Could Being Hit In The Head When I Was 4 Stunt Brain Development

Did excessive masturbation as a child harm my development?

When I was young like 9 years old I would masturbate a lot because it felt good and I didn't know I had to do it in limitation. I realized I hit puberty earlier than my friends at around 12 years old. Do you think this is related at all?

Can doing certain things stunt your growth?

Actually a very good Question! Thank you for the Q2A, Don.Can doing certain things stunt your growth?Simple answer is Yes. I’ve written on a very same topic … Go to Link below, for a more in-depth summary.Genetics - do play a significant role, but there are certain causes that can or will affect a Normal Growth Cycle in Tween’s, Teenage phase, and early 20’syears. Since the Epiphyseal growth plates close around 13 +/- 1 year; the final Height is reached between 22 to 24 in boys.To keep it simple, I will divide it into 3 different categories that may and can cause Growth Stunt.Physiological cause A - Primarily, occurs in Tween/Teen Children when their Pituitary Gland is UNDER-secreting HGH (Human Growth Hormone), which then blunts the Sex Hormone (Gonadotopins) release & Physical Maturation Cycles in Children. That’s a very simplistic statement. - - MD Treatments - This is one of the main reason’s why a HGH protocol is started as a treatment, when this cause has been diagnosed properly.Male children Injuries - usually occurs when boys sustained either a series of Moderate to Severe injuries to their Nuggets (Testes), Or, in a severe Blunt trauma to their testes. This type of injury or trauma has been associated with a dramatic Low or Lower Testosterone Level in boys, especially before their 13th birthday. The Testosterone Surge is responsible for the Growth Spurt in Boys, as Estrogen is for Girls.Physiological cause B - Being BORN with only one testicle or one ovary, or under-developed sex glands, etc.David StMichael's answer to I am 16 years, Indian and 5'10" female. I know I am pretty tall but I wish to be 6'1". I stopped growing after 15, is there any way to grow taller?TBC …

Can squats stunt my growth at 15 ?

I do squats once a week at the gym along with other leg workouts...I can lift as much as I can, I never care how heavy the weights are !
will that stunt my growth ?
I'm 5 ft.9 (178 cm).....and weigh 145 lbs (65 kg) !