Crisis Cigerette And Dentist

Can I Smoke Weed After Getting Fillings?


I just got 3 fillings put in, 2 silver fillings in my top back teeth, and one in the top of my front tooth which is a white filling. So can barely feel my face right now and have been told not to eat for a couple of hours and not hard food for a couple of days.

I was just wondering if, when I can feel my lips again, I could smoke a joint?

Just wondering if anesthetic and getting high would clash somehow?


Will your therapist tell your parents/police you smoke (underage)?

Generally no, of course that will depend on the therapist.A therapist is legally required to inform the proper authorities if you are a danger to yourself or others. Interestingly it isn’t just therapists that have to follow that code of ethics, mental health workers are held to the exact same standard. If you kill yourself or someone else and there is even a suspicion that we knew, we could get in some really deep legal trouble. The line that a mental healthcare worker walks with prison is closer than we generally talk about.That isn’t all though, most people in mental healthcare are in it out of a passion to help people. For me personally that means that the idea of a patient getting hurt because of my lack of professional ethics causes me physical pain.Smoking doesn’t cross the line for me though, and I haven’t met anyone in the field who it would. So long as it is not driving you deeper into mental illness (and yes, that can happen), it really isn’t what therapy is there for.I’m a smoker, and I have no real beef with adults who smoke knowing the risks and in moderation. I have some issues with young people smoking because the habit will be harder to shake later in life. In addition I worry because the jury is still out on cannabis and brain damage. At the end of the day it isn’t my job, my job is to try and help people in crisis.

Teachers, what do you think or feel when a student comes in smelling of cigarette smoke?

I feel compelled to write this answer because I am actually a student who has dealt with this before.I am in college now, but I remember in middle school, going to my algebra class, going through the motions, waiting for the bell to ring.Bell finally rings, but as usual, it takes me five minutes to pack up. My teacher, Mr. Chamanara (I can never forget this name haha), asks if he can speak with me outside. Sure, why not..? So he asks if I smoke, to which I almost shout “no!?” And he replies that he only asks because, to put it bluntly, I reek of smoke everyday. He tells me that growing up, his father was a heavy smoker and he was in my shoes once (as if that’s supposed to make me feel better). At this point, my cheeks are bright red. I have always been self conscious about my cigarette smoke smell, having earned the nickname “smoky” in elementary school. Thing is, my mom is a heavy smoker. We’re talking two packs a day smoker. I have always received comments since I was a child if I smoke. Bless my mother’s heart, I love her to pieces, but damn school was hard when you were always picked on for something out of your control. Being a child, I could not avoid the smell, as my mom smokes in the house and in the car as well. Even if she didn’t, cigarette smoke has a nasty way of attaching to clothes, hair, furniture, etc. So having my own teacher confront me about this was the culmination of my self conscious existence coming to terms with the fact that my nickname was justly given.I only have a year left of college now, and living on campus, I can avoid the smell for the most part, but when I come back home, many times I will receive the cigarette smell comment. In college now it isn’t such an anomaly, but nevertheless, it is still embarassing. As hell.Give students that reek of cigarette smell the benefit of the doubt (most of the time). Chances are, they’re self conscious about their parent(s) that smoke in the house and they can’t avoid it. Confronting them usually makes it worse because, as I’ve learned, smokers won’t quit unless they’re ready to. Try to be understanding. If they’re obviously sneaking off to smoke or show behaviors of smoking, that’s another thing, because the parents should be aware. Other than that, there’s really nothing that can be done.

How do i pass a urine test for cocaine tomorrow?

Cocaine, a crystalline tropane alkaloid, will stay in your system in some form for roughly forty-eight hours, depending on the method of administration. However, the size and method of administering the dosage will have an effect on how long it takes for the cocaine to metabolize and leave your system.

good luck and never mind these other jerk offs giving you sh!t. its your life not theirs.

I can feel my heart beating through my chest...and sometimes my stomach?

So lately I've been feeling my heart through my chest a lot! Then I'll put my hand on it and I will feel it pumping. One time I was hugging my friend and she ever felt it pumping. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life and I've never done any drugs (not including like Tylenol for headaches and whatever. And for them I always take the right amount). So anyways, I was Google-ing what it could be and pregnancy came up. I'm 14, and thought I was pregnant for a little while (you can read my other questions if you want some more information on that) But last week I visited a Pregnancy Crisis Center and took another test. It was negative and the women suggested I was not pregnant. Previously, I had a positive pregnancy test and I have just about every symptom. Sometimes, I thought I ever felt it moving or hiccups or what not... But when I got the negative I thought my mind was making it all up... So if I'm not pregnant, I've never smoked or been high, what could the heart beating be?