Creating A Metaphor - English Help

I need help creating some metaphors.?

•EMOTION: Strength OBJECT: Concrete.
"He is as strong as the concrete on the sidewalk"

•EMOTION: Excitement OBJECT: Soda Pop
"The cap of her soda pop bottle was the only thing keeping the bubbling of her excitement from fizzing about"

•EMOTION: Love OBJECT: Rollercoaster (Is that an object? xD)
"Their love is a rollercoaster with the loops and the dips"
*Extra, if rollercoaster isn't a thing.
OBJECT: Hidden object (I've heard this before)
"She was looking for love in the wrong places"

Happy to help c:

Help to create metaphors?

You are going to create ten sentences about yourself which are metaphores for your feelings or state of mind. You should finish each of these sentences to explain the metaphor .

Examples : I am a camera recording the present in all its details.
I am a guitar playing a single,sad song to the memory of my love.
I am a dog loyal to the sound of his mistress's voice.
I am a tree bending in the wind of other people's will.

Please help me fill in the blanks .
1)I am a heart torn open________________
2)I am a flute_________________
3)I am a loaf of bread________________
4)I am a song______________
5)I am a bottle of wine_______________
6)I am a pen________________
7)I am a diary________________
8)I am a cat_______________
9)I am a fire______________
10)I am an ambulance________________

Thanks in advance. T_T

English help please:)?

Dickinson supports her opinion that poetry is more expansive than prose by...
getting evidence from people whose intelligence she respects.
using the metaphor of a open house to represent poetry.
stating ironically that prose often fails to convey ideas.
creating imagery of wonderful natural sights.

In "The Battle of Blenheim," what is ironic about Wilhelmine's words, "'twas a very wicked thing"?
Although she speaks the truth, her grandfather contradicts her.
Although she uses the word �wicked,� she does not understand its meaning.
Because she fears bad news, she wants to know nothing about the battle.
Because she is a woman, she cannot understand the need for death and war.

The perspectives represented in "Ozymandias" include all of the following except
the queen.


the sculptor.

the traveler.

Which of the following could describe the speakers in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" and "Will there really be a Morning'?"




Ozymandias, the "King of Kings," might best be described as





Help needed to create metaphors !?

You are going to create ten sentences about yourself which are metaphores for your feelings or state of mind. You should finish each of these sentences to explain the metaphor .

Examples : I am a camera recording the presenting all its details.
I am a guitar playing a single,sad song to the memory of my love.
I am a dog loyal to the sound of his mistress's voice.
I am a tree bending in the wind of other people's will.

Please help me fill in the blanks .
1)I am a heart torn open________________
2)I am a flute_________________
3)I am a loaf of bread________________
4)I am a song______________
5)I am a bottle of wine_______________
6)I am a pen________________
7)I am a diary________________
8)I am a cat_______________
9)I am a fire______________
10)I am an ambulance________________

Thanks in advance. T_T

English help please !

Easy peasy, I done this two years ago.

Assonance= The repitition of vowels sounds. "That solitude which suits abstruser musings" The "U's" making the ou sounds are the repeating sounds of the vowels.

Consonanace= I the repitition of constanants (NOT VOWELS) used commonly in poetry."Few flocked to fight." The "F's" are the repeating constanants.

Hyperbole= Basicly an exaggeration. Used in poetry too. An example would be, "Thease books weight a ton!" (They weight a great deal.)

Imagery= Is a way of creating sensory feeling,but they use smilies metaphors and puns to create them. (One example I always use in english.) "The tears scraped down my face like shards of ice."

Iternal Rhyme= Used in poetry, a rhyme thats used in a single line of a verse. "In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud" - Cloderidge. (A poet.)

Metaphor= Don't get this mixed up with a smilie. A metaphor is a way of descibing something as being something else. "You are my sunshine."

Smilie= Not to be confused with a metaphor, but it's used to describe one thing as another too, but the difference is that similies use only, "Like", "As" or "Than". "Your eyes are like the sun."

Oxymoron=A figure of speech. The most common is a adjective-noun cobombination. "You have to be cruel, to be kind."

Personification= A way of giving a non human, human like qualitys. "The flowers were suffering from the intense heat." (Flowers don't suffer, their not human. It's personification.)

Symbols= In language, like the word "Cat." No matter if it's spoken or written, it's still cat, because the letters just symbolize that word, even if written or spoken, it still forms a picture in our head of a cat.

Hope this helped. =]

Metaphors about Daisy from The Great Gatsby?

In English we are doing a project where we must create metaphors about a character from The Great Gatsby. We had to come up with ten, and I have three;
She's a diamond/ pearl
Her wealth was an ocean of gold
She's a dog in a manger

i know that shes secretly in love with Gatsby
that shes shallow
and craves money

can someone help me a little? Thank you!

How do metaphors have an effect in literature?

They have an effect in several ways. Firstly, they dramatically introduce meaning by drawing analogies with things that condense and magnify meaning. For example when Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet refers to Juliet as the sun.Secondly, they can serve as a device to help us understand something we may not see clearly by referring to something we do understand. For example, “she was eagle-eyed.”Thirdly, they make language more colorful, imaginative, and interesting.

Need help creating a 10 line riddle about an object?

This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching! You probably won't, at first, find anything particularly odd or unusual or in any way dissimilar to any ordinary composition. That is not at all surprising, for it is no strain to accomplish in so short a paragraph a stunt similar to that which an author did throughout all of his book, without spoiling a good writing job, and it was no small book at that. By studying this paragraph assiduously, you will shortly, I trust, know what is its distinguishing oddity. Upon locating that "mark of distinction," you will probably doubt my story of this author and his book of similar unusuality throughout. It is commonly known among book-conscious folk and proof of it is still around. If you must know, this sort of writing is known as a lipogram, but don't look up that word in any dictionary until you find out what this is all about.

There's no letter "e"