Describe Early European Settlement Of The Americas

Describe early european settlement of the americas?

To Joshua: You realize that the Mayflower Pilgrims didn't celebrate Christmas, right?

Relationship between Native Americans and early European settlers?

to my understanding,
the american settlers viewed the native american indians as something to take as theirs, and use to their advantage. The american settlers didn't really think much of the native americans as much as they just ignored their feelings.
The native americans viewed the settlers as bad people. They did not care much for the settlers because the settlers took their land, food, goods, and used them as slaves without a care. The settlers kicked them out of their homes.

What role did religion play in the settlement of the Americas?

Puritans left England because of religious intolerance. Quakers because of religious intolerance in Europe but also with a loftier idea of bringing the knowledge of their god to the native "Devils". Many of the historic writers in early american history were priests, monks, scholars on the adventures with Spanish explorers. In fact much of the history concerning the Trail of tears comes from the sympathetic perspective of the priests and monks devoted to helping the tribesmen.

As for the beginning of settlement, during the same time period in Europe there were several religious wars and schisms within the major churches. The people immigrating to America tended to be the losers in the conflict or victims of religious persecution. Many were also escaping widespread famine and disease caused by the wars. Many of the Spanish courtiers who explored America in hopes of finding wealth or power were also escaping feuds with local catholic leadership which some claim was a way to escape the inquisitions questioners. In fact the inquisition itself continued in the southern Americas for years during spanish colonial rule.

As for religious tolerance consider it this way. In england the country was anglican and for years prior to the colonies the anglicans killed anyone professing to be catholic, and prior to that the catholics killed anyone claiming to be not catholic. There were as many as nine different popes during that time period. In southern France they killed Jewish people and Calvinists along with Hugonauts and pretty much anyone else who wasn't Catholic. In Spain they killed Moors for being Muslim and others for being Jewish. The last of the Crusades was only a hundred years previous. Luther posted his thesis and caused religious wars in germany. Spain was killing greek orthodox, everyone hated Muslims, or jewish people. And the Russian orthodox church was trying to get any none orthodox person evicted from their country.

When you came to America initially the different religious groups stayed away from each other but eventually whole cities thrived with communities that comprised of several religious orders. Many claim the whole Methodist church was started solely because it's leaders were more tolerant than europeans towards those with different beliefs.

Without religious tolerance in America it is very possible that our country would be divided like the German states at the time

Describe the early European exploration of the world. Characterize the nature of early settlement.?

early European explorers were looking for Money
They believed themselves superior to native populations
They wanted to conquer the world for their own glory

How did the Native Americans live before the Europeans came?

A full answer to your question would require an encyclopedia. There were hundreds of tribes and cultural groups, adapted to living everywhere from thick forest to tallgrass prairie to harsh desert. And Native Americans had been in North America for at least 11,000 years and possibly longer—and like all cultures, their cultures changed over time. There’s no way I can write a complete answer here.Here’s what I mean. You ask what type of shelter Native Americans lived in? Well, it looked like this:Reconstructed house, Grand Village of Natchez Indians, MississippiAnd it looked like this:Mesa Verde National Park, ColoradoAnd it looked like this:Reconstructed plank house, Totem Bight State Historical Park, Ketchikan, AlaskaAnd yes, sometimes it looked like this:Painting by George Catlin of Plains Indian tipis around the year 1830But it could also look like this:Traditional Navajo hogans, The Navajo Village, ArizonaAnd there were many more styles of lodging, from Iroquois longhouses to Paiute wikiups, adapted to local climates and built with locally available materials. There were tribes that used portable houses that could be taken down, moved, and set back up (like those tipis). There were also tribes that built cities, or at least city-sized complexes, from Cahokia to Chaco Canyon to Poverty Point to Tenochtitlan.And that should give you some idea of why your question can’t be answered with anything less than an encyclopedia. Tribal cultures, tribal religions, and tribal political structures and relations were all different—and they all varied and changed over the many millennia that humans have lived in North America. (And I haven’t even mentioned South America!)