Demotivated/failing School Help

Absolutely no motivation to do school work. :(?

so i have stayed up all night yesterday and i didnt make any progress in my schoolwork like i intended to because i didnt really know what to do. im so far behind and i might need help. :( ive been depressed too. which is kinda why i didnt do my schoolwork in the first place. but i am at school now failing 4 classes and wishing i was a different person who was more social and had a girlfriend before as im 18 already. i have social anxiety. and i still dont have a phone. call me pathetic if you want. im so freaking tired. of life. i just want to may say that i can dig myself out of this hole but how. could i possibly do that. teachers only demotivate me when they complain.

Failing college, no motivation?

It kinda sounds like how I sometimes act...except in mine I'm sure I'm just being really lazy and annoying. You NEED to force yourself to get off the bed. Roll off it if you need to.
Personally, I get motivated when I see others get top scores and I feel like "what's so good about them? I can get those scores too!" or maybe occasionally my parents call me stupid and it's like a wake up call that I need to start working. Another thing is to get burden off my parents. I'd study because I want to go to a good college and make them happy. For you, you can try thinking about the money you're making them pay. You're not "wasting" it. You're wasting it.

Try hiding your laptop, ipod, phone, anything distracting. I sometimes have the ear plugs (no music) just to drown out some of the background noise. DO NOT listen to music when you study. Like I said, maybe put the earphones on but you'll definitely get distracted with music in the background so don't give in if your mind tells you that there's a study that music helps you focus. Often times it doesn't! Especially during places where you have to think like you do in Math and English.

Maybe you don't like your major or perhaps you want to find a hobby? I found art to be really convenient.

I feel unmotivated at university. It's my first semester and I'm failing my classes. What can I do? I study and I was a great student in high school. I just feel so useless.

A quick one.I can think of 3 big reasons:1)  In the first instance, you don't have compelling, inspiring and  overarching long-range goals and objectives, broken down into  short-term, medium-term and long-term  perspectives, and covering all  major life dimensions, especially with  academic pursuit as your top  prority, followed by a systematic game  plan.As a result, you  don't have an end in mind, which you can  hold in your head as an  envisaged vivid image of your ultimate success  achievement, thus serving  as your personal driving force, keeping you  inspired, motivated and  focused on the most important things in your  life.2) You don't understand the "WHY?" you are studying the subjects or set of subjects as laid out in your course curriculum.This can also be the fault of your teacher or lecturer or professor leading the subject matter on the onset.It's   always useful to understand the significance of the subject or set of   subjects you are pursuing, and the contributions they can make in your   life,  and to your future employability and/or career tracking.Know the WHY helps keep you inspired and motivated in the pursuit.3)   You probably don't know the proven efficient and effective studying  strategies available in the marketspace [as well as test/exam prep  strategies] like SQ5R, Cornell Notes, Question  Dissection Protocol, Index Card Strategy,  etc.,  often used by peak  performing students.As a result, you find studying/reading rather burdensome and tough-going.Now, knowing the reasons, what are you going to do about them? The ball is now in your court.I have already written extensively about goal setting and goal achieving as well as academic success strategies on Quora. You can search their archives.

I failed my Maths Test!!! AHH HELP?

I've been a methods tutor for the past 2 years after graduated from year 12 in 2012 with a 46 in Methods. Let me tell you, you're not the only one. Every year at my school at least half of those kids doing year 11 methods drop out because it is a very difficult subject, unlike anything pre methods where the questions are very straight forward and methodical, VCE methods and even Spec for that matter are also very analytical, exam 2 from both subjects murder year 12 students every year.

However since you're in year 10, you're at a different position, you have a lot more time to process things and practise as compared to the year 11s doing Methods. My advice would probably be for you to continue with Methods for the remainder of the year and then see how you go, if you're doing not as well as you hoped, repeat it in year 11 and that way you have a hugeeee advantage compared to the rest of your cohort and those As and A+s won't be as difficult to get! Also at least 60% of the year 12 Methods course material is year 11 work, so by consolidating your year 11 skills you're only putting yourself in an even better position! :)

But in reality the decision is yours and do what you may with it!
Hope that's helpful :)

EDIT: Also this is your first test! Cut yourself some slack! Algebra and Graphs, Logs and Exponentials is a topic that can get very analytical and wordy. You're going to absolutely love Calculus, I can guarantee you! :)

Failing math in college...?

I think you should speak with your teacher and ask her/him if she would be willing to help you throughout the rest of the semester. If she isnt available, most colleges have a tutoring center so try going there. If you put your mind to it you can definitely pass the class, but you have to get yourself into that mind state because if you dont, you will just bring yourself down and it will only be that much harder to find the determination to go for it. So if you really tell yourself you will buckle down and find someone qualified and willing to help you then of course you can. But dont let it get you TOO down, college math isnt the MOST important thing in the world, and there's always next semester for a fresh start! Good Luck!