Could I Do Print Modeling

What Does Print - Modeling Mean?

Commercial print models promote clothing/products on billboards, buses, etc
Photographic models, also known as print models, are hired by advertising agencies and freelance photographers. They may appear in a print advertisement for clothing, accessories, or makeup. Photographic models also appear on magazine covers and in feature stories. These models must be attractive, photogenic, and able to portray different moods by changing their expressions or poses. Photographic models are usually very young, and they stay in the business an average of only seven years.

Read more: Model Job Description, Career as a Model, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job - Income

Can you be 5'4 and model?

One of the hottest models to date is 5'4". You've probably heard of Kate Moss...
Whatever you do, do NOT pay someone to model, nor should you pay anyone to represent you. These are all scams and these people make dozens of millions inflating the egos of young girls for enrolling them, calling them models, and charging then for this priviledge. They'll take anyone who's willing to pay, but make it sound like they're very picky to allure young girls desperate to get the title of "model".

If you truly want to get into modeling the legitimate way, you must audition EVERY audition you can imagine, from agency open calls, to America's next top model auditions, to commercial auditions. You may have to travel a bit, depending on where you live. These cost NOTHING, because the REAL model scouts will pay YOU, you never have to pay them. Never.
The only expense you may want to indulge in is a small portfolio which will display a few nice shots. But even that's not a neccessity since they'll take their own pictures of the girls they're interested in.
Good luck and start auditioning as often as possible. I already know you're beutiful on the inside and now i can put a pretty face with that image! ;o)

Can I do IMG Modeling with braces?

IMG has a minimum height requirement of 5'7" by age 14

I don't know any high fashion agencies like IMG, Ford, Elite, Wilhelmina, etc who will sign anyone with braces. A commercial agency might take you but not a fashion agency

If we had a girl come in with braces we always told her to come back once her braces came off.

How can I start Modeling in Austin, Texas?

First you need an agent and he/she will do his/her best to get you jobs, work on your portfolio(models have portfolios with head shots and pictures from previous modeling jobs that you agent can show potential employers and they work on your appearance. But they cost $$money$$ or will sometimes take cuts of your proceeds. Agents are not an option you need one to get good paying jobs.

You usually need to be tall or have long legs and have healthy clear skin (or be REALLY good with make up and put it on before you meet your agent and go to jobs) nice nails and toe nails, white teeth and a nice smile, skinnier than skinny, one toned skin (armpits too), healthy hair with a hair style that fits your image, no unnecessary body hair (facial peach fuzz, arm hair, leg hair, side burns etc) make sure you shave every inch of your leg and arm hair so youre smooth and picture perfect. Also you should cover any visable scars or stretch marks with make up but thats usually edited out if visible.
Another thing sticking to print modeling is a bad idea as its a competitive industry because of the easy pay and promotion. which means you get paid less since there are usually models fighting to get the same job so you should do more than just print modeling youll make more money and make it when you need it. Print modeling has multiple categories(nude news swimwear fashion etc) obviously youre not going to do nude, but just make sure youre in shape.
You might want to create your portfolio before you get an agent or agency which means hire a photographer to take your pictures (alot of them) in a swimsuit a dress nice clothes a variety of things, or you should pick out which print model category you would like to start in and focus on taking those kinds of photos for your portfolio then find an agent it makes it alot easier.
Remember modeling isnt easy and it cost alot money before you can make money.

Modelling in print/magazine in Tokyo? How do I start?

I admire Japanese fashion magazines such as ViVi, and would like to launch a career as a print/magazine model in Tokyo in the next few years.

I know that the "eurasian" look is very popular, and that suits me quite well, as I am part Japanese. I'm almost 15 years old and living in England.
Since I know that I should take the first step, I am actually starting Japanese language lessons in the next few weeks.

I am 5'6" tall, which isn't really that tall, but I was doing research, and surprisingly I found that print models in Japan are usually around 5'3" - 5'7"
Even top ViVi model, Lena Fujii, is 5'3".
Would my height be ok, then?

This is something I really would like to do, but i'd like to know how to get started out, and other details.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.