Diablo 3 On Xbox 360 Leveling My Friend Up Faster

How should I get the Massive Blow achievement in Diablo 3?

Any area where you can group large amounts of enemies together and unleash a powerful AOE attack should work. As the previous answer mentioned, Ruins of Corvus is ideal because of the huge numbers of Scarabs (along with all of Adria’s blood-conjured beasts)- the exact attack will vary by class, but for the Wizard (my preferred class, obviously), Blizzard and Meteor are the best bets.

How can I level up Survivor skills really fast in Dying Light?

Hi! Here is the quickest way to level up your Survivor Rank really fast in Dying Light!

Why are consoles able to run games much faster than computers despite having such worse specs?

It’s as simple as CTRL-ALT-DEL in Windows. Bring up the Task Manager and get a good gander of all the processes and services it’s got going by default on a fresh install. Then you add your own stuff such as after market video and/or sound drivers, mouse drivers, printer drivers, etc. In short, you have a lot of cruft happening in Windows that is simply not necessary on consoles. Consoles have static hardware that doesn’t change and are designed so that games get total control of the hardware after the firmware performs its POST and everything passes inspection. Computer operating systems can never be that generous since it has to reserve enough resources to maintain its own footprint and stability among a plethora of hardware combinations.In some respects, it’s amazing we even HAVE a PC gaming market at all since the video gaming industry cut its own teeth on locked down proprietary hardware that Max Baer cobbled together for the Magnavox Odyssey (which didn’t even have sound) and the most common hardware for both arcades and home consoles during the 1980s and 1990s was the venerable Motorola 68000 and the Z80 …