Coding/programming Book Suggestions

Python Coding Question from "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner"?

1. Write a program that allows a user to enter his/her two favorite foods. The program should then print out the name of a new food by joining the original food names together with the python program.

I've tried over and over but for some reason I can't get it to work. Although I'm probably just missing something small, any help would be appreciated!

What a good way to learn coding and programming?

Your not going to be able to jump right in and make a game. There is a steep learning curve you have to overcome if you've never programmed before.

I never took any classes. I learned everything by messing around and reading/watching tutorials online. I started programming in BASIC. It's great for beginners with no prior programming experience. I worked with that for about 6 months before moving on to C++ and C# for a year or so. With that experience under my belt, I was able to make games pretty quickly and easily in Action Script 3 (Flash). You have to learn how to program before you can start developing games.

My advice is to find an easy-to-learn language like BASIC, watch A LOT of youtube tutorials (or read articles), and then start making simple programs based on the concepts you learned in those tutorials. Then, move on to more advanced languages and keep expanding your knowledge.

Once you have a good grasp on programming in general, I'd recommend diving into Action Script 3 and start making Flash games. It's an EXTREMELY easy and stream-lined language to develop games in, and you can get a lot of exposure through game portals like Kongregate and ArmorGames. I would download Flash Develop as your IDE. It's free and (in my opinion) better than the $700 Flash Professional. If you want a big jump-start to your projects, check out the Flixel engine.

You could start immediately with AS3 and skip the time learning other languages, but AS3 works differently than most languages and you'll run into problems later if you decide to start developing and selling indy games in a more "professional" language.

By the way, if you decide to learn C++, C#, or BASIC, use Visual Studio as your IDE. It's fantastic.

Good luck. It can get frustrating sometimes, but DO NOT GIVE UP. If you have a passion to make a game, don't let the learning process shoot you down.

Which books can help me to learn coding and programming?

There are lot of books and usefulness depends on the reader.Head First Series of Books:Head First Labs from O'Reilly Media, Inc. If you are absolute beginner use Head First book of each language. Easy to understand and you will learn fast. Pragmatic Bookshelf :The Pragmatic Bookshelf You can also use the Pragmatic Books for each language and Technologies. You can gain more knowledge and have fun.Nutshell Series: In a Nutshell - Series - O'Reilly Media Want to have In-depth Knowledge in language and tech. Use the Nutshell Series.There are some series such as:Missing Manuals Cookbooks - Series - O'Reilly Media Official Manual of Programming Language or Tech:All these help you to learn the language. But Official manual is more important. Some of the Resources are:IT-Ebooks A Digital Library:Note: Only for Educational Purpose.                                                                                IT eBooks - Free Download - Big Library . Use those books to learn all programming languages.You can download it for free.

How to get good at programming? ?

I have a friend who's an absolutely amazing guitar player. One time I was hanging out with him and somebody asked him "How do I get to play guitar like that?"

He paused for a moment, and said:

"It's pretty simple, really. Start twenty-five years ago, pick up the guitar every single day, and try to learn something new each day."

That's the best way to get good at programming, too. I think. I'm still not sure how good I am at it, even though I've written a dozen books on the topic, and taught computer programming about as long as my friend has played guitar.

Best way to learn cnc code/ programming?

You will need good books and access to a CNC machine. Reading alone will not work.

What good programming books and tutorials with source code?

You should definitely put your level of experience and areas of interest into this question. There are so many different areas of programming as well as such a wide variety of target audience experience levels that you're unlikely to get good answers without specifying. That being said, one of my favorite CS books, Types and Programming Languages has all of its source code up on that website.