Considering P90x Is It Right For Me

Will I gain weight in Boot Camp?

Hi everyone,

I'm gonna be 19 in 20 days. I ship out to USMC bootcamp in 13 days. I've been doing P90X for 1 year straight, I started back in september 2009. I never had a plan of joining the marines until about a month ago. I was just doing P90X to make me look sexy to the ladies lol. Well that was a good plan and it worked well. I talked to my recruited and he never put me in DEP because I asked to be shipped out to bootcamp as soon as possible after I enlisted. He said I was the most fit applicant turn recruit hes ever had because I never went to DEP at all. I was self motivated by myself to do P90X everyday for a year straight plus. The first day I went to his office I did 20 pulls up and I did a L chin up on the 20th pull up but then he asked me to do another pull up for 21 and I couldnt because I wasted my last energy on the L Chin up for the 20th pull up. I did 95 sit ups which wasn't too bad considering I never had done those specific types of sit ups. He said its the first time he saw someone do 95 sit ups their first time. I'm not bragging or anything but I'm really skinny. I'm 5'9 and I'm about 132. I started P90X last year at 118, I got to 140 in about 3 months and then dropped down to 132. I've got literally no fat on me and I know I'm strong to get at least a 285 on the PFT.

I might get put on double rations in boot camp so I was wondering if you think I will gain any weight? My goal is 160-170 for life. I'm 5"8.5 tall and ectomorph body type with some mesomorph traits. I'm 132 right now and i really dont wanna lose anymore weight. I know marine boot camp is like just a big cardio workout but ive got nothing left to lose. I have no fat on me so if i lose more weight i'll be dipping into losing muscle from not enough nutrients and stuff.

Thanks in advance.

Does PX90 really work for getting ripped? Has anyone here tried it?

The whole concept is based on muscle confussion. I've seen the commercials and it makes sense. Almost all current techniqes use muscle memory and just increase the weight amount or reps.

What should I do to avoid muscle cramps during leg day at the gym?

Muscle cramps are not a normal part of a workout. If you are experiencing this regularly, look at your hydration and stretching routines. Hydration is most important, so make sure you drink enough water and get enough minerals and salts (electrolytes) to hold the water.

What would you do if you were fat? Serious question?

As in, quite fat.

I know I wouldn't be able to stand it. I am a very thin girl now at 5'5", and if I were overweight or even chubby, I think I would honestly consider starving myself for a while, because I hate exercise. Does that sound bad? It's just how I see it.

What about you?

And if you're already fat, what do you do to keep your weight down? And if you don't try keeping it down and you're fat, well then just don't answer. lol

Struggling with P90X?

I just started P90X and I was wondering if it is ok to struggle a lot at first. I can do the push ups and free weight things but the pull ups I can only do 1 or 2 before using the help of a chair. Is it ok if I use the chair just enough to get me up to the bar, but still use my arms for the most part? If I stick with it will I get the results?