Considering The Costs Of The War On Drugs Deportations

Am I a Paleo-conservative?

Ignore the liberals on here, they are ridiculous. Yes, you are a paleo conservative. A libertarian would not be against abortion or illegal drugs or gay marriage. Those are the main difference I see in libertarians and paleo conservatives. There are a few other difference but it really varies from one libertarian to another. Libertarians can range from green freedom peace protestors to gun toting conservatives. Generally however, libertarians do not care what people do as long as they are following the constitution.

Trump promised to end costly wars, then why would he propose to increase defense budget?

To quote a fabulous observation, “Ours is a world ruled by the aggressive use of force” or “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence upon their behalf”.I think you should be looking at the military in much the same way you would a personal premium insurance program. Sure, it might cost more than you'd like to spend, but it is far less expensive than needing the coverage and not having it.You want your military to be the absolute best you can have. The best reason for that is so you DON’T have to use it. It also provides a fantastic negotiation tool. Although all of its potential can be squandered in a moment by a feckless administration.Part of the reason war is so costly, the way Americans now wage it, is that we have developed a policy of using technology in place of personal where possible. This comes from our philosophy that a multimillion dollar missile is less expensive than a soldiers life. This is true in an objective sense, however it does tend to allow the illusion of no cost, at least in terms of American blood and political capital.What this does, I believe, is to remove the moral obligation of our leaders to use our military more responsibly. When a leader does not have to consider the cost of war in terms of American soldier’s blood they can use the military for flawed political reasons, or worse, for personal reasons (bombing an aspirin factory as a distraction from domestic political problems, for instance).Lastly, yes, freedom is expensive. America has shouldered the burden of the cost since WWII. The military, and it's build up by Ronald Reagan after its years of neglect from previous administrations, was one of the things that brought the Cold War to a conclusion peacefully with a Western victory. A victory rendered irrelevant by both the Clinton and Obama administrations.

Why does immigration matter to you?

catherine w, you are the problem.

you said:
"None of the rest of us did because we knew most of it was going for taxes"

which means, americans are lazy because our government takes care of our needs. we can choose to do the bare minimum because america is such a nice place to live.

and now what are you doing? you are so mad that she did this you said at the end they should be killed because that would be the cheapest use of our resources. because you were too lazy to say anything to your boss who you saw break the law. and now, you want the government to save you from these people who make you look as lazy and worthless as you are.

good job! that's why those immigrants are doing so well here. it's because of people like you who don't have the sense to use the tools you were born with. and now, you begrudge your employer the ability to choose to make better use of resources by paying someone who wants to work for cheap rather than you. nice!

Should we adopt Mexico's Immigration Laws?

If you come into Mexico illigaly it's a federal crime and you are a criminal. Hundreds of El Salvadorians, Hondurans, Guatemalans, and other Central Americans are placed in Mexican Prisons everyday. These people are then treated like dirt, beaten and starved to teach them a lesson so they won't come back and try to live in Mexico illigaly. Making illegal immigration a Federal crime is the only Mexican law I would mirror. What about you?