>> dir()['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']>>> exec('___NEW_VARIABLE = 666')>>> dir()['___NEW_VARIABLE', '__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']>>>What do you mean by a dynamic initi" /> Definition Of Dynamical Variable



Definition Of Dynamical Variable

How can I dynamically create variables in Python?

$ python3
Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct 3 2017, 21:45:48)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> dir()
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']
>>> exec('___NEW_VARIABLE = 666')
>>> dir()
['___NEW_VARIABLE', '__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']

What do you mean by a dynamic initialization of variables?

Here i would like to start with a write-up on dynamic initialization of variables in C++. C++ (but not C) allows you to initialize global variables with non-constant initializers. For e.g.:Foo.cpp#include int alpha(void){return 20;}int i = alpha(); //dynamic intializationint main(){printf(“i = %d”,i);return i;}According to the C/C++ standards global variables should be initialized before entering main(). In the above program, variable ‘i’ should be initialized by return value of function alpha(). Since the return value is not known until the program is actually executed, this is called dynamic initialization of variable.*copied from chetan*

What are stack dynamic variables?

A STACK-DYNAMIC VARIABLE is bound when the declaration statement is executed, and it is deallocated when the procedure returns. Memory for a stack-dynamic variable is allocated from the run-time stack. Stack-dynamics variables allow a developer to implement recursion because each call can received its own set of local variables from the run-time stack; however, stack-dynamics variables also have strong disadvantages. They incur run-time overhead and are not HISTORY SENSITIVE, unable to retain their value between subrountine executions. ALGOL 60 and successor languages use stack-dynamic variables as well as FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 90. Local variables in C and C++ are stack-dynamics variables by default.Source: http://euler.vcsu.edu:7000/1846/Considering C/C++, all variables you get in function calls and those which are local to a functions live in a memory called stack.Still my answer is not complete and I accept it. The best answer that I can think of this are:Stack dynamic: Let me google that for youStack memory : Let me google that for you

What are the analogous dynamical definitions of econophysics?

EP: Analogous Dynamical DefinitionsFinancial potential energy: it describes the interactions traders as well as external economic conditions (competition between NOKIA, ERICSSON), ecological conditions (weather conditions)Financial kinetic energy: the efforts of agents to change price, it does not give the attitude of rapid economic growth as well as recessionFinancial momentum: price momentum variable, the rate of change of prince for a whole number of itemsFinancial force: rate of change of financial momentumPDF file:https://showtime.gre.ac.uk/index...

What is the difference between a static and dynamic variable in C language?

An allocation of a memory is known as variable, means we use variable to store the value.There are 2 types of variableStatic - when variable can't change its value during run time (when program is in running mode means when output window is open) is static variable. In Static variable value assigned directly in a program itself.E.g.int a=313;Dynamic - when variable can change its value during run time (when program is in running mode means when output window is open) is dynamic variable. In dynamic variable value assigned/taken from the user.E.g.int a;cout<<”enter the value of a”;cin>>a;

How can I change the name of a variable in a loop in Python?

Unless there is an overwhelming need to create a mess of variable names, I would just use a dictionary, where you can dynamically create the key names and associate a value to each.a = {}
k = 0
while k < 10:

key = ...

value = ...
a[key] = value
k += 1
There are also some interesting data structures in the new 'collections' module that might be applicable:http://docs.python.org/dev/libra...

What is a dyanamic variable in classical mechanics?

LET’S GO PART BY PART, LIKE JACK THE RIPPER.DYNAMIC, in the sense "pertaining to force producing motion" (the opposite of static), is from French dynamique, introduced by German mathematician Gottfried Leibnitz (1646-1716) in 1691 from Greek dynamikos "powerful," from dynamis "power," by its turn from dynasthai "to be able, to have power, be strong enough," which is of unknown origin. In Classical Mechanics, the word is associated to changes in time.VARIABLE, AS ADJECTIVE: "apt to change, fickle," from Old French variable "various, changeable, fickle," from Late Latin variabilis "changeable," from variare "to change". AS NOUN: "quantity that can vary in value," in mathematical sense of "quantitatively indeterminate".A DYNAMIC VARIABLE is any observable that can be measured. Examples include position and momentum. In Classical Mechanics it is a real-valued function on the set of all possible states of a system.

What is a dynamic model?

Dynamic models are generally models that contain or depend upon an element of time, especially allowing for interactions between variables over time. A separate idea with the same name is models that are updated over time with new data.In the case of Systems Dynamics, we often have variables that are looped. For instance, A affects B affects C affects A. A simple model might have population growth rate (A), population level (B), and food stock (C). In one moment, the food stock must influence the population growth, and the population growth must affect the food stock. Systems Dynamics allows for those complex relationships over continuous time because it iterates using differential equations. Discrete time can also be used, and commonly is in Economics such as cost-benefit analysis.(Your profile suggests you would enjoy Brander and Taylor’s “Simple Economics of Easter Island” as an example of continuous time).Time canOther kinds of models including ones found in econometrics simply have time as another variable, where the year can be used as a predictor for other variables. Time series analysis relies on this.Still other data-driven models can be considered dynamic when the data are regularly updated. This is very different from any other models, because it does not necessarily mean that there is additional interaction between variables—simply that we have a model that adapts (often in real time) to new data automatically. A lot of the American election models did this, running off of polling data as soon as they were released without the modeler's direct influence. Note that the structure of the model is usually the same over time, but factors within it may be trained by the incoming data. Adaptive models, on the other hand, may change their structure without supervision and become dynamic when fed such data. Such is the case for Neural Nets.

Is C++ dynamically typed?

As Pravasi Meet answered here: Pravasi Meet's answer to Is C++ dynamically typed?, C++ is a statically typed language and strongly typed language.I read in the comment to his answer that you can turn C++ into dynamically typed through the auto C++11 keyword!!!That is plainly wrong and absolutely inaccurate.The auto C++11 keyword is used to let the compiler to infer the type of the variable being declared instead of declaring its type explicitly. Once the compiler infers the type of the variable, it cannot be changed at all.So, instead of:vector::const_iterator i = months.find(“August”);
you can writeauto i = months.find(“August”);
but that DOES NOT mean that you can do this later:i = 2; //it does not compile
because i is a vector::const_iterator, no matter if I declared it explicitly or let the compiler to deduce that with auto.