Cool Names That Means Fire

What is a good name for a fire wolf?

Nootau. Native American Algonquin name meaning fire.

I need a name that means dark/ black fire?

ater, atra, atrum [dead black , dark]
niger -gra -grum [black , dark-colored; blackening; bad, unlucky]

ardeo, ardere, arsi [to burn , glow, be on fire]
caminus -i m. [a forge , fireplace, fire].
cremo -are [to burn , consume with fire].
flamma -ae f. [a flame , blazing fire]
incendium -i n. [a conflagration , fire; a torch, firebrand]


Or make up your own combination. There are other words meaning black and fire here:

Names meaning blue fire?

I couldn't find any at all that meant blue fire, but I did think of Hermione out of the Harry Potter books who always conjured up blue fires throughout their stories. That's a cool name!

I wish there were some that just meant blue fire, but I couldn't find ANY.

Here are some that mean fire:


I would just keep doing searches for baby names meaning blue and separate searches for names meaning fire, and then make your own unique combinations out of the two lists. Sorry I couldn't help more! :(

What are some last names that mean fire?

Coleman: A charcoal burner.
Serafino: Burning one.
Tito: Fire; to burn.
Fiammetta: Fire.
Hayes: Fire.
MacKenna: Fire sprung.

Japanese girl names that mean Fire or Flame?

Kaia seems like a suiting name to me, and it mean fire ^_^
Other possibilities and definitions;
Kaia-Mai means Dancing fire
MaiKa also means Dancing Fire
Seika means Sacred Flame
Hi means fire
Kaji is an out of control type fire
Kouen is a Flame
Tenkuu is an erupting Fire
Bien Or Mien is beautiful Flame
En, Homura, Hono are other ones for flame
Homurako, Moeko are Flame Child
Enju is Flame Gem
Enju is also Flame Tree
Himika is Scarlet intense Flame
Hien is eternal flame
Hotaru is stopping flame
Kaen is Magnificent flame
Kagerou is Willow Flame
Kimura is Ghost flame
Safaia is Sand Flame Blue Flame, or Chain Flame :)
Shouen is brilliant flame
Yaeko is Flame Drum

The reason some words have different definition for the same name, is because the definition is judged by how they are written in Kanjii Therefore, unless you can read the Kanjii, it could be a bit difficult :3

En, Homura, Hono

What Japanese name means moon?

There is a lot of male Japanese names including 月 tsuki, the kanji for moon.「月」を含む男の子の名前 283件But the males names which has 月 are rare because they sound womanish and the persons might be bullied at schools.In the manga Death Note, the protagonist is a man whose name is 夜神 月(Yagami Raito) but I doubt there is a real name like that.For women, there are many names containing 月.香月 (Katsuki), 美月 (Mizuki), 湖月 (Mizuki), 雫月 (Shizuki), 月乃(Tsukino), 陽月(Hizuki), 優月(Yuzuki), 妃月(Hizuki), 月渚(Tsukina), 陽月(Hizuki), 皐月(Satsuki), 詩月(Shizuki), 奈月(Natsuki).

What are cool names for a sword?

In my book that i am currently writing i have to come up with the names for a set of swords.My usual way of making up good names for a sword or any weapon is too combine two words to see if they make a good name. So for example perhaps something like Bronzerose.Some good catogries of words to useColour’s- black, white, red etc choose simple coloursPlant’s- thorn, rose, oak those sort of things keep it simple and don’t put something like pansies or HyacinthsMetal’s- Iron, Bronze, Steel etc simple metals that people will have heard of.Gem’s- emeralds are a good place to startI would put down some further examples from my book but of course it is easy enough for someone to just take them

What are some Japanese names that mean fire or flame?

The usual words for "fire" and "flame" on their own are not names, any more than they are in English. Furthermore, in Japan, where wood was the main building material and fires a Very Bad Thing, it's probably rare for them to be used in traditional names. However, modern-day Japanese parents are experimenting more with kanji, so there are some names that can (theoretically) be written with those characters. Many of the following are probably "sparklenames" (kirakira neemu, Japanese term for obnoxiously unique baby names)Female:Homura- alternate word for "flames" 炎 or 焔Hotaru, meaning "firefly" can be spelled artistically as "drop of flame" 火垂 or "many fires staying" 火多留Lots of names with "ka" or "ho" sounds in them could maybe use the character 火 instead of the usual spelling, but you'd probably want to run these past a native speaker to check they aren't TOO silly:Miho 美火 (beautiful fire)Karen 火蓮 (fire lotus)Aika 愛火 (love fire)Kaho 火帆 (fire-ship's sail) 火保 (fire-protect) 香火 (incense fire)Male:-I definitely can't find any real names with fire-related kanji. The only remotely feasible one I can find is writing the name "Asahi" as "morning fire" 朝火 instead of "morning sun"

Fire related names...?

I need fire related names i.e. Blaze, Ash, Flame, Smoke

I don't want names with the meaning something fire related, I want actual words that have to do with fire and that can sound like a name. Thanks!

p.s. I'll give best answer to whoever comes up with the most suggestions, even if they aren't very good. They still have to be on topic, though. Don't just put Bob fifty times... :)

Any girl names that mean fire or hatred or terrible?

Ugh, girls can be SO mean. I have several stories. I'll just post two that are especially memorable, though. I had a "friend," once who told me to do things for her, and when I didn't, she spreaded nasty rumors about me and tried to turn my other friends against me. Then she'd tell me to apologize, even though I hadn't done anything. And if I didn't, she'd usually say something really nasty and call me fat or stupid or something. Ugh. I ended that "friendship," after about three times of that. The popular kids at my school all wear Hollister, etc., and I dress much differently than that, so they started calling me names, throwing rocks at me, and getting everyone at school to ignore me. All over clothes. And then of course there was the time when this mean girl who thought that her crush was flirting with me started a rumor that I was pregnant. Ok, that was actually three. But oh well. Lol. Good luck with the project. Lola, 15, IL Oops, I missed the thing about posting something that I've done to someone. Lol, sorry. Um, once I hacked this mean girl's Myspace and e-mail and messaged her crush something stupid.