Depressed Should I Give This Job A Chance

Do you feel depressed after a job interview?

Initially Yes, I used to get depressed whenever I faced rejection.However, over a period of time, I started observing things.Here is a list of things I do after every interview:Create a set of questions I was asked during the interview. I try to do it the same day so as to make sure I don’t forget the stuff.Validate the answers I gave. This is to ensure that I have the correct knowledge, and if not, I have an opportunity to improve myself. This also helps for closing the gap.Check if the same mistakes are done repeatedly. This will only happen if you have a list already created.Based on the interview, I check if I need to update my resume. Is there any refinement required? Is there anything which I have mentioned but I don’t actually know about it?Once this is done, trust me, you will feel a lot better.Moreover, these things will boost your confidence in such a way that you will be able to lead the interviewer on your choice of questions. In that situation, he/she will feel that they are interviewing you, but actually you will make them ask what you know.Keep giving your efforts and don’t worry about the outcome. People who are not trying are not failing, you are failing because you are trying.The more interviews you give, the more comfortable and confident you will become.Treat the interviewer as your friend whom you have not met in a long time. Believe me, it works like charm. Our mind is at ease, and you will come out with flying colors.You can check my other interview related answers:Shubham Goel's answer to In what types of roles does being visibly nervous in your interview hurt your chances of a job offer?Shubham Goel's answer to What should someone learn in order to get an IT job?Shubham Goel's answer to What are the best answers for 'How can we trust you that you wont leave our company as you did to your previous employer'?Shubham Goel's answer to How should I prepare for my first interview?Shubham Goel's answer to What should be the answer if the interviewer says "If I reject you in this interview then what will you do"?Shubham Goel's answer to 3 Uncommon interview Questions to Ask the interviewer?Shubham Goel's answer to What should I reply when an interviewer asks why you want to join our company?Shubham Goel's answer to What is a short and smart answer to "tell me something about yourself"?Shubham Goel's answer to What did you do when you became fed up with job searching? How did you succeed later?Hope it helps.Cheers :D

19 year old male no job and depressed?

Maybe you are aiming too low. Sometimes we think we should do just what others are doing when we actually have hidden talents.Think of yourself as capable! Everyone has a role to play and if you see your own potential and act the part you will then perform.
Dress up good,look smart and take a risk or two.Be prepared that things will not alway fall into place but things will happen if you take some chances.You could go to some employers directly and tell them all about your willingness and they will admire your attitde,and that is what employers are userally most impressed by.Meeting the right person who could help you learn things could be the key.
Think of all the good things about yourself,write them down even,what you have acheived in the past,even little things like scoring a good goal or writing a sound poem tec,or helping someone, and what you would like to acheive in the future.Have big goals and do something every day to work toward achieving them.
You may get some knock backs but NEVER give up! Failure is an attitude, not an outcome.
You have started on the right track by asking for this advise.Hope this is somewhat helpful.
All the best.

I'm so depressed and can't be motivated to do anything?

My son went through a very similar thing as you a couple years ago. I was worried about him, but he soon realized that there were MANY reasons to stay on this earth....for him. He says..(You have to find a reason for yourself to stay.) No one can just say, "this is what you need to live for". This is my son talking, not me. I felt bad, and wanted him to help me answer this for you.

He also says, "The only time you truly lose, is when you give up on something."

Now I want to say, you are a fine young man, in my opinion...and you have a lifetime to figure things out, to find a gf, to get the job you want, to feel better about things. Things dont always come all at once. You WILL have a gf...and you will have more than one. You need to take meds for the depression...I do. And if you are on something, and you still feel depressed, its the wrong med. Just dont give up. No one said life would be easy. Talk to a counselor. Talking is the best thing, dont hold things in...I could sit here and tell you how miserable I am, most of the time, but then I could tell you the greatest times Ive had in my life too, and how its not as bad as I thought it was. I have alot of regrets, and sometimes mistreat my husband, cuz Im so unhappy, most of the time. Ive been suicidal many times and have had a gun to my head. What keeps me on this earth, is my son, and how he needs me, and how I need HIM....and that I actually have it better than most.

I DO know how you feel. Im the youngest of 10, and come from a very bipolar family. I have nothing to do with any of my brothers and sisters, because they have all hurt me, too many times. Ive given up on being close to any of them, BUT, that was a good decision I made. NO MORE DRAMA.

Anyway, please Wiseman...dont give up on yourself. You seem like the nicest guy, and I feel so bad when I hear that you are down. I hope you got your paper done. All I can tell you really, is...things WILL get better. You are young. Give life a chance. I know what you are saying about the supposed God too. I was raised Catholic and now I agree with YOU....if hes real, hes a cruel b*stard. I was very sick for over 8 years and recently was cured, for the most. Thats alot of why my son lost faith in God too. If theres a God, why did he let that happen to me? He took almost 9 years of my life away from me.

Anyway, Im rambling now.....Dont give up Mr. Wise. I like you, and I hate to see you unhappy.

Im 19 years old and depressed?

im 19 years old, i graduated from high school in 2009, i dont know what i want to do with my life.
when i was younger i always had an idea of things i wanted to do now im just lost and stuck and confused. i have not been to any type of schooling since high school i had a job but i got fired. now i feel like im failing at everything, like i have know purpose of life. i cry almost everyday, i pray everyday to god for help me but it seems like nothing is working i filled out over 25 applications and none have responded. i really want to be successful in the future i really want to be doing something other then sitting in the house watching tv. because i know i have the potential. i have very low self esteem so that could be a huge factor on why i am not in school yet. someone please help me? has anyone ever felt this way? what did you do?

Depressed about turning 25 and feel like I am about to have a mental breakdown?

I turn 25 in August and am overwhelmingly depressed about it. There are numerous reasons.

1. I have been dealing with depression for 10 years.

2. Have accomplished absolutely nothing.

3. Never been on a date.

4. Work at a dead end job and because I dropped out of college do to depression there is no chance of that changing.

5. I still live with my parents.

6 I am WAY past my prime.

Back when I was 18 I was the equivalent of a new car. You know how good that car looks right before you take it off the showroom floor, that's as good as it's ever going to look. Pretty soon it gets dents, scratches, and parts start to wear out and before you know it's an old broken down jalopy. That is exactly what I am. I broken down pathetic piece of junk.

What are the chances that chronic depression leads to schizoprenia?

The symptoms of "Though her performance at work are highly erratic. Periods of poor apathetic performance interspersed with periods of high performance." suggest that she is bipolar.

Depressives don't move on to schizophrenia. They move on to suicide.

The danger with medicines is that they give you the energy to do what you need to do. And anyone that says "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" has never battled depression for 17 years. They just don't understand.

She probably needs assistance with affairs of daily living; if you are battling depression, you can't keep the house clean, and if you live in a pig sty, it's even harder to battle depression. If you could come in, straighten things up, do some laundry, cook a few meals, it would really do a long way towards making her life tolerable. Don't just jump in and take over, though; she's already suffering feelings of impotence, and if she feels like you're treating her like an invalid, that will make things worst, so *talk* to her, and ask *permission* to help with those things. (She will feel undeserving, so feel free to plead with her, to be allowed to treat a deserving friend like the friend she is.)

It may be necessary for her to retire on disability. Social Security disability is getting harder and harder to get, but she probably qualifies, if the doctors fill out the forms correctly.

And never underestimate the value of hugs. She's been through hell, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.