Could My Stomach Be Hurting Due To Dirty Water

What are the reasons why my stomach could hurt from drinking water?

You’ve probably learned not to drink much water if there’s pain, but it reminded me of past experience. I probably irritated my stomach lining from too much coffee, spicy food or something, when I was young. Over-the-counter pain pills can be especially irritating to the point of opening wounds that get infected by a particular bacteria that manages to survive in the strong acid environment of the stomach. The pH of the stomach can go to 1.5, strong enough to dissolve nails.The wound (ulcer) becomes inflamed, as the immune system cooks the bacteria and kills the invaders and the infected cells. Because the acid is so corrosive to the stomach lining, those cells replace themselves every day or day and a half, so the ulcers normally heal easily, if the source of the irritation is eliminated.Mucus membranes line all entrances to our bodies that are exposed to pathogens, and not surprisingly, line the stomach too. The ulcer is probably covered with mucus, as it is healing, and the big drink of water is probably washing off the mucus, exposing the wound to the acid, resulting in pain.

Why does my stomach hurt when I drink water?

When I drink water when I'm hungry my stomach hurts really badly. Also, if I drink a lot of water at once my stomach hurts too. So my advice to you is, drink you're water during or after a meal, and have it cold.ALSO... don't drink it all at once. drink some milk too. Hope I helped. ;)

Why does tap water make my stomach hurt?

A few months ago, i decided to start drinking water because i never drink water and when i did my stomach would hurt like burn but when i stopped drinking the tap water the pain went away now i only drink filtered water from the fridge. What the hell is in tap water that it would cause this? It may have not been the tap water but it stopped when i stopped drinking it....

Drinking cold water on empty stomach causes stomach ache?

It doesn t necessarily have to be any type of drink.Just cold plain water is enough to make my stomach hurt when I haven t eaten anything yet.My friends don t have this problem.Why?

What can you get from drinking dirty fish water?

I'd have the doctor take another look if I were you - sounds like he's not nearly as concerned as he should be.

Your son may be experiencing psychosomatic symptoms, especially if you made a big deal about him possibly getting sick from the water. If so, the pains will pass.

Unfortunately, fish water can harbor lots of nasties. Fish poop and urine contain tons of bacteria. There may be parasites in some of your fish - for the most part, I think the human body is too warm for these parasites to thrive, but I'd still have your doctor take a look at a stool sample, just to be on the safe side. Also, and not to scare you, but some fish are infected with a form of tuberculosis. There have been some accounts of people ending up with skin lesions. Fish TB infected an already open sore on their hands and arms. It generally took several months (and many doctor's visits) for the sores to go away, though I'm not sure if TB can affect the gastrointestinal tract in any sort of way. Read here for more info on fish TB affecting people:

I don't mean to scare you, but I just thought you should know that there's more in fish water than just bacteria. If your son's symptoms persist, I'd suggest being more persistent with your doctor, or finding another doctor altogether.

What will you do after drinking dirty water?

Waterborne diseases are caused by drinking contaminated or dirty water.Contaminated water can cause many types of diarrhea diseases, including Cholera, and other serious illnesses such as Guinea worm disease, Typhoid, and Dysentery. Water related diseases cause 3.4 million deaths each year.Water Filters Perth | Total Aqua Filter and Purified Water| 1800 186 555

Does drinking water dilute stomach acid?

The stomach acid (does) react with the water we drink.The stomach pH value is maintained at around 4. When we eat food and drink water, especially alkaline water, the pH value inside the stomach goes up. When this happens, there is a feedback mechanism in our stomach to detect this and commands the stomach wall to secrete more hydrochloric acid into the stomach to bring the pH value back to 4. So the stomach becomes acidic again. When we drink more alkaline water, more hydrochloric acid is secreted to maintain the stomach pH value. It seems like a losing battle. However, when you understand how the stomach wall makes hydrochloric acid, your concerns will disappear.However, there is no hydrochloric acid pouch in our body. If there were, it would burn a hole in our body. The cells in our stomach wall must produce it on an instantly-as-needed basis. The ingredients in the stomach cell that make hydrochloric acid (HCl) are carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and sodium chloride (NaCl) or potassium chloride (KCl).NaCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + NaHCO3, orKCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + KHCO3As we can see, the byproduct of making hydrochloric acid is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3), which goes into blood stream. These bicarbonates are the alkaline buffers that neutralize excess acids in the blood; they dissolve solid acid wastes into liquid form. As they neutralize the solid acidic wastes, extra carbon dioxide is released, which is discharged through the lungs. As our body gets old, these alkaline buffers get low; this phenomenon is called acidosis. This is a natural occurrence as our body accumulates more acidic waste products. There is, therefore, a relationship between the aging process and the accumulation of acids.By looking at the pH value of the stomach alone, it seems that alkaline water never reaches the body. But when you look at the whole body, there is a net gain of alkalinity as we drink alkaline water. So, water does have some reaction with the stomach acid or the other way around.EDIT: Since the pH of the acid is just maintained around at 4, there won't be any explosion. You should remember that the soft drinks, lemon extract and few of the food stuffs that you eat are far below than pH 4 (more acidic compared to stomach acid).

Why is my stomach burning after eating raw garlic? What can I eat or drink to reduce the effect on my body?

Consumption of raw garlic is followed by heating effect. Raw garlic is effective against many microbial infections. It should be taken cautiously and dosage strictly varies from person to person. Many people do not understand the degree of potency due to its herbal nature. More than adequate consumption leads to burning sensation, hyperacidity, inflammation, etc. In case it happens, things which can soothen your stomach are cold buttermilk or digene followed by intake of lots of cold water. Bananas can also be consumed after sometime to slowly neutralize the acid effectively.

Why does my stomach hurt after I brush my teeth?

I have the same problem, although it’s a bit worse - I also very often have aggressive diarrhoea…It is related to the toothpaste.Fluoride, which is found in most if not all toothpaste, has some laxative properties, but so doesSorbitol - a sweetener agent and anti-drying agent found in toothpaste that is known to cause some stomach discomfrt in some, andSodium Lauryl Sulfate - a foaming agent that also has stomach irritating & diarrheic propertiesI long ago noticed I had cramps followed by diarrhoea when brushing my teeth, but then I noticed I don’t always have those symptoms - I realised that if I do brush my teeth on an empty stomach (for example, in the morning, shortly after waking up, before breakfast) I’d almost 100% have the symptoms.What I do now is simply drink a big glass of water, and I make sure to spit as much toothpaste out of my mouth (remember, you’re not supposed to rinse your mouth when brushing teeth! If you wish to rinse, wait at least 30m so that the toothpaste has an effect on your teeth.) When I brush my teeth with food in my stomach, I rarely ever get cramps. But on an empty stomach, the very small amount of fluoride or sorbitol or sodium lauryl sulfate is enough to hurt my stomach and often give me the poops…There exist a variety of toothpaste without those ingredients, they even vary between sorbitol free, sodium lauryl sulfate free or even free of any of the 3 chemicals.TL;DR - Many components found in toothpaste have diarrheic properties