Did All White People Europeans Come From Greece Because Greece Was The First European Country

Are Turkish people considered middle eastern or european?

I always thought of the Turks to be middle eastern like Arabs, etc. I looked it up & it basically said the country is in the middle of the middle east & europe. So are they a mixture of both? Please explain.. thank you !!!

Why are Western European countries so White?

Millions of years of tribes etc.

I made that last part up myself. – Thumper

Are greek people white?

First you can ask if people who are ethnically Greek White. The answer is yes to a great extent but not completely. Remember that in the history of the world wars were fought amongst diverse people. Countries were occupied by other people. In all these interactions, genetic material from one people were mixed with those of another. That is why you will find people of my ethnic background (Jewish) with blonde hair, or flat faces often resembling Mongolians and all in between. So is the same for ethnic Greeks.

In modern Greece you may have people who have immigrated from Africa, the Middle East, Europe, etc. So if they were born to parents from those countries they would be considered Greek because they were born in the Greece and are citizens at birth.

Why do Northern Euro descent White people claim Rome and Greece when both Romans and Greeks hated them?

We claim them as part of our cultural history. Western thought originated in large part with the Greeks (Romans to a much, much lesser extent), and we live with that still. Even our language has many words with Greek roots.

Vikings were not exactly cruel and diseased. Mostly they were farmers, although they did have their fair share of pirates. But, Northern Europeans do have ancient history, however, finding out about it has been quite difficult. The Greeks had a high culture, and built many things of stone, which still exist. Their writings were also copied over and over again, so we still have the words, albeit not in their original forms (we can actually thank Irish monks during the Dark Ages for much of this). There are some things that are known, but building out of wood, and not having much that survived makes this tricky.

One little fact for you though - it was the Celts that introduced pants to the Romans. The Celts, in turn, adapted Roman dress - eventually ending up with the Scottish (and Irish) kilts. Some ancient trivia for you!

Were the Ancient Greeks and Romans white?

Steve Theodore gave an excellent answer. I would add that a Roman (or Greek for that matter) would not really have understood this question in the sense that it's asked.There were certainly Roman citizens with fair skin (the sun-deprived residents of Londinium) and there were Roman citizens from Africa with very dark skin. But modern racial categories can't be applied to antiquity. The closest Roman categories would be place of origin (Spain versus Africa, for example) and citizenship versus non-citizenship, with citizenship being the most important category by far. Citizenship or slavery in ancient Rome didn't correspond to racial categories.If you mean to ask the more specific question of "were Romans of unmixed Latin descent 'white' in the modern sense derived from 19th century Scientific racism" then sure, I guess you'd consider them to be part of the Mediterranean race, but they were "white" in the same sense as Israelites, Egyptians, and North Africans. I am pretty sure that the Latin people's of Italy wouldn't have considered themselves to be more closely related to a "white" group like the Celts than to North Africans. They certainly thought of themselves of being West Asian in origin, Aeneas having come over from Troy.As far as genetics, you could perhaps link the Latin Romans to the Haplogroup R1b descent group, which is pretty European/white as far as it goes, but also has strong clusters in Africa and Asia. You could also link them to the Haplogroup J-P209, which looks a lot more West Asian/East African. Of course, I would argue that genetics isn't really a great resource of racial identity, since race is made up.Calling an Roman or Greek "white" is like calling Cato a libertarian. I sort of see what you're going for, but the term just doesn't fit.

Are Greek people white or black?

My wife and I were thinking about travelling to Greece, but I first need to know if they are white. I have always thought of Greeks as whites, but after browsing around in this section, it seems to me that Greeks are (at least partly) black sodomites. I would not like to visit such a country filled with such people. Are Greeks really black homosexuals, or is this just some kind of joke?