Did China In Its Lust For Power Miscalculate The World

Did Obama miscalculate the effects of his interference in Ukraine?

Thanks for A2A, Hersh Bortman.>>Did Obama miscalculate the effects of his interference in Ukraine?If we examine this material - The Obama Doctrine - then we might find out that the Obama Ukraine doctrine sounds like this:“…And the notion that somehow Russia is in a stronger position now, in Syria or in Ukraine, than they were before they invaded Ukraine or before he had to deploy military forces to Syria is to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of power in foreign affairs or in the world generally. Real power means you can get what you want without having to exert violence. Russia was much more powerful when Ukraine looked like an independent country but was a kleptocracy that he could pull the strings on.”…The fact is that Ukraine, which is a non-nato country, is going to be vulnerable to military domination by Russia no matter what we do.…But this is an example of where we have to be very clear about what our core interests are and what we are willing to go to war for. And at the end of the day, there’s always going to be some ambiguity. ”So if this “real power doctrine” was realized by USA diplomacy and special forces, then we can see the result - there is no USA military involvement, while there is civil war in Ukraine, Russian Federation is under sanctions and (!) bails out bankrupt Ukrainian economy. So I might say that those results are pretty impressive from tactical point of view in terms of cost/benefits ratio.Yet if we consider the situation strategically someone (in UK, EU, China, Brazil etc.) might say that USA is not really good world leader in XXI century - instead of promoting prosperity and security world-wide it spreads death and poverty. Who can guarantee that after Russian Federation and Ukraine USA would not go after someone else?

When will China become a super power?

Yes and no.Lets start with my definition of superpower:‘ The ability to enforce your interests with complete impunity ‘.China is a demographic superpower clearly.It is becoming an economic superpower too.I think the ‘real’ test for superpower status however, is influence. Can it be a military superpower?North - Russia.South west - IndiaSouth - South East Asia (population of ~600M)East - South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.West - isolated by mountains and the Gobi Desert.Look at what the US competes with:Two perfectly stable neighbours who have little interest or capability in confronting US power.China is surrounded by strong nations each with their own interests. All nations in the region act to limit the power of the other. Where China build an allegiance with Pakistan, India counters this by building relations with Russia and Japan. Its a very natural form of ‘containment’ which the US never faced because it can act with complete impunity in North America. I suspect, this will isolate Chinese power ultimately.Conclusion: China will be a dominant power in a multipolar world, the age of ‘true’ superpowers who can act with impunity is long gone./2cents

US History opinion?

During the European expansion to America, Spain, Portugal, and later England dominated the expansionist movement. Why do you think these countries were able to move so quickly compared to other European powers into the New World, and what motivations did they have to expand?

World war 1?

Well there were many things that caused it,
Long term;
Imperialism - Germany wanted an empire like Britains
Industrial rivalry - Between Germany, Britain and France competing
Arms race - Naval race between Britain and Germany and the munitions race between France and Germany
Alliances - Many alliances had been signed without other countries knowing

Short term;
-The assassination, the Black Hand killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, they were Serbs who wanted to unite Bosnia and Serbia

Effects- Modern warfare and equipment such as tanks and gas meant that old tacticts like charges no longer worked, causing millions to die. Trenches were dug when something called 'stalemate' happened and they could not get further. Many people signed up for the war because there was alot of unemployment thinking the war would be over by Christmas and wanting money! Britain and France owed money to the US who had prospered

Germany was blamed for the war and under the treaty of Versailles was ordered to pat 6600 million gold marks (German currency) in reparations.

Positive effects- Women were respected more, they received the right to vote, US became wealthier

What caused the great depression to lead to world war 2?

The material needs of the British were a tremendous boost to the U.S. manufacturing sector. This huge influx of business was instrumental in helping the U.S. to exit the depression. The Roosevelt administration forced G.B. to pay for everything, there were no "deals" and no freebies. The Axis Powers saw this as unilateral support for their enemy and in turn view the U.S. as an enemy.