Derealization Panic Attacks Bipolar Disorder

I think I have depersonalization disorder??

I started noticing it when I was pre-teen, like 10 or 11, I knew everything was real and that it was happening but I didn't feel like I was experiencing it like I used to. I felt like it was a dream I had no control over, even though I knew I could control my actions I didn't feel like I could. This slowly progressed to get worse, some days I would wake up and know that this thing just got spontaneously worse, and then I would give myself an anxiety attack over it. The worsening of my symptoms usually but not always coincided with me being sick or taking antibiotics. Last summer I had surgery to remove my gallbladder due to gallstones (rare since I was 13 at the time and not obese) and was prescribed vicodin afterwards. Ever since finishing the vicodin and laying around the house for month worrying about healing I've gotten immensely worse in some aspects of it, but more used to the others.

Depersonalization from a bad panic attack?

I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling.
I think you should check out this website called
It’s a very understanding and supportive website that deals with many problems including self-harm, depression, eating disorders (including overeating), addictions (such as drug and alcohol) anxiety (&& panic attacks, including anxiety disorders like OCD), suicide attempts, feelings and thoughts, bullying and abuse (including sexual and emotional abuse), trauma, and general mental health problems such as personality disorders, bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, ect.

You can post about your problems and gain advice and support, it’s full of caring people who are going through the same things as you are in a complete non-judgemental atmosphere, you feel a lot less alone and you don’t get stupid answers or the old ’snap out of it’, ’stop being stupid’ comments you get on Yahoo Answers.

The website also contains lots of information, how to get help, articles to read, fun and distractions, chat (like msn with others who are suffering), Live Help (one-2-one counselling - these people are not trained counsellors, but people who are normal members of the site but go that little bit further to help others), Supporters who can e-mail anytime, day or night to gain emotional support (again not trained professionals).

The site is free, but to in order to have access to everything available on the website you have to sign up, which only takes a few minutes. You don’t have to be a certain age to join (even if you’re 40, you can still sign up, they have a ’veterans corner’ for older members, including advice on topics more relevant to adult life such as university, long term relationships, child-care and employment) The site is open 24/7, all year round.

So please have a look, I think it could really help you - especially if you can’t talk to anyone in ‘real life’ or have no one to turn to.

Hope you feel better soon.

What are the signs for depersonalization and panic disorder?

Panic attacks are the hallmark symptom of panic disorder. If you have been diagnosed with panic disorder, you are well aware of the impact that these attacks can have on your life. These frightening events often occur unexpectedly and are characterized by disturbing physical sensations, such as shortness of breath, shaking, trembling and chest pain.Video source: 60 Second Panic SolutionDepersonalization can also bring up frightening physical sensations, such feelings of numbness and tingling. Others describe the experience as though they are robotic, feeling like they are just going through the motions, or sensing that they are unable to regulate their body.However, depersonalization and derealization can be a sign that you have a more serious mental health disorder, such as depersonalization disorder. Only a qualified mental health provider can give you an appropriate diagnosis and treat your condition. If you have been experiencing these symptoms, seek professional help.


I have horrible derealization!!I never feel like myself and I never feel safe.I always feel alone,even when I'm with someone.Everytime I see a shadow or hear a noise,I freak out!!The only thing that's keeping me knowing I'm alive is my heart beating really fast and loud,otherwise,I would think I was dead.My mom won't take me to the doctors,and tells me "you have to get a hold of it!"but i can't!!I've been like this for 6 months!!I feel like I have no emotion,and that everything I do is fake.My dad is hardly home.I won't eat,because it's like its not even there.I do sometimes,but refuse to other times.What should I do if my parents aren't helping me???

Do i have schizophrenia? or depersonalization disorder? or something else?

Before you diagnose yourself with depression, personality disorders and or low self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes!

How long have you been suffering from Depersonalization disorder?

I’ve had DPD for about 2 or 3 years. At first, I had no idea what was happening— Which, btw, was not helpful at all. I believe it happened when I was cramming for some Science test and my body just kind of shut down. I couldn’t feel anything, and my brain was just… Static. I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not. I started having an extreme melt-down. I cried for hours just to feel something. I sobbed and sobbed but I didn’t feel any emotions at all. I was completely detached. My mother and siblings would come over to ask me what was wrong and to describe how I was feeling… but I couldn’t. I didn’t even know what was happening myself.. I just sat there completely detached from reality.. And when I finally spoke, I snapped at them. It was extremely frustrating— and to add on to that, no one was willing to help me because of my mood. I would lock myself in my room, sit on my bed, and dig my nails into my flesh, grab my hair, desperate to feel something. I’ve even attempted bringing a blade to my arm. It was moments until I tried to make a more rational approach to the situation. I tried explaining how I felt the best I could in a Google Search (which was pretty vague) and DPD/DRS showed up in result. I couldn’t relate to all the symptoms, but most of them. I skipped more than 5 days of school just because I wasn’t physically or mentally prepared. I took my time trying to get my thought-process back on track. However, my little recovery sessions were not much to help. I would still go through many school days of random outbursts and panic attacks. In the end, I don’t remember exactly what I did to gain more control over my DPD. I suppose I simply embraced it instead of trying to avoid it. I also tried paying no attention to it and basically walked it off.I think the hardest thing about the whole experience was not being able to think properly. What DPD did to my mind was terrible. Everything was a blur and I couldn’t think through even the simplest critical-thinking questions (which is terrible because knowledge was everything to me back then—even now). Today, I still have to go through the symptoms of DPD, but it’s a lot easier having more control over my emotions. And I find it a lot easier to think through it. Now I take the topic on more loosely than I have before. It really does add on to my morbid sense of humor.(Btw, please note that I have never smoked weed or drank alcohol in my life— so I actually have no clue where I got it from)

How common is depersonalization disorder? i suffer from anxiety and depression but now i am worrying?

Don't worry too much. Daydreaming is a form of depersonalization, and any of us can do that. When depersonalization is strong, severe, persistent or recurring, it's not normal.

Depersonalization disorder is thought to be caused by severe traumatic lifetime events including childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse; accidents, war, and torture. Your marijuana use may aggravate your condition.

I see depersonalization as a defense mechanism, I know it is for me. It's a way to hide from reality until it can be dealt with. It is not psychosis, not even close. This disorder is often comorbid with anxiety disorders, panic disorders, clinical depression and bipolar disorder. It goes hand in hand with dissociation and derealization,just as you thought. But don't panic. You don't have to live on the edge of panic anymore.

Healing is basically an inside job, and it's hellishly painful. You don't have to do it alone, get a counselor. It will cut your pain and healing time in half. Stay away from negative people, unfamiliar environments and threatening relationships. You need to work on building trust and feeling safe and grounded - centered. Keep friends and family around you and talk

Don't worry it's common to wonder if you're going crazy, or have brain damage,fear of losing control, feel you are working below your ability, and interpersonal troubles since we are disconnected emotionally from the people we care about. We can have short attention, short term memory problems and spatial-temporal reasoning (have trouble with multi-step problems like trying to find solutions to: mathematics, art, games, architecture, engineering and everyday life).

Recovery is just a day at a time. We need comfort, love if you have that, vitamin B-Complex, a multivitamin, intense physical or emotional stimulation, contact with God to know He cares, and to learn to relax and clear the mind. Racing thoughts are disturbing and it takes time to calm them down; prayer and meditation. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening for the answer. Ask Him for help in the morning and thank Him at night. Let go of negative thoughts and replace them with positive thought. Think of what you do have, not what you don'[t have.