Curious About A Dream That I Had. Dream Interpretation Anyone

Any good dream interpreters out there, a snake being cut in half?

So I had a pretty bizarre dream last night but it feels like it has some sort of significant meaning so I'm curious if anyone is really good at interpreting dreams and can tell me what it means.

I dreamt that I found a snake covered in mud. When I knelt down, I laid my knee on it (accidentally) and it pulled the snake apart, in half, but not equal halves. The lower half was shorter, and it still moved like it was alive, but the head half was dead. I also had people in the dream warn me about the snake because they had seen it before and it had a "face" pattern on its back, when I cleared the mud off it appeared to have a portrait of a man (almost like a painting) on its back. The people who warned me made it seem like this was some sort of "evil" sign. I kept trying to kill the snake, because it wouldn't technically die. I attempted to douse it in alcohol, but it kept just swimming around, but I was trying to save parts of it for some reason. The vertebrae, the skin... It was super weird! In the beginning I wasn't afraid of the snake, I leaned down to get a closer look and then I felt awful that I hurt it. Then as the dream went on I was afraid of the snake. After it was pulled in half, I started to fear it.

Can anyone tell me what all this means? I know, it was very strange!

Dream Interpretation: What could a baby silver tiger in a dream mean?

I'm just really curious. I just had a dream that someone I forgot who in my dream, found a silver tiger and brought it. He was playing with the tiger and wasn't scared of it at all. He thought it was cool that it was silver. I wasn't scared of it at all, I thought it was pretty in the dream. and the tiger smiled. so..yeah I find this weird.

Any interpretations? Thank you! :)

Dream of a Curious Man interpretation?

Can someone please help me interpret Dream of a Curious Man by Charles Baudelaire for me please? I don't fully understand it?!

Connais-tu, comme moi, la douleur savoureuse
Et de toi fais-tu dire: «Oh! l'homme singulier!»
— J'allais mourir. C'était dans mon âme amoureuse
Désir mêlé d'horreur, un mal particulier;

Angoisse et vif espoir, sans humeur factieuse.
Plus allait se vidant le fatal sablier,
Plus ma torture était âpre et délicieuse;
Tout mon coeur s'arrachait au monde familier.

J'étais comme l'enfant avide du spectacle,
Haïssant le rideau comme on hait un obstacle...
Enfin la vérité froide se révéla:

J'étais mort sans surprise, et la terrible aurore
M'enveloppait. — Eh quoi! n'est-ce donc que cela?
La toile était levée et j'attendais encore.

Do you know as I do, delectable suffering?
And do you have them say of you: "O! the strange man!"
— I was going to die. In my soul, full of love,
A peculiar illness; desire mixed with horror,

Anguish and bright hopes; without internal strife.
The more the fatal hour-glass continued to flow,
The fiercer and more delightful grew my torture;
My heart was being torn from this familiar world.

I was like a child eager for the play,
Hating the curtain as one hates an obstacle...
Finally the cold truth revealed itself:

I had died and was not surprised; the awful dawn
Enveloped me. — What! is that all there is to it?
The curtain had risen and I was still waiting.

Dream interpretation: Getting stabbed in the thigh and wrist.?

ok as a dream interpreter i will start off telling you that ALL dreams mean nothing! Dreams just express you or your emotions, they express what you feel and what you do in real life. thats why they feel so real. Dreams cannot create people, places and things thats another reason why they feel so real! dreams recall past memory, -for example if you see a person you don't recognize in dreams, you probably saw him before on TV or walking in the street (you probably didn't pay attention to them). Dreams express your emotions and thoughts in a negative way

Nothing. The dream was about nothing. dreams mean nothing they just express your emotions and feelings in a symbolic way.

Dreams are simple synapses in your brain firing off all sorts of things. Your brain gathers all this random information, sights, sounds and so forth. And as you are sleeping, these sights and essentially memories are jumbled up into one big mess, just random nonsense, and your brain works and works for an hour or so trying to create a nice little story with all of these sights and sounds because it wants to make sense of it. It wants to make sense out of nonsense! So, then you end up with this dream. This happens several times in one night but when you wake up, you forget all of them, and when you do remember one of them, when you do remember at least one dream, we try to make sense of it. We tell ourselves, what is this? What could it mean. When in reality, it means nothing, it is just complete nonsense. So stop trying to make sense of it, it is nothing!

dream interpreter, took courses in dream interpretation and psychology

Curious of what my gf's dream means..She couldn't put out the fire?

My gf was over yesterday and she just randomly told me about her dream.
She said that in her dream she went into her room and then her bed just randomly burst into flames. So, she ran and got buckets of water and the fire would go down for like a second or two, but then it'll come right back.
She couldn't put out the fire in her bed AT ALL throughout her whoooole dream.

I know those kind of..weird-ish dreams have meanings behind them, so does anyone know any idea of what this dream might mean??

OH And also, after she stopped telling me about it, I thought it was kind of ironic 'cause something like that did happen to her in reality when she was younger..
She was in her bed and her heater caught her bed fire, and she was still sleeping in it until her mom came and took her out the bed and out the house and their whole house caught on fire.
I dun know if that has ANYTHING to do with her weird dream, but just thought I'd throw that in there...

But, yeah..we're both just curious as to what's the meaning of that? :/

Have you ever had a sex dream involving a relative?

i think plenty of people do. i don't think it necessarily means you have a "problem". i have had some similar dreams..not sex, but more just an attraction. it's natural to be attracted to particular triats in a person, even relatives. so long as you don't act on them, it's not a problem. it's hard to completely block out the wierd feelings left after these dreams, but i think that has to do with the idea that we know/feel it's wrong to be sexually attracted to someone we are related to. maybe these dreams just represent a strong attraction or bond; it just happens that outside of familial relations we act on that attraction differently (sex, sexual acts, what not), and our minds don't differentiate that when we are dreaming.

I had a dream that I had sex with someone I hate! What does this mean?

As per me it's good sign soon you will aware or explore new area/scope/brighten /shine…Sex:: stimulus of energy which will end in form of blissDream…action which wanted to make in real consciously..or unconsciously we are doing it but don't wanted in mindHate..very known person /object which we can't able to digest, in stomach (as our liver is not strong so we can't digest the food) dark area which always very close but we don't have fire which converts into blood …vital to body

What does to mean to dream of loving someone evil?

Dream interpretation – what it means and how to do itIt depends on how you think about it. You could think they are messages from divine entities or premonitions, that’s up to you.But in general, the only meaning dreams have is based on your feelings and perceptions towards different things. That’s because dreams are images or sequences of images created by our subconscious, most of them based on our experiences and opinions towards something.That basically means that if you like a certain thing, you may dream about it, because you like it. There’s nothing wrong to that dream, or to that something you like, it’s just your brain creating a dream based on your feelings/perceptions towards that something.Dreaming and sleeping also helps memory and the way your brain functions, but that subject is too big and your can learn it by yourself doing some research.You can read the article I gave you above to see how dream interpretation works, in case you’re curious about that.