

File a Request for Hearing Regarding Registration of Out of State Custody Order and Request for Hearing Regarding Registration of Out of State Support Order (as appropriate) along with the UCCJEA form in the county in which you now live. I’m not sure if you will have to pay the $435 first appearance fee, and would have to research it all a bit.

Why does the court order maintenance to wives?

This is incorrect. At least in the US, courts do not always order the husband to pay maintenance to the wife. If the two spouse's have relatively equal income, or if both spouses are able to meet their reasonable needs, there won't be any maintenance at all. If there is an inequality of income, the court looks at a number of factors, including earning capacity, length of marriage, giving up of career outside the home to take care of the children, helping with the other person's career and so on.  It matters not whether it is the man or the woman who makes more money or stayed home with the children. The factors are gender neutral. It so happens, that it is still more common for women to give up their careers and stay home, or to take lesser jobs so they can care for the children while the men have more substantial careers. And in those cases, the judge will order alimony, or maintenance as you call it. If the man stayed home or took a lesser job to care for the children, or simply didn't have the earning capacity of the wife, the judge would look at those things and determine whether to give alimony to the husband. Alimony may or may not be permanent. It is canceled if the person gets married or, in most cases, lives with another person in a spouse-like relationship. It also may simply be set for a limited number of years. But by no stretch of the imagination is alimony automatic and always given. And it is most certainly not only given to women.Here is an article about Pennsylvania alimony that will give you some ideas on the subject.