Convert 19.9 To Fraction

A gas company charges $1.30 for 22.1 ft^3 of natural gas. Convert this rate to dollars per liter of gas.?

Gas company charges $1.30 / 22.1 ft^3.

1 ft^3 = 28.3168466 L


$1.30 / 22.1 ft^3 = 0.058823529 $/ft^3 * 1ft^3 / 28.3168466 L = $0.0021 / L

What is the concentration of nitric acid in mole fractions in a sample having a density of 1.41 and the mass percentage of nitric acid in it is 69%?

Density of HNO3 = 1.41 g/mLMass of 1 L of the acid = 1410 gMolar mass of HNO3 = 1+14+16 x 3 = 63 Percentage of HNO3 in the acid = 69Mass of HNO3 in 1410 g of acid = 1410 x 69/ 100 g = 972.9 gMolarity of the acid = Mass per litre/ Molecular mass                                 = 972.9/63 =15.44. Therefore, strength of the acid = 15.44 M Now, mass of H2O in 1410 g of acid =1410 - 972.9= 437.1 gMolarity of H2O = 437.1/18 =24.28Total no. of moles of HNO3 and H2O = 15.44 + 24.28 =39.72Mole fraction of HNO3 = 15.44/39.72 = 0.3887 (answer)

How can I change improper fractions to proper fractions?

Let me ask you a question:Can you change a number that is greater than one to a number that is less than one without changing its value?No, you cannot.7 is always seven, if you want it to remain equal to the same quantity.BUT you can change its value with some mathematical operation but then you no longer have your original number.What if we use division?How much is one divided by 7? [math]\frac17[/math]7 > 1 > [math]\frac17[/math]What is an improper fraction?An improper fraction is a fraction that is greater than oneThe numerator (top) is greater than the denominator (bottom) number[math]\frac32>1[/math]What is a proper fraction?A proper fraction is a fraction that is less than one in valueThe numerator is less than the denominator[math]\frac23<1[/math]Can I convert a fraction from improper to proper?Not if you want it to keep the same valueBut if you want to change it to a new fraction with a new value, you can do it.Just turn it upside down[math]\frac32 > 1 > \frac23[/math]Or you could divide 1 by the original improper fractionWhat do you get when you do this division?

How do I calculate the quantity of heat required to convert 2.5 kg of water at 25 degrees Celsius to steam at 100 degrees Celsius?

To convert 2.5 kg of water at 25°C to steam at 100 °C, first we need to convert water at 25 °C to water at 100 °C and then water at 100 °C to steam at 100 °C.For first step,Q1= m*c*ΔΦQ1= 2500*1*75 calQ1=1,87,500 calFor second step,Q2= m*LQ2= 2500*540 calQ2=13,50,000 calThus total heat,Q= Q1 + Q2Q= 1,87,500 + 13,50,000Q= 15,37,500 calQ= 1537.5 kcalQ= 1537.5*4.184 kJQ= 6432.9 kJ

How many moles of ions are there in 2.5mol of NaCl?

We usually talk about a solution so, let me rephrase your question. How many ions of Na+ and Cl- are present in a solution in which 1 mole of NaCl is completely dissolved in water?First, NaCl is very soluble in water.Solid NaCl dissociates completely into ions of Na+ and Cl- when forming an aqueous solution. This is written:1 NaCl (s) → 1 Na+ (aq) + 1 Cl- (aq)There are two moles of ions (one sodium and one chloride) on the product side. A mole is Avagadro’s number.2 moles x 6.02 x 10^23 ions/mole = 1.2 x 10^24 ions.

A solution contained 26.4 g of N2H4CO, 1.1 g of C6H12O6, and 64.6 g of H2O. Calculate the mole fraction of H20?


Moles N2H4CO = 26.4 g/MW(N2H4CO) = 26.4/60.07 = 0.439 moles
Moles C6H12O6 = 1.1 g/MW(C6H12O6) = 1.1/180.16 = 0.0061 moles
Moles H2O = 64.6 g/MW(H2O) = 64.6/18.02 = 3.58 moles

Total moles = 4.03 moles

Moles fraction of water = 3.58/4.03 = 0.89

Hope that helped!

4 Grams of hydrogen reacts with 20 grams of oxygen to form water. What is the mass of water formed?

please read the whole answer I am taking you through my thought process to help you understand betterthe easy answer is if you add 4 grams and 20 grams then clearly the answer is 4+20=24 grams (I think the other answer is thinking about the H2 in H2O but he has managed to get an extra 4 grams from somewhere (which you cant really do by the way)).but using my good friend stoichiometry we can use a method that will work for other, slightly harder questions as well.first you work out the number of moles of hydrogen, which you do by doing 4g/the molar mass of H2 (2) which means you have 2 can then do the same thing for O2. 20/32=0.625. oh no…we have found that there are less moles of O2 than moles of H2, meaning that we have excess hydrogen. this means that we need to balance the equation first.2H2 + O2 → 2H20now we know that for every 1 mole of O2 we have 2 moles of H2O. so we multiply 0.635 by 2 to get the amount of moles of water we will have.0.625 x 2 =1.25 moles of waterso we need to work out the mass of 1.25 moles of water. the molar mass of water is 16 (O) + 2 (H2) = 18g/molthen we do 18 x 1.25 to get 22.5g of watermessage me if you have any questions about the answerenjoy :)edited to change O to the diatomic O2 and balance the equation accordingly. answer remains the same but the steps to get there have been altered.thanks to Philip Keeling for spotting the mistake.

Chemistry Questions (4 Partial Pressure Questions)?

(26.0 g Kr) / (83.7980 g Kr/mol) = 0.31027 mol Kr
(2.37 g Ne) / (20.1797 g Ne/mol) = 0.11744 mol Ne

P = nRT / V = (0.31027 mol + 0.11744 mol) x (0.08205746 L atm/K mol) x (56 + 273)K / (7.35 L) =
1.571 = 1.57 atm total

(1.571 atm) x (0.11744 mol Ne) / (0.31027 mol + 0.11744 mol) = 0.431 atm Ne

n = PV / RT = (3.69 atm) x (5.05 L) / ((0.08205746 L atm/K mol) x (77 + 273)K) = 0.649 mol total

(1.05 g H2) / (2.015894 g H2/mol) = 0.521 mol H2

(0.649 mol total) - (0.521 mol H2) = 0.128 mol CO2

(0.128 mol CO2) x (44.00964 g CO2/mol) = 5.63 g CO2

(1.07 g He) / (4.0026 g He/mol) = 0.26733 mol He
(3.28 g N2) / (28.01344 g N2/mol) = 0.11709 mol N2

(920 mmHg) x (0.26733 mol He) / (0.26733 mol + 0.11709 mol) = 640 mmHg Ne

(920 mmHg total) - (640 mmHg Ne) = 280 mmHg N2

(240 mmHg Ar) / (240 mmHg + 514 mmHg) = 0.318 for Ar
1 - 0.318 = 0.682 for CO2

How do I find log and antilog of negative numbers?

Log of negative numbers is not defined.For antilog of negative numbers write the number x as [x] + {x}.[x] will give you the exponent to tha base 10 and antilog of {x} found using antilog table will give you coefficient.For exampleantilog (-0.699)= antilog (-1+0.301)= 2x 10^(-1)(As log 2 = 0.301, antilog (0.301)= 2)